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Taking Our Own Advice: Overcoming Barriers to Self-Care

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Presentation on theme: "Taking Our Own Advice: Overcoming Barriers to Self-Care"— Presentation transcript:

1 Taking Our Own Advice: Overcoming Barriers to Self-Care
Matt DiGiandomenico, LPC Jami Alexander, BA Brian Chilcote, LCSW Pam Kasinetz, LCSW

2 Trauma Informed Care and Self-Care
A program that is Trauma Informed: REALIZES the widespread impact of trauma and understands potential paths for recovery RECOGNIZES the signs and symptoms of trauma RESPONDS by fully integrating knowledge about trauma into policies, procedures, and practices Seeks to actively RESIST RE-TRAUMATIZATION

3 Half Moon Bay California

4 Effects of This Work Burnout Compassion Fatigue
Secondary Traumatic Stress Burnout is usually the result of prolonged stress or frustration, resulting in exhaustion of physical strength, emotional strength and/or motivation (Maslach, 2003). Burnout tends to be associated with the workplace, and is often a predictable outcome when the work environment demands a great deal from workers. Burnout is associated with unsupportive management, lack of challenges in the workplace, low salaries, and difficulties in providing client services (Stamm, 1997; Soderfeldt, Soderfeldt & Warg, 1995). “the single largest risk factor for developing professional burnout is human service work in general”. (Newell & MacNeil, 2010, pg 59) Compassion fatigue is an emotional and physical burden created by the trauma of helping others in distress, which leads to a reduced capacity for empathy toward suffering in the future. It evolves from the relationship between veterinarians and their patients or clients STS can lead to workers experiencing trauma themselves, where rumination, flashbacks, physiological responses, fear, dread, or other active symptoms of psychoemotional strain (Bride, 2007) cause interruption in their work (Perkins & Sprang, 2013). STS is a syndrome comprised of symptoms that closely resemble those of posttraumatic stress disorder

5 Combatting Burnout, Compassion Fatigue and Secondary Stress
We have done a better job of talking about the very real effects of this kind of work and generally, people agree this is one thing that we can all do to prevent these things from happening…..

6 Advice Feedback Eat Heathy Meals Sleep 8 hours Exercise Others?

7 Barriers to Self- Care? Ask participants: Listen for organizational, cultural and individual barriers.

8 Life Gets in the Way…. And
This is where most people will go.. All true but challenge people to think about other factors.

9 Organizational Expectations
What are the messages organizations are sending? Self-Care is Important BUT.. Higher expectations with less resources Use of vacation and personal time Overachievement is valued Expectations around and after hours availability Productivity and Paperwork Performance based supervision Self-Care is NOT blaming the individual or discounting an organization’s responsibility.  Promoting organizational wellness is imperative

10 Cultural Expectations
In America, it is a common belief that hard work = success. There is more to it than that (not = for everyone) however we are not arguing against the value of hard work. We are challenging how the internalization of that message affects our willingness to care for self when it is a choice between work and self. Searching for both/and.. Work hard and take care of self.

11 Individual Expectations and Beliefs
Examining our own Beliefs about work and slowing down Examining our beliefs about the importance of self-care vs work tasks Guilt Fear of looking dispensable Fear of disappointing or letting down your team We like being caregivers Other people’s needs are more important The average U.S. worker leaves almost half of his or her vacation days on the table. In fact, Americans who earn vacation days wasted a record-setting 658 million of those vacation days last yea Employees also worry that stepping away will make them look dispensable

12 Integration of Self-Care into Organizational Cultures

13 Self-Care As an Organizational Implementation
Sanctuary Model Check-in Staff Safety Plan Trauma Informed Reflective supervision Self-Care Incentives Policies related to off hours expectations Designate a staff to oversee self-care initiatives Incorporation of self-care to meetings Same as implementing a new policy, best practice or evidenced practice. Needs to stick!

14 Self-Care As an Organizational Implementation
Podcasts/Apps for Mindfulness and Grounding Techniques Scheduling Self-Care time Wellness Committees with representation from all levels Self-Care tips on screen after log in Welcome baskets for new hires Creating Communities of Practice: Together we’re Better Sharing ideas and successes with other departments in your agency and outside your agency

15 The CTI Experience Systemic approach to move self care from a concept to a sustainable practice: Weekly team meetings- led by self-care activity Hero of the month-with trophy Publicizing personal goals- supportive way of holding each accountable (examples) Predictable supervision Starting supervision meetings with check-ins/tuning in Team retreats

16 The CTI Experience Systemic approach to move self care from a concept to a sustainable practice: Establishing shared methods to manage stress in work environment Providing ownership opportunities for team members Publicizing personal goals- supportive way of holding each accountable (examples) Frequent informal check-ins Creating opportunities for laughter/fun Establishing self-reflection, tuning in and self care as a cultural norm

17 The CTI Experience-How did we get here?
Observation Concern Take Risks Follow-through

18 The CTI Experience-What has been achieved?
Return on investment Leadership perspective Team member perspective Other testimonial (s)

19 Benefits of Self Care Compassion Satisfaction Job Satisfaction
Less Turnover Better Client Engagement Purposefulness Resiliency

20 Matt DiGiandomenico, LPC Matthew. DiGiandomenico@rhd
Matt DiGiandomenico, LPC Jami Alexander, BA Brian Chilcote, LCSW Pam Kasinetz, LCSW

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