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The Beginning of the Lifecycle

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1 The Beginning of the Lifecycle
Chapter 20 Lessons 1-2 Target Audience: College Undergraduates Presenters: Marisa Henry, Amanda Lutchman, Brittany Hacker, Ellenor May, Brandi Roberts, Sarah Shine

2 Fertilization Gamete: Male: sperm (spermatozoa)
Female: egg cell (oocyte) Fertilization: The process of combining the sperm and egg cell, forming a . . . Zygote!

3 Ovulation and Ejaculation
Woman: are born with all egg cells Ovulation: 1 egg is released monthly (usually) Men: produce new sperm cells regularly Ejaculation: Up to 300 million sperm released. Can occur multiple times a day

4 Optimal Conditions Lifespan: Egg cell: 24-48 hours
Sperm cell: 3-5 days Pregnancy can occur with unprotected sex 4-5 days prior to ovulation 1-2 days after ovulation **** That means up to 7 fertile days ****

5 Abnormal occurrences Twins Fraternal- 2 eggs fertilized at same time
Identical- egg splits after fertilization Ectopic Pregnancy Egg is fertilized and develops outside of the uterus

6 Prenatal Care: Mother & Baby

7 Graph & Statistical Data

8 What is Prenatal Care? Prenatal Care is the care given to a woman during her pregnancy by a doctor, midwife, or other health care professional It helps monitor the health of both mother and baby throughout the pregnancy

9 What does prenatal care involve?
Prenatal care: visits to the doctor monthly and then week by week closer to delivery time. A typical schedule is: Weeks 4-28 (1 visit a month, every 4 weeks). Weeks (2 visits a month, every 2-3 weeks). Weeks 36-birth (1 visit a week). Various tests and health screenings

10 Trimester Growth

11 First Trimester First 12 weeks
Embryo grows to form placenta, which receives nutrients Heartbeat by 25th day Fetus develops all major organs Fetus takes recognizable human shape Fetus is ~3 inches

12 Second Trimester Weeks 13-28 Placenta is fully functioning
Fetus is making insulin and urinating Teeth are formed inside gums Reproductive organs are recognized Movement of fetus can be felt Fetus is ~13 inches

13 Third Trimester Week 29 – Delivery (~week 40)
Fetus has improved brain, eye, and muscle function At 40 weeks, fetus weighs between ~6-9 lbs.

14 Complications of Pregnancy

15 Complications of Pregnancy
Bleeding bleeding that occurs in the second and third trimester of pregnancy can often be a sign of a possible complication Miscarriage Vaginal bleeding Cramping pain felt low in the stomach Tissue passing through the vagina

16 Complications Contd. Ectopic Pregnancies Preeclampsia
Pregnancies that implant somewhere outside the uterus. Signs of Ectopic Pregnancies Preeclampsia a condition of high blood pressure during pregnancy. The exact cause of preeclampsia is unknown

17 Complications Contd. Low Birth Weight Preterm Labor
Caused by poor nutrition, substance use Can be an effect of a STD, contagious diseases, or no pre-natal care. Preterm Labor Delivery of baby before full-term (37 weeks). Bed rest and medications are necessary

18 Genes & Genetic Disorders

19 Genes Region of the DNA that controls heredity characteristics.
Dominate Genes Recessive Genes Gender Genes XX-Female XY-Male

20 Genetic Disorders: Mutations and Abnormalities
Sickle Cell Anemia- abnormally shaped red blood cells Phenylketonuria- a genetic disorder that is characterized by an inability of the body to utilize the essential amino acid, phenylalanine Tay-Sachs disease- when the body lacks the protein, hexosaminidase

21 Genetic Disorders Contd.
Cystic Fibrosis- a disease that affects the entire body, causing progressive disability and early death Down Syndrome- a disease caused by an extra 21st chromosome.

22 ** Identify Genetic Disorders **
Amniocentesis- Needle is inserted into the amniotic fluid to examine the chromosomes and determine the sex of the child. Ultrasound- determines the position of the fetus and determine the number of fetuses Chorionic villi sampling-Test in which a small piece of membrane is removed from the chorion and is examined for possible genetic defects

23 Genetic Counseling The process of preventing genetic disorder and birth defects by identifying carriers. Producing programs to deal with genetic disorders and birth defects Helping families of children with genetic disorders determine possible treatment options.

24 The Birthing Process Time leading up to the normal birthing process is about 38 weeks- from conception to birth There are 4 stages of labor: Stage 1- Onset of Labor to Full Cervix Dilation: - Regular uterine contractions with cervix dilation - Full cervix dilation is approximately 4 inches

25 The Birthing Process Contd.
Stage 2- Full Cervix Dilation to Delivery of Baby - Uterine contractions strengthen - The mother will feel the need to bear down and push - Baby goes through a series of movements (there is a first sign of the baby’s head) - This stage usually takes 15 to 50 minutes

26 The Birthing Process Contd.
Stage 3- Delivery of Baby to Expulsion of Placenta - If the placenta does not come out easily then gentle uterine massage is performed Stage 4- Expulsion of Placenta to Afterbirth Recovery - The mother is monitored for any other complications

27 Let's Play Bingo!

28 Community Resources SHANDS Planned Parenthood

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