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Presentation on theme: "Islam."— Presentation transcript:

1 Islam

2 Islam 1.3 billion Muslims World Wide 2-5 million in US
Worlds second largest religion

3 Rise of Islam Prophet Muhammad Medina, Mecca Holy Sites
Through conquest take middle east

4 Rise of Islam Caliph- successor
First 4 were the rightly guided successors Each Caliph expanded Empire

5 Umayyad and Abbasids Spread Islam Empire North Africa and Middle East

6 Early Islam Society Politics and Religion Intertwined
Caliph Religious and political leader Non-Muslims were taxed (not tortured) Diverse society

7 Islam the Religion Allah is Arabic for God
Same god as Christians, Jews Qur’an Shara Law not necessarily Muslim law

8 Islam the Religion Jihad- spiritual struggle or striving to become a better Muslim Forbids suicide Women retain property when married Polygamy is permitted (up to 4), not encouraged No alcohol or pork

9 Five Pillars of Islam No god but God, Muhammad is his prophet
Ritual Prayers 5 times a day Month long Fast during month of Ramadan Alms giving, non poor Muslims give to poor Pilgrimage to Mecca once in their life

10 The Kaaba

11 The Black stone…

12 Fight over successor Who would become the Caliph?
Caliph- means successor








20 ISIS Islamic State of Iraq and Syria Extremists
Trying to go back to “good ol days” Attempting to create a Caliphate again

21 ISIS Hated by most in the region Have destroyed ancient ruins
Been used as an excuse in Syria

22 Terrorism Chances of dying in a terrorist attack very low


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