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Purpose: To understand how new military tactics and weaponry enabled Phillip II of Macedonia to conquer Greece.

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Presentation on theme: "Purpose: To understand how new military tactics and weaponry enabled Phillip II of Macedonia to conquer Greece."— Presentation transcript:

1 Purpose: To understand how new military tactics and weaponry enabled Phillip II of Macedonia to conquer Greece.

2 Warfare Technology in Ancient Greece
Your Name Here

3 Directions – use these website links to complete the attached slides
Directions – use these website links to complete the attached slides. You may also search Google images for pictures.

4 Gastraphetes – “Belly Bows”

5 Oxybeles – “Bolt Shooters”

6 The Ballista – Torsion Devices

7 Battering Ram

8 What’s Phillip of Macedonia got to do with this?

9 Contrast the Types of Military
Greece Macedonia

10 Sources

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