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FAPE Automation Pilot Phase 1
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Table of Contents FAPE Automation: Overview
FAPE Outcome: Parent/Student Agrees to All Components of IEP FAPE Outcome: Agrees with EXEPTIONS to Services: ● Scenario 1: Disagrees with a Service Previously Not Offered. ● Scenario 2: Disagrees with Removing/Ending a Previously Offered Service. FAPE Outcome: Does not agree with any of the components of the IEP FAPE Automation For IEPs Created Before April 3, 2017 Service Record Provider Assignment New FAPE Automation Access to Goal Pages from Service Record Melissa
FAPE Automation FAPE Automation is a Welligent function that will automatically create and/or inactivate Service Records upon an IEP Status becoming Active Activating the IEP will create the new Service Records for any services agreed to on FAPE Part 2. Including, Additional Weeks and Compensatory time. It will create an ESY Service Record but it will be left Inactive until student starts ESY. It will Inactivate old Service Records which are renewed or dropped. It will NOT Inactivate Additional Weeks and Compensatory time. This must be done manually once it is fulfilled. NOTE: RSP providers generally do not create future events, they use Daily/ Weekly Services Data Entry to enter scheduled time. Amendment IEPs will create new Service Records, and will copy all future pending events to the new Service Record only if Interval and Interval Minutes (Duration) are the same on the Amendment as the original IEP. Lilia The following Presentation will cover the 3 possible FAPE outcomes and how they are affected with FAPE Automation: Parent / Student agrees to all components of the IEP Parent / Student agrees with EXCEPTIONS to Services Parent / Student does not agree with any components of the IEP.
Service Providers Update New Service Records
IEP Process Overview IEP Team Meeting is held IEP is locked and Pending (1st lock) Print IEP for parent/student 18-21 Parent/Student writes in their decision, and signs page 10 District time stamps the completed page 10 and transcribes parents decision and comments into Welligent IEP is locked with the date the District received page 10 signed (2nd lock) FAPE Automation triggers a one-time creation of Service Records agreed to on FAPE Part 2 Service Providers Update New Service Records IF applicable, Service Providers clear out end date of any Stay Put Service Records FAPE Automation Process Overview
FAPE Outcome: Parent/Student 18-21 Agrees to All Components of IEP
Parent/Student 18-21 Agrees to All Components of IEP
Lock the PENDING IEP The IEP Team meeting is held. Mark the IEP Meeting Screen Completed. Enter the Date of IEP Meeting (first lock) and click Save. The IEP is now in Pending Status. Print the IEP for the parent. After Page 10 is returned, completed and signed, update the parent/student decision to show Agrees to all components of the IEP. Enter any Parent Concerns and Comments written on the page. Click Save/Close and OK. At the Meeting Screen, enter the date the District received the Parent Signature on page 10 (2nd lock) and Click Save and Ok. The IEP is now in Active status triggering FAPE Automation. In this example, all services were agreed to. Therefore, new Service Records will now be created through FAPE Automation and the previous ones will be Inactivated.
Service Records Service Records are found under Services in the Record Navigator . Activating the IEP will create the new Service Records for any services agreed to on FAPE Part 2. In this example, FAPE Automation has created the service(s) that the parent consented to. In this example, parent consented to both RSP- Math and RSP – Literacy\ELA\ELD services. The Service is RSP. The Status is Active. The Start Date will be the date the District received the parent signature. The system auto assigns the Provider to match the Classroom Management RSP teacher that the student is assign to. Service applies to prepopulates from Service prescribed on FAPE Part2 FAPE Automation will inactivate IEP Service Records that existed for the Regular School Year prior to the Activating of the new IEP for the same Service and Setting. To search/view any Inactive Service Record: Select Inactive for the Service Status. Click Search .
Case Carrier Updates Service Details on New Service Record(s)
The new Service Records need to be Updated. Click the Edit button to open the first Service Record. Automated Service Records will indicate the system created them at the top in red. The Duration From date (start date) will be the date entered on the Meeting Screen for Parent Signature. This date will indicate when services begin. The date entered on the meeting should be the date the District received the Parent Signature on page 10 and not necessarily the date the parent indicated on the page. Each Service Record must be updated with Frequency, Time and Setting. A new line appears on the grid called IEP Service Prescription with the data from FAPE Part 2 of the IEP. In this Example the RSP Teacher (Case Carrier) will complete the Individual Direct Service line with: Frequency = 5 times Weekly Time= 20 min per Session Setting: Inside the of General Education. Click Save. If a service area requires 2 settings, you must manually create the 2nd Service Record. FAPE Automation will only create one Service Record per service area on the IEP. Update the automated Service Record with either Outside Gen Ed or Inside Gen Ed setting and manually create the other one with the New button on Services. You will need to update all automated Service Records.
Additional Information on Service Records
Activating the IEP will create the new Service Records for any services agreed to on FAPE Part 2. This is an example where RSP for RSY is offered, with Compensatory Time, Additional Weeks and PUC for ESY, and all services were agreed to. Since ESY has a Future Effective Date , the Service Record is in Inactive Status until they enroll in ESY. Effective on Signature: FAPE Automation will create Active Service Records for any Services that have the start date as Effective on Parent Signature date. If the previous Service Record was created with FAPE Automation it will Automatically be Inactivated. Tracking should be up to date before this occurs. Additional Weeks and Compensatory Time: FAPE Automation will create Active Service Records for Additional Weeks and Compensatory time, but will not inactivate them. The inactivation will continue to be done manually. Effective with Future Changes: Service Records for Effective with Future Changes will be created by FAPE Automation, but will be listed as Inactive. The Service Record will automatically activate when Effective Start Date begins. . A Welligent will be sent to the provider to alert them of the activation. End Dates: Once the Service Record reaches the End Date as specified on the IEP Services/FAPE Part2, it will be automatically inactivated. The primary provider will receive an notification 15 days before the record becomes inactive with a reminder to complete documentation before the service End Date is reached. ESY: FAPE Automation will create future ESY Service Record(s) and will list them as Inactive. The ESY Service Record will automatically Activate only if the student enrolls in ESY. Amendments: FAPE Automation will create all new Service Record(s) for an Amendment IEP with the Start Date that reflects the date the District received the parent signature. The Service Records from the Amended IEP will become inactive with the End Date one day before the date the District received the parent signature on the Amendment IEP. To search for an Inactive Service Record: Change the Service Status selection to Blank (for all) or Inactive . Click Search
Agrees with EXEPTIONS to Services: Scenario 1: Disagrees with a Service Previously Not Offered.
Parent/Student 18-21 AGREES to all components of the proposed IEP WITH THE SPECIFIC EXCEPTION(S) :
Scenario 1: The Parent/Student (18-21) AGREES to all components of the proposed IEP WITH THE SPECIFIC EXCEPTION: to a new service added fro RSP – Literacy/ELA/ELD. The parent disagrees with the new service but wants to continue with the Math services he is currently receiving. Lock the PENDING IEP The IEP Team meeting is held. Mark the IEP Meeting Screen Completed. Enter the Date of IEP Meeting (first lock) and click Save. The IEP is now in Pending Status. Print the IEP for the parent. After Page 10 is returned, completed and signed, and the parents/student does not agree with Services, update the decision to show Agrees to all components of the IEP WITH THE SPECIFIC EXCEPTION. Check the box for Services. An alert message for the Services Override module will display when Services check box is selected. Read the alert message and click on OK. NOTE: If an IEP was created before April 3, 2017, the pop-up alert on Step 3 will not open. See Section V. FAPE Automation For IEPs Created Before April 3, of this presentation to use Services Override. The FAPE Automation Service(s) Disagreement Details screen displays with an Implement Service Offer button. If clicked Service Records will be created for all offered services on FAPE Part 2. Click the No Consent box for any Services the parent disagrees with. Click Save/Close and OK. Manually enter what Specified Services the parent disagreed with. Click Save/Close and OK. When a parent disagrees with services on page 10, a warning displays on the IEP Meeting screen with a red exclamation point. Enter the date the District received the signed page 10 in the Parent Signature Date field(2nd lock) and click Save. The IEP is now in Active- Partial Service status triggering FAPE Automation. In this example, only RSP Math was agreed to. Therefore, one new Service Record will be created through FAPE Automation. Once the IEP is Active the FAPE Summary Grid page will display “--“ under the No Consent column for the services agreed to and will display an “X” on those with no Consent. Ensure that you PRINT this modified page and give it to the Parent.
Case Carrier Updates Service Details on the New Service Record
Service Records Activating the IEP will create the new Service Records for any services agreed to on FAPE Part 2. In Scenario 1, FAPE Automation only created the service(s) that the parent consents to. In this example, parent only consented to the RSP-Math service. Case Carrier Updates Service Details on the New Service Record The Provider would then update service details on the new Service Record. The new Service Records need to be Updated. Click the Edit button to open the first Service Record Automated Service Records will indicate the system created them at the top in red. The Duration From date (start date) will be the date entered on the Meeting Screen for Parent Signature. This date will indicate when services begin. The date entered on the meeting should be the date the District received the Parent Signature on page 10 and not necessarily the date the parent indicated on the page. Each Service Record must be updated with Frequency, Time and Setting.
Agrees with EXEPTIONS to Services: Scenario 2: Disagrees with Removing/Ending a Previously Offered Service.
Parent/Student 18-21 AGREES to all components of the proposed IEP WITH THE SPECIFIC EXCEPTION(S) :
Scenario 2: The Parent/Student (18-21) AGREES to all components of the proposed IEP WITH THE SPECIFIC EXCEPTION: The removal of the service for RSP-Literacy/ELA/ELD from the previous IEP. RSP-Literacy/ELA/ELD will remain Stay Put. Lock the PENDING IEP The IEP Team meeting is held. Mark the IEP Meeting Screen Completed. Enter the Date of IEP Meeting (first lock) and click Save. The IEP is now in Pending Status. Print the IEP for the parent. After Page 10 is returned, completed and signed, and the parents/student does not agree with Services, update the decision to show Agrees to all components of the IEP WITH THE SPECIFIC EXCEPTION. Check the box for Services. An alert message for the Services Override module will display when Services check box is selected. Read the alert message and click OK. NOTE: If an IEP was created before April 3, 2017, the pop-up alert on Step 3 will not open. See Section V. FAPE Automation For IEPs Created Before April 3, 2017 of this presentation to use Services Override. The FAPE Automation Service(s) Disagreement Details screen displays in 2 parts. Here is where you indicate if the disagreement is with Proposed Services, the Last Agreed to Services the student is currently receiving or both. Part 1: The Implement Service Offer answers if the parent agrees or disagrees with the Proposed Services from this IEP(top section). Click the Implement Services Offer to indicate the parent agrees to LAS and the Service Record automated. If not selected a yellow triangle edit will appear on the meeting screen. This will indicate the disagreement is not with proposed services but last offered. Part 2: The Last Agreed to and Implemented Services. In this example the parent disagrees with the ending of RSP-Language Arts from the last IEP. It was not offered on this IEP. Select the Service you want to remain as Stay Put, otherwise it will inactivate. Click the No Consent box for any Services the parent disagrees to end. Click Save/Close and OK. Type in what Specified Services the parent disagreed with on page 10. Click Save/Close and OK. When a parent disagrees with services on page 10, a warning displays on the IEP Meeting screen with a red exclamation point. Enter the date the District received the signed page 10 in the Parent Signature Date field(2nd lock) and click Save. The IEP is now in Active- Partial Service status triggering FAPE Automation. In this example, only RSP Math was agreed to. Therefore, one new Service Record will be created through FAPE Automation. Once the IEP is Active the FAPE Summary Grid page will display “--“ under the No Consent column for the services agreed to and will display an “X” on those with no Consent. Ensure that you PRINT this modified page and give it to the Parent.
Case Carrier Updates Service Details on Service Record(s)
Activating the IEP will create the new Service Records for any services agreed to on FAPE Part 2. In Scenario 2: The parent agreed to adding LAS. Therefore, the new Service Record was created for LAS and the previous ELA remained Active as Stay Put to continue services. Case Carrier Updates Service Details on Service Record(s) The Provider would then update service details on the new Service Record for LAS, as shown earlier. The Duration From date (start date) will be the date entered on the Meeting Screen for Parent Signature. This date will indicate when services begin. They must be update the Frequency, Time and Setting. STAY PUT Service Record: The Provider would ALSO update the unchanged service details on the previous/Stay Put Service Records. In this example, the RSP Literacy became the Stay Put Service Record because the parent disagreed to ending RSP. Click on the Edit button to open the existing RSP Service Record. The Stay Put Service Record will have a Check at the bottom indicating Stay Put. Ensure that the “To” date (end date) is blank. If date has past you will not see it on your Daily/Weekly Service Data Entry screen to enter your time. Update Setting to the new code. The Area may say Error, update the Area with the new code. Click Save. NOTE: When the NEXT IEP is Activated the system will ignore any Service Record with the Stay Put check. If this service is no longer needed at that time, the user will have to manually remove the check, and Inactive it.
Does not agree with any of the components of the IEP
Does not agree with any of the components of the IEP
Lock the PENDING IEP – No Consent FAPE Automation The IEP Team meeting is held. Mark the IEP Meeting Screen Completed. Enter the Date of IEP Meeting (first lock) and click Save. The IEP is now in Pending Status. Print the IEP for the parent. After Page 10 is returned completed and signed, update the parent/student decision to show DOES NOT AGREE with any components of the proposed IEP Enter any Parent Concerns and Comments written on the page. Enter any Parent Concerns and Comments written on the page. Click Save/Close and OK. When there is a disagreement with Services on page 10, the Meeting Screen will indicate that at the top with a red exclamation point. Enter the date the District received the signed page 10 in the Parent Signature Date field(2nd lock) and click Save. The IEP is now Inactive. The entire IEP was not agreed to. Therefore, no changes will be made. In this example, the student currently has RSP ELA and Math. Since the parent disagrees to the entire IEP the previous IEP remains Stay Put and any Service Records remain unchanged. Do not mark the Service Records with Stay Put, however you may have to remove the “To” (end) date if it was entered to continue tracking.
Case Carrier Updates Service Details
Service Records When No components of the IEP are agreed to the IEP will become Inactive upon locking. The previous IEP and existing Service Records will remain Active . In this example, the parent did not agreed to any of the proposed service changes. The student was already receiving services so the Service Provider will continue using the previous Service Records. Case Carrier Updates Service Details The Provider needs to update the service details on the previous Service Record(s). In this example, both RSP Service Records have remained Active and unchanged, since the parent/student did not agree to anything on the new IEP. The Service Records from the previous IEP will display. Unless they have expired because of an end date that needs to be cleared. If it already expired and Inactivated, you will have to search for it under the Inactive or blank selection for Service Status in Services. Activate it, and clear out the “To” field(end date). Click the Edit button to open the first Service Record. Click in the Date box for the “To” date. An “X” will appear. Click the “X” to clear the date. Ensure that the Setting is up to date. The Area may have an error, fix it if it does. Ensure the check for Included in the IEP checked. Do NOT click Stay put at the bottom. That is only when a NEW IEP is keeping an previous service. Click Save.
FAPE Automation For IEPs Created Before April 3, 2017
If an IEP was created before April 3, 2017, it will not have the new Page 10 which will activate the pop-up if the parent disagrees with services. The new pop-up will have to be accessed through the Services Override button which is located inside the Services module. Follow the steps outlined below to access the Services Override button to indicate parent disagreement to offered services and/or to correct the error on the Meeting Screen “Disagreement is indicated on Page 10 but the services have not been selected ” How to clear the Disagreement yellow triangle edit on the meeting screen: Go to the Services module. Click on Services. Click Services Override to access the FAPE Automation Service(s) Disagreement Details pop-up to document the parent disagreement details. Document which services the parent disagrees with. If the parent disagrees with just PROPOSED SERVICES or both PROPOSED AND LAST AGREED TO SERVICES click Save/Close. If the parent disagrees with ONLY with LAST AGREED TO SERVICES click Implement Services Offer and then click Save/Close. Selecting the appropriate button will avoid/correct the error message on the meeting screen.
Service Record Provider Assignment
. RSP Teachers will be automatically assigned to the Service Record IF they are assigned as the Primary teacher for that child’s class in Classroom Management (See your Administrative/Clerical staff). Otherwise it will be left blank and the teacher must assign it to themselves. If the Service Record was not automatically assigned to the teacher, they must assign themselves as the Primary Provider. Click on the 3 dot button for Primary Provider. The Service Assignment Wizard will open with a popup list of users for that Service Location. Find the providers name. and select the radio button. Click Save.
New FAPE Automation Access to Goal Pages from Service Record
Use Service Record to Update Grades on Goal Page 5 Service Records created by FAPE Automation have a new tab at the top called IEP Goal Documents. This is similar to the IEP tab but isolates the Goal pages for easy access when updating progress marks each quarter. From the Service Details screen in the Service Record click on IEP Goal Documents tab. All goals from the attached IEP will display. Click on the Goal page you want to update. Scroll down to the IEP Report of Progress and Achievement to enter Marks. Click Save.
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