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Course Selection Meetings

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1 Course Selection Meetings
West High School Course Selection Meetings

2 Graduation Plans

3 Welcome OUR GOALS: Prepare you and your student for high school by:
Providing information on HB 5 requirements of the graduation plan for all current high school students Sharing information on graduation requirements so that family discussions on Endorsements can begin Sharing important dates and upcoming activities. Students will enter under the new 26 credit Foundation Graduation Plan with an Endorsement . Here are OCISD goals for our students entering High School in 2014 as a 9th grader.

4 What is the purpose of HB 5?
Simply, to give students a more relevant chance of college entrance, career recognition goals, and allowing the student to make those course selections with their parents and the school so they can better prepare for a career. Students will enter under the new 26 credit Foundation Graduation Plan with an Endorsement . Here are OCISD goals for our students entering High School in 2014 as a 9th grader.

5 Graduation Requirements of HB 5
#1 College or Post Secondary Readiness

6 College Readiness College readiness can be defined as the level of preparation necessary for students to enroll and succeed—without remediation—in entry-level, credit bearing, general education courses.

7 New Graduation Requirements of HB 5
#2 Career Readiness

8 Career Readiness Career readiness involves three major skill areas:
Core academic skills and the ability to apply those skills in the workplace Employability skills such as critical thinking and responsibility that are essential to all career areas Technical, job-specific skills related to a specific career pathway that offer family-sustaining wages and opportunities for advancement.

9 Foundation Graduation Plan All students will take all courses in The Foundation Plan
22 Credits English Language Arts 4 Mathematics 3 Science Social Studies PE or PE Substitute 1 Fine Arts Foreign Language (LOTE) 2 Electives (electives earned will count towards the student’s endorsement) 5 TOTAL CREDITS 22

10 FHSP with Endorsements
With Endorsements require 26 credits for graduation, including: 4th Math credit 4th Science Credit 4 additional elective credits in a coherent sequences within the endorsement

11 Endorsements Foundation 22 + ( 1 Adv Math + 1 Adv Science)
2 CTE Endorsements = 26 credits Core Subjects Foundation Plan Additional Credits needed for Endorsement English Language Arts 4 Any CTE credits Math 3 1 advanced MATH Science 1 advanced SCIENCE Social Studies Advanced classes prepare a student for college, career, more grade points toward your GPA, & possible credits through AP exams and Dual Credit classes 4 CTE Courses Foreign Language 2 Fine Arts 1 Physical Education Electives 5 CREDITS FOR GRADUATION 22 TOTAL CREDITS FOR GRADUATION 26

12 Endorsements Arts and Humanities Business and Industry
STEM (Science-Technology-Engineering-Math) Public Services Multidisciplinary Studies

13 Arts and Humanities Courses related to: Political Science
Cultural Studies English Literature History Fine Arts World Languages Arts Administration, Advertising & Publication, Fashion Design, Interior Design, Performing Arts, Book editor, Curator, Graphic Designer, Music Director, Photographer, Musician, Creative Director, Editor, News industry

14 Business and Industry Courses related to: Accounting Marketing
Agricultural Science Graphic Design Welding Automotive Technology Finance Construction Accountant, Business Administration, Forestry, Human Resources, Mortgage Broker, Office Manager, Paralegal, Recruiter, Court Clerks, Court Reporters, Data Entry, Legal Secretaries, Insurance Claims, Public Relations, Medical Sec, Computer Programmers, Auditors, Payroll Clerks

15 STEM Courses Related to: Technology Computer Science Biotechnology
Environmental Science Engineering Bio-Technology, Computer Science, Engineering, Pre-Professional Health, Researcher, Software Developer, Dental, Occupation Therapist, Fitness Trainers, Data Analyst, Construction, Transportation, Aerospace, Advanced manufacturing, Veterinarians, Financial Examiners STEM will require students to successfully complete Algebra II and Biology, Chemistry, and Physics.

16 Public Services Courses related to: Health science occupations
Law enforcement Culinary arts and hospitality Education & training Clergy, Corrections Officer, Federal man Relations, Nursing, Social Worker, Teacher, Hospital Administrator, Director Nursing, Nonprofit organization, Communications, Nutritionist, Physician Assistant, Human Resources, Public Relations, Financial Manager, Risk Management, Claims Examiner

17 Multidisciplinary Studies
Etc. STEM Public Service Arts and Humanities Business and Industry Allows a student to select courses from the curriculum of each endorsement area and earn credits in a variety of advanced courses from multiple content areas sufficient to complete the distinguished level of achievement.

18 Things to remember when making course selections…

19 Take classes seriously
Make a plan of career goals, including college requirements Challenge yourself academically Develop good study habits Be serious about your grades Explore your reasons for going to college Get involved in community activities and school clubs Develop a college graduation plan with your counselor and parents Start a file at home and keep report cards, test scores, awards and community service hours.

West High School Course Catalog

21 Course Sequences: Core Classes or Requires Classes
ENGLISH/LANG. ARTS 6th Grade 7th Grade 8th Grade 9th 10th 11th Grade 12th Regular Track: RDG/Writing X 2 English I English II English III English IV Advanced Track: Adv. English I Adv. English II AP/DC English III AP/DC English IV MATHEMATICS Regular Track 1: 6th Gr Math 7th Gr Math 8th Gr Math Algebra I Geometry Math Models Algebra II Regular Track 2: Pre-Calculus/Algebra III Adv. Geometry Adv. Algebra II DC Pre-Calculus DC Statistics/DC Cal SCIENCE 6th Gr Science 7th Gr Science 8th Gr Science Biology Chemistry Physics Anatomy & Physiology or Environmental Science IPC Physics / Engineering Design (EDD) Adv. Biology Adv. Chemistry Adv. Physics DC Biology /AP Chemistry/ Engineering Design (EDD) SOCIAL STUDIES 6th Gr SStudies 7th Gr SStudies 8th Gr SStudies World Geography World History US History Gov/Economics Adv. Wld Geography Adv. Wld History DC US HIS DC Government/Economics LOTE (2 CREDITS) Spanish 1 Spanish 2 Spanish 3 PE/ATHLETICS (1 CREDIT) PE or Athletics Athletics FINE ARTS (1 CREDIT) Band/Art/Theater

22 Core and Required Classes
ENGLISH/LANG. ARTS 9th Grade 10th 11th Grade 12th Regular Track: English I English II English III English IV Advanced Track: Adv. English I Adv. English II AP/DC English III AP/DC English IV

23 Core and Required Classes
MATHEMATICS 9th Grade 10th 11th 12th Regular Track 1: Algebra I Geometry Math Models Algebra II Regular Track 2: Pre-Calculus/ Algebra III Advanced Track: Adv. Geometry Adv. Algebra II DC Pre-Calculus DC Statistics/ DC Cal

24 Anatomy & Physiology/ Environmental Science
Core and Required Classes SCIENCE 9th Grade 10th 11th 12th Regular Track: Biology Chemistry Physics Anatomy & Physiology/ Environmental Science IPC Physics / Capstone Advanced Track: Adv. Biology Adv. Chemistry Adv. Physics DC Biology / AP Chemistry/ Engineering Design

25 Core and Required Classes
SOCIAL STUDIES 9th Grade 10th 11th 12th Regular Track: World Geography World History US History Government and Economics Advanced Track: Adv. Wld Geography Adv. Wld History DC US History DC Government and Economics

26 Greenhouse Operations
Endorsements offered at West HS Business and Industry 9th Grade 10th 11th 12th 1) Horticulture Principles of Ag Horticulture Science Greenhouse Operations Capstone 2) Ag Mechanics Ag Mechanics Ag Facilities Design 3) Finance BIM 1 BIM 2 Accounting I Accounting II 4) Info. Technology Computer Science 1 Computer Science 2 Coding Cyber Security

27 Intro to Eng. Design (IED)
Endorsements offered at West HS STEM 9th Grade 10th 11th 12th 1) Math(Alg 1-8th) Reg/ Adv Geometry Adv. Algebra II Reg / DC Pre-Cal Adv Math 2) Science Adv. Biology Adv. Chemistry Adv. Physics Adv. Science/ Capstone 3) Engineering Intro to Eng. Design (IED) Civil Engineering Aerospace

28 Endorsements offered at West HS
Public Service 9th Grade 10th Grade 11th Grade 12th Grade 1) Biomedical Science Principles of Biomedical Science Human Body Systems Medical Interventions Capstone Course

29 Endorsements offered at West HS
Multi-Disciplinary 1) 4X4 4 credits in each of the four foundation subject areas (Math, Sci, SS, Eng) 2) AP/Dual credit option

Advanced/DC courses: Weighted GPA (6.0 scale GPA for Advanced and Dual Credit Courses) More rigorous curriculum/requirements More independent work with higher expectations of student (note-taking, studying, motivated learners) NOT THE SAME AS THE REGULAR COURSE

31 Next Steps We will pass out schedule requests; due to your English teacher by Tuesday, February 6. Counselors will call each student into their offices and create a course schedule. This process will be completed by March 9.

32 Counselors Alison Janek Sharon Hlavenka Questions?

West High School Course Catalog

34 Thank You for Attending Tonight, Don’t Forget To Make An Appointment & We Look Forward To A Great at West High School!

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