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“Preschool Expansion in New Jersey’s Public Schools”

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1 “Preschool Expansion in New Jersey’s Public Schools”
Regional Meetings April 2008 New Jersey Department of Education Division of Early Childhood Education Ellen Wolock David Joye Ellen Wolock NJ Department of Education

2 The plan for the day Why expand preschool programs?
Preschool programs in the Abbott districts How are the Abbotts doing? NJ Preschool Expansion (SFRA of 2008) District Plans and Budgets Questions

3 Why expand preschool in NJ?
“Intensive preschool and full-day kindergarten enrichment programs are necessary to reverse the educational disadvantages these children start out with.” Abbott v. Burke, 1998 Disadvantaged children typically begin kindergarten far behind their suburban peers in language and other skills essential for early school success. To close this learning gap, the New Jersey Supreme Court ordered the implementation of full day kindergarten and full day preschool for all three and four year old children in the Abbott district in AbbottV, Abbott VI and Abbott VII.

4 Why expand preschool in NJ?
High-quality preschool has been shown to: dramatically raise children’s abilities at school entry, increase early and later achievement test scores, reduce grade repetition and placement in special education, and boost graduation rates.

5 Three longitudinal studies
High/Scope Perry Preschool study (Schweinhart et al., 1993; Barnett, 1996) Abecedarian study (Ramey et al., 2000; Ramey & Campbell, 1984; Campbell et al., 2002) Chicago Child-Parent Center study (Reynolds, 2000).

6 Perry Economic Effects at Age 27
Source: Schweinhart, Lawrence J., Weikart, David P. Lasting Differences: The High/Scope Preschool Curriculum Comparison Study Through Age 23

7 Abecedarian Outcomes at 21
Source: Barnett, W.S. National Institute for Early Education Research

8 CPC Outcomes at School Exit
Source: Barnett, W.S. National Institute for Early Education Research

9 The Abbott Preschool Program

10 Components of the Abbott Program
A certified teacher and an assistant for each class; Maximum class size of 15 students; Developmentally appropriate curriculum; Adequate facilities; Full-day (6 hour educational day), 180-day program; Coaches for teachers;

11 Components of the Abbott Program
Transportation, health and other related services as needed; Support for preschool children with potential developmental and learning difficulties; and Work with public school, Head Start and private childcare programs (with leadership by school districts)

12 Abbott Preschool Program in the beginning
Low enrollment-19,000 out of estimated 54,000 Few certified teachers Few teachers with bachelor’s degrees Piecemeal curricula Low quality, as measured by the Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale

13 Developed Program Guidelines and Standards for all components
Used a Continuous Improvement Cycle to ensure Implementation

14 Child Assessment Tools
Performance assessment to drive instruction (expectations/standards-based) Appropriate use of screening tools Outside evaluations of the impact of the program on children’s development and learning

15 Classroom Quality Assessment Tools
Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale-Revised (ECERS-R) Supports for Early Literacy Assessment Preschool Classroom Mathematics Inventory Supports for English Language Learners Classroom Assessment Curriculum implementation tools

16 District Assessment Tools
Self Assessment Validation System (SAVS), based on the Abbott Preschool Program Implementation Guidelines. District-administered evaluations of classroom environments, activities, interactions, ELL supports, math, literacy practices.

17 How are the Abbotts Doing?

18 Enrollment (includes preschool children with special needs)

19 Percentage Universe Served: The Court set a marker of 90%
74% of the 3-year-old children in the Abbott districts 87% of the 4-year-old children in the Abbott districts

20 Teacher Qualifications
All teachers have a bachelor’s degree (BA) and appropriate certification. As of December 1 of this year, the Praxis for the Preschool Through Third Grade Certificate was required. Looking at requiring a Child Development Associate credential for teacher assistants.

21 Classroom Quality The Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale-Revised (Harms, Clifford and Cryer)
1= Inadequate 3= Minimal 5= Good 7= Excellent

22 Classroom Quality The Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale-Revised (Harms, Clifford and Cryer)
In 2000, the average for Abbott preschools was 3.86 In 2007, the average for Abbott preschools was 5.03

23 space & furnishings averages: 3.73 (2000) 4.90 (2007)

24 personal care averages: 3.98 (2000) 4.30 (2007)

25 language & reasoning averages: 3.74 (2000) 5.08 (2007)

26 activities averages: 3.18 (2000) 4.62 (2007)

27 Interactions averages: 4.47 (2000) 6.16 (2007)

28 program structure averages: 3.86 (2000) 5.41 (2007)

29 parents and staff averages: 4.59 (2000) 5.38 (2007)

30 How are the children doing?
Children who attended the program performed statistically significantly better on language and math measures than those who did not. At the end of kindergarten these differences were still observed (the 1st grade data is nearly ready). Children who attended preschool for two years perform nearly double that of children who do not attend preschool on measures of language and 70% better on math measures.

31 NJ Preschool Expansion

32 Preschool Expansion School Funding Reform Act of 2008
Major changes to school funding. Expansion of high-quality preschool to at-risk three- and four-year olds in districts throughout the state. Preschool Education Aid Based on projected enrollment and per pupil amount. Adjusted for enrollment in the subsequent year. Appropriate in a special revenue fund for expenditure (restricted).

33 Preschool Expansion All at-risk 3- and 4-year-olds to attend Abbott-quality preschool programs. Universal preschool for 3- or 4-year-olds in “A” and “B” districts and “CD” districts with an at-risk concentration of at least 40%. Targeted preschool in all other districts for all at-risk three- and four-year-olds.

34 Preschool Expansion Universe calculations:
Universal districts = 1st grade times two Targeted districts = 1st grade times two times % of free and reduced (k-12)

35 Goal Fully implemented over 6 years:
30,000 more children, bringing preschool enrollment to 70,000 children. Funding increases to $330 million, bringing total preschool funding for $850 million. Reach at least 90% of the eligible population in all districts within six years.

36 Abbott-quality Program
Small class sizes, Certified classroom teachers and teacher assistants, Coaching & Mentoring: Master teachers, Comprehensive preschool curriculum, Social Services: Social workers, outreach programs, etc.

37 Abbott-quality Program
Mixed delivery system In-district Providers Head Start Send-receive, tuition, special education

38 Costs Per pupil amounts: Detailed line item budget data
Adjustments for geographic cost differences Costs for district-wide administration of these programs is included in the per pupil amounts

39 Costs Three statewide costs: Provider-based programs: $12,934,
In-district programs: $11,506, Head Start programs: $7,146

40 Preschool Expansion is a planning year for almost all districts. Districts must submit a five year plan for implementation of full day preschool for all eligible 3- and 4-year-olds. Annual updates of the plan.

41 District Preschool Status 2008-2009
Abbott budgets approved. Will not receive less $ in the future. ECPAs not receiving preschool expansion aid will receive at least the same preschool aid as per pupil Districts receiving ELLI aid in will receive the same preschool aid in that the district received in

42 District Preschool Status 2008-2009
State aid notices went out with these figures pre-filled. Planning year for districts receiving no preschool aid in

43 ECPA District Expansion
The School Funding Reform Act of allows Early Childhood Program Aid (ECPA) districts who feel that they are ready to expand in to apply for approval from the Commissioner.

44 ECPA 2008-2009 District Expansion
ECPA districts wishing to expand must: Offer full day/full school year program, Have teachers with appropriate certification, Serve both 3- and 4-year-old children, Serve at least 20% of the eligible universe of 3- and 4-year-olds, and at least 20% of those children must be 3-year-olds, Have 15 children in a class, with one teacher and one teacher assistant Meet the Abbott preschool quality standards as outlined in New Jersey Administrative Code 6A:10A

45 ECPA Districts Planning to Expand
Plan and budget documents are being distributed, and will be due to the Division of Early Childhood Education and copied to the County Offices on May 30, 2008

46 District Plans and Budgets

47 The Five Year Plan & Budget
During late Fall 2008 and early Winter 2009, plans will be accepted The plan will be for 5 years, and annually updated

48 First Five Steps 1. Estimate your universe

49 2. Get to know the following documents:
New Jersey Administrative Code 6A:10A Abbott Preschool Program Implementation Guidelines New Jersey Preschool Teaching and Learning Expectations

50 3. Consider your preschool resources:
Identify staff members with the appropriate preschool experience to begin the planning process Visit schools, private provider and Head Start sites to determine where preschool children can be served

51 4. Get to know the preschool curricula:
High/Scope Creative Curriculum Curiosity Corner Tools of the Mind Bank Street

52 5. Start designing the preschool plan
Administrative oversight and staffing Recruitment and Outreach Intervention and Support Services Health and Nutrition Services Family Involvement Curriculum and Assessment Transition Facilities Program Evaluation Community Collaboration Fiscal Oversight Budget

53 What We’re Doing to Help
Statewide Preschool Needs Assessment Curriculum Showcase Overviews of Administrative Code and preschool implementation guidance TA sessions on completing plans Web site updates, Q & A

54 Questions? Our website: Dave Joye
Ellen Wolock Karen Nemeth

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