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Appropriateness of the referral patterns to a scoliosis clinic

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1 Appropriateness of the referral patterns to a scoliosis clinic
Marie Beauséjour, M.A.Sc. *† Marjolaine Roy-Beaudry M.Sc. *, Lise Goulet M.D. Ph.D *†, Hubert Labelle M.D.*† * Hôpital Sainte-Justine, Montréal † Université de Montréal Programme d’orthopédie Édouard-Samson Montréal, May 6th 2005

2 Background In the 1970’s, school scoliosis screening programs were implemented in Canada Children (grades 7 and 8) presenting a rib hump on the Adams test were referred to a scoliosis clinic In 1979, the Canadian Task Force on the Periodic Health Examination reported that school screening programs were not cost-effective, and they were progressively discontinued : The ability of the detection procedure to identify the target condition The ability of a treatment intervention to achieve a favourable outcome In the 1970’s, school scoliosis screening programs were implemented in Canada in the wake of the American Society of Orthopaedic Surgeons endorsing this practice. Briefly, the screening protocol consisted in a clinical inspection of the symmetry of the back on performing the Adams forward bending test and positive cases were referred to an orthopedist. Since 1979, cchool scoliosis screening programs were progressively discontinued in Canada because they were not considered to be cost-effective by the Canadian Task Force on the Periodic Health Examination. Indeed, it appears that the Adams test showed insufficient specificity leading to the referral of a considerable number of irrelevant cases. Secondly, at this time, no controlled studies had demonstrated the effectiveness of brace treatment for curve reduction or prevention of progression. In this situation, early referral to an orthopaedist was of limited interest.

3 Background Since discontinuation of the school scoliosis screening programs in Canada, no evaluation has been conducted on the impact of this decision on the referral patterns of suspected cases to the treating physician.

4 Are referrals to a scoliosis clinic appropriate ?
Avoiding late referral : to ensure that patients susceptible to curve progression can benefit from an orthopeadic treatment with a reasonable probability of success Fostering a responsible use of health services : to ensure that health resources use will correspond to recognized needs

5 Criteria : appropriateness
Gender Skeletal maturity Severity of curve at time of diagnosis Type of curve Factors associated with curve progression Surgery : Cobb > 40o - 45o Dynamic brace : Immature patients Cobb [15o - 30o] Treatment indications TLSO (Boston Brace) : Immature patients Cobb [20o - 40o] Clinical guidelines Screening recommen- dations : Children aged 12 or 13 Criteria for referral : Angle of trunk rotation > 7o Cobb > 20o We consider at moderate to high risk of progression immature patients presenting a curve of less dans 30 degrees, and at very high risk of progression if the curve exceeds 30 degrees. High risk of progression is also present for not completely skelettally mature patients with a curve superior to 30 degrees.

6 Study objectives This study aims at :
Describing the population of patients at their initial visit to the scoliosis clinic of Sainte-Justine Hospital Classifying patients with a confirmed diagnosis of idiopathic scoliosis according to criteria of appropriateness of referral

7 Study design Initial patient base : All patients scheduling appointments at Sainte-Justine Hospital for suspected scoliosis between May 1st and April 30th 2004 Descriptive cross-sectional study : based on the review of the clinical and radiological examinations from patients at their initial evaluation to a scoliosis clinic with a focus on confirmed diagnosis of idiopathic scoliosis Explicit referral by a general practitionner, a pediatrist or another health professional OR parental request AND no documented history of previous consultation in orthopedics for the suspected scoliosis The medical files were double-reviewed

8 Sample composition * According to SRS criteria
735 patients on the list Idiopathic scoliosis n = 308 Non-idiopathic scoliosis n = 107 * According to SRS criteria No scoliosis* n = 206 Missing files n = 15 Inclusion criteria : Suspected cases of scoliosis First visit in scoliosis clinics 636 patients

9 Distribution of diagnosis
Non-idiopathic scolioses (22%) (17%) (10%) (5%) (8%) (6%) (3%) (2%) (4%) (1%) n = 107

10 Idiopathic scoliosis : Variables
Gender Age Risser sign (0-5) Elapsed time since onset of menses (in months) Cobb angle of all curves in the frontal plane (as measured by the orthopaedic surgeon) Curve type (location of main curve and convexity side) Prescribed treatment All measurements were made at time of first visit

11 Socio-demographic characteristics (Gender and age)
n % N Mode Mean(stdev) min max Gender F F % M % Age (years) (2.4) < % % % % % > % The sample was composed of 82% boys and 18% girls. The mean age at first visit was 13 and a half and the most represented group was 14 to 16 years old.

12 Maturation characteristics (Risser and menarche)
n % N Mode Mean(stdev) min max Risser % % % % % % missing % Menarche (months) (17.5) % < % % % % > % missing % More than a half patients were skeletally immature, 36% being totally immature. Menarche has not occurred yet in 37% of the girls and the average number of months elapsed since onset of menses was about 15

13 Main curve characteristics
(Location and side) n % N Mode Mean(stdev) min max Location and side Right Thoracic Right Thoracic % Left Thoraco-lumbar % Left Lumbar % Right Thoraco-lumbar % Left Thoracic % Right Lumbar % Left Cervico-thoracic % Right Cervico-thoracic %

14 Main curve characteristics
(Cobb angle) n % N Mode Mean(stdev) min max Cobb angle (degrees) (13.5) % % % % % % % % > % 11-15 16-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51+ 20 40 60 80 20o 40o The average Cobb angle at first visit is 26 degrees

15 Prescribed treatment (at first visit)
n % N Mode Mean(stdev) min max Suggested treatment Observation Observation % Brace * % Surgery ** % Discharge % Physical therapy % Other % With no monitoring of curve progression : arrived at Cobb >30 * Brace was recommended with no monitoring of curve progression ** Surgery was recommended for 20 patients at first visit and to an additional 10 patients at the second visit

16 Non-optimal use of health services
32% of referrals to a scoliosis clinic are characterized by non-clinically significant curves (Cobb  10o) This lack of specificity may have an impact on : Cost Workload waiting time Patients and family anxiety In the context of school screening, the level of over-referral was also very high : 69% (Robitaille et al.,1984) 62% (Morais et al., 1985) 44% - using the scoliometer and 2 screening tests (Yawn et al. 1999)

17 In the idiopathic scoliosis group, Cobb > 10o
Practice Guidelines In the idiopathic scoliosis group, Cobb > 10o Maturity 48% over 14 y.o. (above recommended age for screening) 36% Risser > 2 (brace is indicated for skeletally immature) 28% more than 2 years post menarche (more than 3 years after the growth spurts; growth is completed)

18 In the idiopathic scoliosis group, Cobb > 10o
Practice Guidelines In the idiopathic scoliosis group, Cobb > 10o Curve severity 32% present curves of more than 30o (reduced efficiency of brace treatment) In the context of school screening, severe curve at referral is rare : Québec : 0.97% (Robitaille et al., 1984); 0.98% (Morais et al. 1985) USA : 12% (Yawn et al., 1999); 8% (Velezis et al., 2002)

19 In the idiopathic scoliosis group, Cobb > 10o
Practice Guidelines In the idiopathic scoliosis group, Cobb > 10o Treatment 9% were appointed for surgery at first or second visit 25% brace treatment; 15% non-eligible for bracing In the context of school screening, immediate treatment : 2.1% brace treatment and 0.2% surgery (Morais et al. 1985) 5.3% brace or surgery (Velezis et al. 2002) 24% were put on brace treatment

20 Limits Descriptive study Cross-sectional study (no follow-up)
Background map : École secondaire Père-Marquette, Montréal 61 31 3 1 4 7 30 42 6 Patients’ region of residency Descriptive study Cross-sectional study (no follow-up) Normative study Possible lack of consensus on the choice of criteria for late referral Not designed as an “evaluation of effect” protocol Only one metropolitan center

21 Recommendations It appears relevant to reconsider the actual canadian politics with regards to screening and diagnosis of idiopathic scoliosis in terms of precocity and specificity Re-establishment of school screening programs? May reduce the number of surgeries (Weinstein, 1999) Not cost-effective (Wynne, 1984) but may be cost-beneficial (Yawn et al., 2000) “I” grade granted by the Canadian Task Force on the Periodic Health Examination in 2004 : “Insufficient evidence exists to allow a recommendation to be made.”

22 Recommendations Work to do upstream of initial visit to increase the proportion of early and relevant referrals Training, education and increased awareness of parents, teachers, nurses, family physicians and pediatricians (Howell et al., 1978; Morais et al. 1985) Study of the factors associated with inappropriate referral of scoliotic patients in orthopaedic clinics in Quebec Patterns of referral and history of health service use Individual, familial, social and environmental factors involved in specialized care utilization … and collaboration

23 Work in progress Multicenter prospective study supported by CIHR
‘‘Characterization of the referral patterns and study of the determinants of intervention on patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis’’ Labelle H., Feldman D., Fortier I., Goulet L., Grimard G., Rossignol M. Multicenter prospective study supported by CIHR Based on the Behavioral Model of health service utilization (Andersen, 1995)

24 Acknowledgements CIHR Strategic training programs
Thanks to the co-authors CIHR Operating Grant ( ) & Canada Graduate Scholarships Doctoral Awards

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