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Bearings Thursday, 08 November 2018.

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Presentation on theme: "Bearings Thursday, 08 November 2018."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bearings Thursday, 08 November 2018

2 Bearings Draw a north line at the observation point.
Measure the clockwise angle from the north. All bearings should be three figures; 078o, 121o etc…….

3 Example Find the bearing of B from A N B A

4 Example Find the bearing of B from A N B A

5 Example Find the bearing of A from B N B A

6 Example Find the bearing of A from B N B A

7 Example Draw an accurate diagram to represent each of the following a) B is on a bearing of 095° from A b) E is on a bearing of 127° from D c) X is on a bearing of 242° from Y

8 Example Town Y is 5 km from Town X on a bearing of 120°. Town Z is 8 km from Town X on a bearing of 070°. Using the scale of 1 cm represents 1 km, draw a scale drawing to show Towns X, Y and Z. How far apart are towns Y and Z?

9 Example John travels to Ali’s house by first walking on a bearing of 054° for 3km. He then changes direction and travels a further 5km on a bearing of 143°. Using a scale of 1cm represents 1km draw a scale drawing of his journey. What is the bearing of John’s house from Ali’s house?

10 A ship is seen on a bearing of 058° from point P.
Example A ship is seen on a bearing of 058° from point P. The same ship is also seen on a bearing of 284° from point Q. Locate the position of the ship. S P Q

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