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Welcome to Planning for College Presented by Auburn Career/College Counselors Jon Morrow, AHS Amanda Paulson, AMHS Steve Mead, ARHS.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Planning for College Presented by Auburn Career/College Counselors Jon Morrow, AHS Amanda Paulson, AMHS Steve Mead, ARHS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Planning for College Presented by Auburn Career/College Counselors Jon Morrow, AHS Amanda Paulson, AMHS Steve Mead, ARHS

2 Agenda Introduction- Types of schools and preparation Community College Perspective- Green River Community College 4 Year College Perspective- University of Washington Finances Question & Answer Session

3 OBJECTIVES To understand the different types of post- secondary options Become familiar with the admissions and application process Learn about the differences of a community college and a 4-year college Develop understanding of the services offered in the high school career centers

4 Intentional Education

5 What Type of School? Community college Technical college Four-year public Four-year private Career/specialty school

6 Why choose a Community or Technical College? Convenience Lake Washington Institute of Technology Seattle Community College District Bellevue College Highline Community College Renton Technical College Green River Community College Tacoma Community College Bates Technical College Pierce College Clover Technical College

7 Career and Specialty Schools Private, for-profit companies Gene Juarez, Culinary Schools, DeVry, Everest, FIDM, etc. Training for specific careers Costs Application process may include interview Financial aid? Transferable?

8 Washington Four-Year Public Baccalaureates Central Washington University Eastern Washington University The Evergreen State College Western Washington University University of Washington U of W Bothell or Tacoma Washington State University WSU Vancouver or Tri-Cities WWU TESC UW CWU EWU WSU

9 Four-Year Independent Colleges & Universities The Art Institute of Seattle Cornish College of the Arts Gonzaga University Northwest University Pacific Lutheran University Saint Martins University Seattle Pacific University Seattle University Trinity Lutheran University University of Puget Sound Whitman College Whitworth College Heritage University CWU Art Institute, SPU, SU, Cornish, Northwest Whitman PLU, UPS Whitworth, Gonzaga St. Martins Trinity Lutheran Heritage U.

10 Out Of State Colleges/Universities ? Things to consider… Public: Tuition (2X) Private: No Additional Tuition Add Cost for Travel Expenses Possibility for WUE (Tuition = 140-150% of in-state) Back-up Plan? Websites:

11 WUE – Western Undergraduate Exchange Program AlaskaArizonaCaliforniaColorado HawaiiIdahoMontanaNevada New Mexico North Dakota Oregon South Dakota UtahWashingtonWyoming


13 WA Minimum College Admission Requirements 2013 Grads & Beyond! *CADR: College Academic Distribution Requirements Higher Education Coordinating Board 4 credits in college-prep English 3 credits math, including Adv. Algebra/Trig Senior year math or completed Pre-Calculus 2 credits lab science including one credit of algebra-based science (Chemistry or Physics)

14 2013 continued 2 credits of the same World Language 3 credits Social Science 1 credit fine, visual, or performing arts or 1 additional CADR credit (UW & WWU require.5 credit in fine or performing art) 15 total CADR credits/3 per year including senior year

15 Three Requirements High School College NCAA

16 Out-of-State Colleges/Universities Research college for specific admission requirements College Board Subject Tests required? Required courses/credits can vary - University of CA colleges clearly define a Fine/Performing Art Some require 3 credits World Language

17 Plan a Campus Visit Would you buy a car without seeing it first??? Preview Days for Juniors/Seniors Regularly scheduled campus tours Informal visits

18 Application and Admission Process

19 Junior Timeline

20 Senior Timeline

21 The Admission Application Four-year Colleges Institution specific online form or… College Net or other company or… The Common Application State website for Community and Technical Colleges + program application for Technical Colleges

22 Login Screen







29 Admission/Acceptance Timeline

30 Jesse E. Johnson Outreach & Admissions Counselor Recruitment & Outreach University of Washington The Pursuit of College

31 If you want something, go get it… PERIOD. College is beneficial NECESSARY… start preparing now! Purpose The future belongs to those who prepare for it today - Malcolm X

32 University of Washington Quick Facts 94% of Freshman return for their Sophomore year #1 Public Research Institution in the Nation Access to Job & Internship Opportunities 180 majors and 75 minors #1 Medical School and among top Business, Science & Engineering Programs #1 Study Abroad Program on West Coast Over 2,500 courses offered every quarter Over 700 Registered Student Organizations Intercollegiate Athletics & Intramural Sports Priority access to UW Resources, Programs & Services Average class size is 38 students!

33 Get Prepared! Reach out to your HS Counselor or Teacher Do your research! Visit local college campuses Network with current students Plan Ahead! i.e. Sign up to take standardized tests APPLY FOR SCHOLARSHIPS! Always ask questions… always ask for help!

34 Get Active, Get Involved! Join a Student Organization/Club Dont just be a member, be a leader! Community Service/Outreach Get involved with Student Leadership, Athletics, or whatever you are passionate about Quality over Quantity! Attend various college-prep events/workshops University programs/opportunities (website)

35 The Review Process Many Colleges have a Holistic Review Process Some Colleges admit by Academic Index (AI) Admissible vs. Competitive Going beyond the minimum requirements Making everything that is optional, required The earlier, the better! The essays are important and can make or break an admission decision!

36 What College Are Looking For Academic Preparation GPA, test scores, types of classes, grade trends, etc. College Academic Distribution requirements (CADRs) Personal Achievements & Factors A community of students richly diverse in cultural backgrounds, experiences, and viewpoints. Engaged within the High School & Larger Society

37 Part I: Academic CADRs GPA Test Scores Quality of Curriculum Senior Year Schedule

38 College Academic Distribution Requirements 4 years of English 3 years of Math ( 4 recommended) 3 years of Social Studies/History 2 years of Lab Science 2 years of Foreign Language (3 recommended).5 year of Fine, Visual, Performing Arts.5 year of Academic Electives

39 Part II: Personal Personal Statement Short Response Cultural Essay Activities & Achievements Log Additional Comments (Take Advantage)

40 College Essays The purpose of a college admission essay is to showcase your personality– to let the reader see whats inside you. Youve already listed your achievements in your college application, so use your essay to show admissions who you are and why you belong at that particular college or university. s The Personal Statement is our best means of getting to know you and your best means of creating a context for your academic performance. Some of the best essays are written as personal stories & we welcome your imaginative interpretation. The Short Response or Cultural Essay is designed to showcase your unique Cultural experiences in a broad sense. Be creative! Use Additional Comments section to talk about any discrepancies in grades, etc.

41 Personal Statement (500-650 words) The Personal Statement is our best means of getting to know you and your best means of creating a context for your academic performance. Tell us about those aspects of your life that are not apparent from your academic record. Tell us about the experiences that dont show up on your transcript: A character-defining moment The cultural awareness youve developed A challenge faced A personal hardship or barrier overcome Just talk about yourself!!!

42 Short Response Cultural Essay (250- 500 words) The University of Washington seeks to create a community of students richly diverse in cultural backgrounds, experiences, and viewpoints. How would you contribute to this community? Describe an experience of cultural difference or insensitivity you have had or observed. What did you learn from it? Culture includes (but isnt limited to) race/ethnicity, customs, values and ideas, all of which contribute to experiences that students can share with others in college.

43 Journal of Activities/Achievements (100-200 words for each activity) Identify and describe up to five of your most significant activities and achievements during grades 9-12 Write about why this activity or achievement had meaning for you. Dont just describe the activity or achievement: tell us what it says about you. Possible examples could include, but isnt limited to: Student clubs or organizations Athletics and sports Community service Student government and leadership Employment and internships National recognition and awards UW pre-college programs

44 Additional Comments (250-500 words) This is an opportunity for you to tell us information about yourself that you believe is important for us to know Use this section for anything you wish to express that doesnt seem to fit in any of the required writing areas. For example… If you have experienced personal hardships in attaining your education If your activities have been limited because of work or family obligations If you want us to know how important something really is to you, tell us here.

45 Making Me into We College and the Admissions Process can be a foreign concept at times… understand that this is not a process you have to navigate alone! Please lean on your support system… a parent or guardian, mentor, HS counselor or teacher, college or university representative… we are all here to help you succeed!

46 Motivational Moment… If you can dream it, you can do it! No one can stop you from achieving your goals but you! Surround yourself with likeminded people and individuals that will add to your life. Even if you fall on your face, you are still moving forward. Always give back… recognize the sacrifice that was made on your behalf and create that opportunity for others. Remember what your motivation is… in the darkest moments it is your passion that will carry you through!

47 Jesse E. Johnson Outreach & Admissions Counselor University of Washington (206) 221-7193 Thank You!

48 Community & Technical Colleges Rebekah Petersen Green River Community College

49 Benefits of Community & Technical Colleges Small class sizes Lower cost Student Life, athletics, housing Flexible schedule Diversity (age, culture, socio-economic) Close to home

50 Community College Options Transfer DegreeProfessional/Technical Degree or Certificate First 2 years at Community College, then to a University Direct Transfer Agreements Apply towards BA or higher Training in a specific field Generally takes 2 years or less Examples: Aviation, Automotive, Nursing, Natural Resources, Business

51 Transfer Degree Options Transfer Prepare to transfer to a 4 year as a junior 2 years at Community or Technical, then to the 4 year Direct Transfer Agreements (DTA) Satisfy specific prerequisites for major admissions eg. Business, Nursing, Engineering Specialized programs

52 Professional or Technical Degree Options Professional or Technical Training and skills to prepare for work Associate of Applied Science, 6-8 quarters (two years) Certificate of Completion, 3-5 quarters (9 months to a year) Some competitive or restricted admission e.g. pilot, dental hygiene, radiology, nursing Not all designed to transfer Straight into workforce

53 Running Start Earn college credit during high school Ideal for students who are: Ready for the challenge of college-level coursework. Motivated to participate in the college environment and possess the maturity to do so.

54 Athletics NWAACC The Northwest Athletic Association of Community Colleges, NWAACC, serves as the governing sports organization for 35 Washington, Oregon, and British Columbia colleges. Cross-country Baseball Golf Softball Soccer Tennis Track & field Volleyball Wrestling

55 Cost Comparison Educational Institution Cost Community & Technical Colleges, public $ 4,000 Eastern Washington University$ 7,372 The Evergreen State College$ 7,812 Central Washington University$ 7,941 UW Seattle, UW Bothell, UW Tacoma$11,307 WSU Pullman$11,386 Private vocational, career schools (approximate) $30,000 Private four-year colleges and universities (approximate) $40,000 © 2013

56 Financial Aid All Washington State Community and Technical Colleges have moved to a uniform priority Financial Aid deadline March 15 (College Bound students, February 1) Note: Each school has their own supplemental form

57 Admissions 1. Apply for Financial Aid & determine your funding Special funding programs may be available 2. Apply for admission 3. Determine your placement Usually COMPASS or ACCUPLACER 4. Advising & registration 5. Pay for classes, buy books and take tour!

58 Paying for Post H.S. Education Cost of attendance includes: Tuition Fees &/or Supplies Books Room & Board Personal expenses Transportation

59 2012/2013 Cost of Attendance Community colleges $5,000-5,800 *Technical colleges $5,000+ Career schools $19K-$35K *4 year public colleges $18,000-$23,500 4 year private colleges $33K-$50K+ **Includes housing expenses Out of State Public = 200% tuition * Costs vary by Educational Program chosen

60 Additional Ways to Save $$$ Bargain Schools...Community College Finish in Four-Years AP/Running Start/Tech Prep The Value of Financial Planning Negotiate Financial Aid Package In-State vs. Out-of-State Commute or Live off Campus Creative When Buying Textbooks

61 Paying for College Family funds *Grants Scholarships *Work-study jobs *Loans *Seniors will submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) after January 1 st to determine eligibility for these funds.

62 Scholarship Search Your Career Center Search Engines & Websites (Career Center Internet Lists) - - - Scholarship Books/Ask Everyone Schools/Departmental Awards Auburn Community Scholarship Program (Sr)

63 Upcoming Career Center Events College Rep Visits- Fall Semester at each high school Paying for College Night – January 16 @ ARHS Beyond High School Night – February 6 @ AHS SAT for Juniors- April 2014

64 NEW! College Application and Essay Event for Seniors! November 5: AHS 2:45 PM – 7:00 PM November 13: AMHS 2:45 PM – 7:00 PM November 7: ARHS 2:45 PM – 7:00 PM

65 WASHINGTON College Goal WASHINGTON @ Auburn High School Saturday, January 11 10 AM- 1 PM @ Auburn Mountainview Saturday, January 18 8:30 AM - Noon

66 Your Career Center is here to help! Auburn High School Jon Morrow, Counselor / 253-931-4929 Auburn Mountainview High School Amanda Paulson, Counselor 253-804-5195 Auburn Riverside High School Steve Mead, Counselor / 253-804-5161

67 Question & Answer Session Thank you for coming tonight!

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