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Strategies for Split N Applications for Corn

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1 Strategies for Split N Applications for Corn
Gyles Randall Soil Scientist and Professor Univ. of Minnesota, SROC, Waseca 11/8/2018

2 What do 67 site-years of split-N research in Southern Minnesota tell us?

3 Preplant vs. Split Application 1989–1992
Conditions 32 sites including coarse-textured outwash, medium-textured loess, and fine-textured glacial till soils Growing season rainfall ranged from 36% below normal to 59% above normal Previous crop = soybean, corn, oat, and rye 11/8/2018

4 Preplant vs. Split Application 1989–1992
Procedures Preplant N rates = 0, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, and 180 lb N/A as broadcast incorporated urea Split rates = 60 and 30 lb N/A as PP urea in 1989–90 and 1991–92, respectively, PLUS 30, 60, and 90 lb N/A as urea knifed in 4” deep at V5 to V6 11/8/2018

5 Preplant vs. Split, 1989–92 Corn Grain Yield Summary
Sites Total Till Loess Outwash Number 32 14 11 7 N responsive 28 9 5 Preplant = split 16 2 Preplant < split 8 4 1 3 Preplant > split 11/8/2018

6 Preplant vs. Split, 1989–92 Conclusions:
Grain yield responded to N at 88% of the sites. Preplant application was equal to split application at 16 of the 28 responding sites (58%). Split application was superior to PP application at 8 sites (28%). Excessive rainfall and/or sandy soils. Preplant application was superior to split application at 4 sites (14%). Below-normal or above-normal rainfall and insufficient N rate applied early. Split application of N out performed PP application at 3 of 5 sandy sites, 1 of 9 loess sites, and 4 of 14 till sites and only in wetter-than-normal years.

7 Corn yield as affected by split-N application and precipitation.
Time of N Application Year (precip. departure) Preplant 12” Corn 1991 (+56%) 1992 (+16%) - N rate (lb N/A) - - - Yield (bu/A) - - 84 107 60 143 144 30 161 141 90 158 156 157 137 120 165 164 182 153 Advantage for split = +11 -11 11/8/2018

8 Continuous Corn, 1992–97 Olmsted Co. Port Byron silt loam (loess)
Chisel plow N Source = anhydrous ammonia (AA) 11/8/2018

9 Continuous Corn, 1992–97 N Treatment 7-Year Rate Time Average Yield
lb/A bu/A -- 63 90 PP 129 ⅔ PP+ ⅓ SD (V6-7) 134 Sidedress (V6-7) 127 120 135 ½ PP + ½ SD (V6-7) 137 LSD (0.10) 3 11/8/2018

10 Continuous Corn, 1992–97 Conclusions:
Grain yield was 2 – 5 bu/A higher with split applications of N in these wetter years. Delaying a single sidedress application to the V6-7 stage can reduce grain yield and profitability. 11/8/2018

11 Corn-Soybeans, 1987–93 Waseca Co. Canisteo clay loam (glacial till)
pH = 7.6 One-pass (field cultivation) tillage N rate = 135 lb N/A as AA Tile drainage study 11/8/2018

12 Corn-Soybeans, 1987–93 Application Time N-Serve 7-yr Avg. Yield
N Recovery bu/A % 0-lb Check -- 95 Fall (late Oct.) No 131 31 Yes 139 37 Spring PP 40 40% PP+60% SD V8 145 44 LSD (0.10): 4 11/8/2018

13 11/8/2018

14 Study A, Waseca, MN Continuous Corn, 2003
Treatments Yield (bu/A) Check, no N 67 160 lb N/A, spring urea 169 5000 gal hog manure/A, fall (270 lb “avail.” N/A) 180 11/8/2018

15 Growth Stage, NDVI (red)
Correlation matrix between remote sensing and corn production parameters, Study A. Growth Stage, NDVI (red) Parameter Stat V6 V7 V9 V11 V14 Relative R .88 .96 .82 .94 .27 Chlorophyll P ** *** NS Grain .90 .81 .31 Yield Total N .29 Uptake 11/8/2018

16 Interpretation, Study A
Correlations between GreenSeeker (red) NDVI and relative chlorophyll, grain yield, or total N uptake were significant between the V6 and V11 stages with highest correlation at the V7 and V11 stages. 11/8/2018

17 Study B, Waseca, MN Corn after Soybean, 2003
Treatments Yield (bu/A) 0 lb N/A 131 80 lb N/A, fall + N-Serve 160 120 lb N/A, fall + N-Serve 184 160 lb N/A, fall + N-Serve 185 120 lb N/A, spring + N-Serve 189 11/8/2018

18 Growth Stage, NDVI (red)
Correlation matrix between remote sensing and corn production parameters, Study B. Growth Stage, NDVI (red) Parameter Stat V5 V7 V8 V10 V12 Relative R .31 .32 .52 .56 .81 Chlorophyll P NS ** *** Grain .36 .57 .44 .76 Yield * Total N .30 .37 .51 .74 Uptake 11/8/2018

19 Interpretation, Study B
GreenSeeker (red) optical sensing did not distinguish between corn receiving N vs. no N until the V8 stage. Highest correlations for relative chlorophyll, grain yield, or total N uptake with GreenSeeker (red) NDVI were measured at the V12 stage. 11/8/2018

20 Southern Research and Outreach Center
THANK YOU Gyles Randall Univ. of Minnesota, Southern Research and Outreach Center 11/8/2018

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