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Oral Anticoagulants and Reversal Agents

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Presentation on theme: "Oral Anticoagulants and Reversal Agents"— Presentation transcript:

1 Oral Anticoagulants and Reversal Agents


3 Program Goals

4 Bleeding Complications Associated With OAC Therapy

5 Life-Threatening Bleeding Due to Trauma


7 S-

8 NCS and SCCM

9 AHA/ASA Guidelines for the Management of Spontaneous Intracerebral Hemorrhage

10 Limitations of FFP

11 4F-PCC vs FFP Rapid Reversal of Warfarin

12 Outcomes of Urgent Warfarin Reversal With FFP vs 4F-PCC

13 Priority Interventions


15 Relative Efficacy of Strategies for Reversal of NOACs

16 Idarucizumab A Specific Reversal Agent for Anticoagulant Activity of Dabigatran

17 Andexanet Alfa Targeting Factor Xa Inhibitors


19 Case 1: Assessment


21 Case 2: NeuroCritical Care

22 Case 2 Assessment

23 Case 2 (cont) Follow-Up 4 Months Later

24 Guidelines and Indications

25 Clinical Case 3 Trauma Patient

26 Initial CXR

27 Management of Injuries in OR

28 University of Michigan Algorithm Warfarin Reversal With Traumatic Hemorrhage

29 Chest CT

30 Hospital Course

31 University of Michigan Protocol for Using 4F-PCC

32 Efficacy and Safety of a 4F-PCC vs FFP

33 Multispecialty Strategies to Incorporate the Use of Reversal Agents Into Clinical Care

34 Abbreviations

35 Abbreviations

36 Abbreviations

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