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Welcome to the Children’s Privacy GDPR Drop In

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the Children’s Privacy GDPR Drop In"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the Children’s Privacy GDPR Drop In
Data Protection Practitioners’ Conference 2018 #DPPC2018

2 We are here to: Help you prepare for the GDPR if you process children’s personal data Tell you about our ongoing work on data protection and children’s privacy Answer your questions on children’s privacy and the GDPR Data Protection Practitioners’ Conference 2018 #DPPC2018

3 Children’s Privacy What is the ICO doing? #DPPC2018
Data Protection Practitioners’ Conference 2018 #DPPC2018

4 GDPR guidance The ICO has published draft guidance for consultation on Children and the GDPR. This consultation has now closed and we are currently reviewing the responses so we can publish a final version. In the meantime, the draft version should give you a good idea of our current thinking and what you need to do to prepare. You can browse it here today or download it from our website. Data Protection Practitioners’ Conference 2018 #DPPC2018

5 Article 29 Working Party guidance
The ICO has contributed to the development of European level guidance on automated decision making and profiling, transparency and consent, which all include guidance on how these concepts apply in the context of children’s personal data. The final version of the automated decision making and profiling opinion has now been published and the opinions on transparency and consent should be finalised soon. You can browse the opinions on the website of the European Commission. Data Protection Practitioners’ Conference 2018 #DPPC2018

6 #DPPC2018 Research Funding
The ICO is providing funding under its grant programme for a children’s privacy related research project. The London School of Economics (LSE) will examine the evidence gaps in children’s capacity to consent, their functional skills and understanding of the commercial online environment. Research will be carried out to inform child-inclusive policies and recommendations for education. Cont... Data Protection Practitioners’ Conference 2018 #DPPC2018

7 The end result will be an online toolkit for children to increase their awareness and competency around online privacy. Evidence obtained from this project will also help parents and teachers understand what children do online and how to provide support and guidance to them. The project is due to commence in April 2018 and will run for 12 months. Data Protection Practitioners’ Conference 2018 #DPPC2018

8 The Data Protection Bill and the Age appropriate design code
The Data Protection Bill which is currently working its way through Parliament includes a requirement for the Information Commissioner to produce a Code of Practice on age appropriate design standards for websites likely to be accessed by children. This must be placed before Parliament within 18 months of the Bill becoming law. Cont…  Data Protection Practitioners’ Conference 2018 #DPPC2018

9 The ICO is soon to issue a call for evidence on what the age appropriate standards should be. This will be followed up by further consultation with relevant stakeholders, including children and their parents. If you want to read the draft provision it can be found at Clause 124 of the Data Protection Bill. If you want to contribute to the initial call for evidence, or later consultation work, then look out for further information on our website soon. Data Protection Practitioners’ Conference 2018 #DPPC2018

10 The ICO Children’s Strategy
The ICO is currently preparing a new Children’s Strategy which will set out our strategic priorities in relation to children’s privacy for the coming years. Look out for it on our website soon. Data Protection Practitioners’ Conference 2018 #DPPC2018

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