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Published byNaomi Oliver Modified over 6 years ago
The Perfect Storm: Lessons Learned from Hurricane Harvey
Roy Ousley, Associate Analyst, Local Governments June, 2018
Agenda Austin area MUDs Continue Strong Growth
Impact of Climate Change on State and Local Issuers Lessons Learned from Hurricane Harvey
1 Austin area MUDs continue strong growth
Strong growth exhibited by Austin MUDs
Hays and Williams County MUDs have the highest five year average amongst Moody’s rated MUDs
Austin MUD characteristics
Median MUD rating is Baa2 Moody’s rates approximately 50 MUDs in the Austin area Austin area MUD trends parallel general MUD characteristics Median FY 2016 Debt Burden
Strong population growth
Austin-Round Rock metropolitan area is 9th fastest-growing
2 Impact of Climate Change on State and Local Issuers
Incorporating climate risk in credit quality
Climate risks are embedded in our approach to analyzing the key credit factors in our local government and state methodologies. We recognize the variability of exposure by region and factors that enhance issuer resilience.
Climate Trends vs Climate Shock
Incremental climate trends exacerbate extreme climate shocks Climate trend: Reflect gradual changes in the climate over multiple decades with little visible change from one year to the next, including incremental increases in average annual temperatures, and reduction in cold weather extremes. Changes in climate gradually increase sea levels, create more extreme precipitation patterns and produce more driven weather extremes. Climate Shock: Refers to extreme weather events such as droughts, hurricanes/floods, wildfire and heat waves that are forecast to increase in frequency and intensity over time due to changing climate.
We identify the primary state and local issuer credit risks of climate change as:
Source: Moody’s Investors Service
How do climate events impact credit?
Examples of how climate risk can be transmitted to credit risk
Natural disasters have become more frequent
Source: Moody's Investors Service, EM-DAT International Disaster Database
3 Lessons learned from Hurricane Harvey
Minimal credit impact for MUDs
220 affected MUDs were rated by Moody’s at the time of the Hurricane 32 MUDs were placed on review in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey Of the 32 MUDs that were placed on review, there was one outlook change and one rating change with an outlook change 220 Affected MUDs 188 Unaffected 30 RUR 2 Outlook/ Rating Change
Newer MUDs fared better during Harvey
Improved drainage standards helped protect MUDS Approximately 27% of MUDs had at least one home flood 3% of homes that flooded were built after 2009 The majority of flooding concentrated in areas that were developed before the adoption of modern detention regulations, and most even before FEMA had ever released flood plain maps of the region. Source: Meyers Research
Reserve levels helped mitigate risk
Fund balances near 100% of revenues provided liquidity for repairs The majority of districts expect to be reimbursed through private insurance or FEMA
Ratings questions about resiliency
Does the district have a contingency plan? Does the system have an interconnect? If you experience an interruption in regular revenue flow from an environmental event, what liquidity in addition to reserves could be accessed to bridge the funding gap (market access, insurance coverage, etc.)? What does Moody’s consider to be sufficient information?
20 Roy Ousley 214-979-6864 Gera McGuire 214-979-6850
Gera McGuire
This publication does not announce a credit rating action
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