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Lost Mountain Middle school 101

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1 Lost Mountain Middle school 101
Valerie Wombles Tracy Fields Alicia Hayworth Linda Guillory

2 Alicia Hayworth – School Social Worker
Middle School 101 Tracy Fields – Counselor Last name A-J Valerie Wombles- Counselor Last name K-Z Alicia Hayworth – School Social Worker

3 Middle school 101 During the Middle School Years – the kids grow the most physically than any other time in their life Middle School is a time to learn how to study, manage your time, get organized and mature. It is a time to make mistakes and learn from them. At this age it is important to encourage the effort and hard work that your student puts forth and not necessarily the end result (grades)

4 LMMS Schedule HR 8:50-9:15 1st Period 9:15-10:07
2nd Period 10:11-11:02 3rd Period 11:06-12:28 Lunch 4th Period :23 5th Period 1:27-2:20 6th Period 2:24-3:18 7th Period 3:22-4:15

5 Teacher Blogs and Edmodo
Check out teacher blogs to see the agenda for the day, HW and upcoming tests/projects. Edmodo is also used by many teachers at LMMS as a way to communicate information and assignments to students and parents. Students should make sure they register and check Edmodo nightly for updates. Edmodo has an app for that!

6 Georgia compulsory attendance law
Any child between the ages of 6-16 must be enrolled and attending a public, private, or homeschool.

7 Tardy Policy Students are expected to be in homeroom at 9:10 a.m. If a student is not, he/she must sign in tardy at the front office. In order for a tardy to be excused, the student must have a note or a parent signature stating the reason for the tardy. (Excused tardies are coded the same as excused absences). Consequences: When a student accumulates more than 5 unexcused tardies in a semester he/she will be assigned 1 day of ISS. When a student accumulates 10 unexcused tardies in a semester he/she will be assigned 2 days of ISS.

8 What is considered an excused absence?
Personal illness or when attendance can endanger student’s health or the health of others Serious illness or death of an immediate family member Observance of a recognized religious holiday Mandated order by government agency

9 What do I do when I come back to school?
Once you return to school, you have 3 days to turn in an excuse for your absence. The note should be tuned in to Mrs. Younker in the front office. Please include your child’s name and the dates of his/her absence. **Please check Synergy to see if the note has been turned in. Once 3 days has passed, we cannot go back and change an unexcused absence to an excused absence.**

10 Unexcused Absences What is considered an unexcused absence:
Family Vacations and Trips Family Reunions and Weddings Sports Events and Activities Cobb County Policy: 3 Unexcused Absences- Teacher contacts parent 5 Unexcused Absences- Principal contacts parent 7 Unexcused Absences- Social Work referral is made

11 Grading Policies We are on the quarter system (4)
All Teachers Grade Differently Please look at your students Syllabus distributed at the beginning of the school year, for grading procedures by class. Regularly check synergy, parent view, Edmodo, and teacher blogs.

12 String bags and book bags
Safety issue No room for them in classrooms Discourages students from being organized Can bring them to and from school but can’t bring them to the classroom. They must remain in their locker. They really don’t have to carry around a book for every class

13 Lockers ALL Before HR TOP After 1st BOTTOM After 2nd After 3rd
6th Grade Locker Breaks Who goes? When? ALL Before HR TOP After 1st BOTTOM After 2nd After 3rd After 4th After 5th Q1&Q3: 2:15-2:18 Bottom Q2&Q4 2:15-2:18 Top 2:18 – 2:21 Top :18 – 2:21 Bottom 7th Grade Locker Breaks Who? When? What do I get? Bottom Lockers Before Homeroom Connections and 3rd Materials Top Lockers Connections, 3rd, & 4th Materials After 3rd 4th, 5th, & 6th Materials After 4th 5th & 6th Materials ALL Lockers After 6th 7th & Dismissal Materials *No lockers after 7th!

14 8th Grade Lockers Who? When? What do I get? Bottom Lockers
Before Homeroom 1st – 3rd Materials + lunch Top Lockers 1st – 2nd Materials Last 5 minutes of 3rd (report back to 3rd period class to dismiss) 4th & 5th After 2nd 3rd, 4th & 5th All Lockers After 5th 6th & 7th Materials & Pack up for the day *No lockers after 6th or 7th!

15 Dress code – the basics No holes in jeans Straps must be 2 inches thick Shorts/skirts can be no shorter than 3 inches above the knee No leggings (unless worn with a shirt or dress that is not shorter than 3 inches above the knee) Sheer shirts must have a tank under them with 2 inch straps First Violation = warning and student waits in ISS until appropriate clothes are brought to them 2nd Violation = 2 days of ISS

16 Busses Safety is the priority! Riding the bus is a privilege.
Students should conduct themselves in a manner that enables the driver to focus on driving safely. Poor behavior on the bus can lead to removal from the bus and additional consequences in school.

17 Parents need to know If your student has his/her phone out and/or turned on when he/she has not been instructed to do so, it will be taken up by the teacher and locked in the front office. Parents will be notified to pick up the phone after 4:15 beginning the day it was taken up Student will receive a warning for 1st offense For the 2nd offense the student will be written up and will receive will receive ISS for 2 days. The phone will be placed in the office for pick up.

18 Parents and students need to know
Horseplay will result in an office referral and 2 days in ISS Horseplay includes pushing, kneeing, and just not being able to keep your hands to yourself Many times kids horseplay with their good friends and “don’t mean to”

19 Contacting teachers Email is the best way to contact them
Allow for 24 hour reply Shorter s will probably be replied to sooner If you don’t hear back in 2 days try again and/or contact grade level counselor Some s get lost in our SPAM filter Our mailbox won’t send s when mailbox is full AND it doesn’t notify you it is not sending your replies

20 Parent tips Monitor your child’s social media use *Internet safety and Cyberbullying Hot Topic Thursday October 2nd, 6:30 pm Don’t text your child while they are at school Encourage Agenda use Check Teacher Blogs so you know what your kids are studying in class (can help with conversation starters) Check the Eagle Card in their Agenda Parent Resources available on Counseling website

21 Parent tips The Eagle Card is also used as a pass at LMMS
This is a great way for you to track where your child goes during the school day The Agenda also has a section for Emergency Passes. These are to be used when a student needs to go to their locker or leave the room for other reasons after instruction has started.

22 Parent tips If you have concerns regarding homework or classwork, please reach out to the teacher first (allow 24hr for response) Get plugged in – PTSA blast Counselor text alerts Volunteer Coffee Talk September Get your child plugged in School Clubs- list on website Youth Groups Sports

23 Parent tips Try and keep a daily routine as much as you can
Sundays are a good time to go over the weekly events, tests, projects etc. Make sure your child has a consistent spot to study and complete homework at home Have a basket on the table or counter that holds papers for parent signature, items parent needs to look at Teach time management by giving them tips for using their agenda, use sticky notes, to do lists, dry erase board etc.

24 Parent tips Middle School is a great time to teacher your child “how to study” Note Cards Quizlet Re-Copy Notes Go over Study Guide Photo copy notes or study guide and block out key words with sharpie and have student guess the word Photo Math App Studying a little each day- no cramming

25 Extra help for your student
Many teachers have before school study sessions for an upcoming test – check their blog Contact your child’s teacher if they are struggling – many teachers offer to meet with your child before school to help them Morning Labs- Lookout for an blast and check the website for information Coming in September: Math Lab- Tuesday and Thursday morning 8:15 Reading/Writing Lab is- Wednesday mornings at 8:15

26 Synergy is a web-based program that allows both parents and students access to the following:
Grades Attendance Schedule This program also has a mobile app that will allow you to check progress while “on the go”. If parents do NOT have an access code, please stop by the main office during regular school hours & be prepared to show ID.

27 Get Connected Sign up for PTSA E-Blast
Parents can sign up for eBlast communication through the PTSA link on the Lost Mountain website. eBlast is used for the following: Quick communication to parents Share upcoming events Notification by PTSA Much more

28 LMMS Foundation We are excited to introduce the Lost Mountain Middle School Foundation. Please visit our web site at and see how you can be a part of “Empowering Students to Soar”. .

29 Join us for Parent Sessions on “Hot Topics”
Through a joint effort of the counseling staff and PTSA... Hot Topics parent sessions can help you navigate the middle school and teen years. Upcoming Topics and Dates: Internet safety and Cyberbullying: October 2nd @ 6:30 pm More TBD Follow the PTSA s for dates and details.

30 Don’t Forget Order your student’s yearbook on the school website
Coffee talk with the principal, first Friday of every month Student report of incident form located on the school website How does your student see the counselor?

31 Visit the LMMS website to learn what is going on at the school and to access important information.


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