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Scientific Method.

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1 Scientific Method

2 Steps to the Scientific Method
Is a series of steps that a scientist follows in order to solve a problem or answer a question.


4 Steps in Scientific Method
Recognize the Problem (observation) Hypothesis: is a possible, testable answer or explanation. Experiment: CONTROLLED procedure designed to test a hypothesis Data: observations made while conducting the experiment Conclusion: study the collected data and see if you answered your question to your hypothesis. Communicate your results

5 Doggie Issues Observation: Some days my dog wants to spend more time outside than other days. Hypothesis: My dog wants to come earlier on days that he is hungry. Experiment: Week One: Feed my dog before taking him outside. Week two: Take him out without feeding him. Observation: Week one he stayed out longer. Week two he wanted to come in earlier.

6 Conclusion: During the week that my dog went outside with a full stomach he stayed out longer. During the week that he went out on a empty stomach he wanted to come in earlier. My hypothesis was correct. Communicate results: You tell me.

7 Experimental Design When you design an experiment, you must design what steps you will follow and this is called your Procedure. Imagine you want to investigate how salt affects the boiling point of water. First you must think about Variables: any factor that can affect the results. ( size of beakers, amt. of water, method of heat, and amt. of salt)

8 Next you decide your independent and dependent variables.
Independent variable is the factor that you change in order to find out what will happen. In this experiment you will vary the amt. of salt you put in each beaker. Dependent Variable is the variable the can be affected by changes in the independent variable. In our experiment the dependent variable would be the boiling point of the water.

9 Control and Experimental Groups
Control group is a group used as a standard of comparison. ( Normal Conditions) Experimental Group is the group that is exposed to changes in the in the independent variable. (Change) Trial: each repetition of an experiment. Repeating experiments lets scientists check their results

10 Bioengineering Is the development of technology in the fields of biology and medicine. The developments help people stay healthy, grow food, and make other materials they need

11 Bioengineering & Medicine
Machines are developed to help doctors diagnose diseases and other medical problems. CAT scanners, MRI machines, Insulin for diabetes. Devices that help people with disabilities.

12 Adaptive Devices It is a device that is changed, or adapted, for use by a disable person. Example would be a voice-activated computer for a person who could not type for some reason. Flashing lights when the doorbell ring for a person who could not hear.

13 Assistive Devices Is any kind of technology that helps a disabled person with daily life. Examples would be hearing aids or artificial limbs.

14 Biofuels Fuel made from recently living things.
Ethanol is added to gasoline to reduce the use of oil. You can make ethanol from tough fiber plants like corn.

15 Bioengineering in Agriculture
Bioengineers work to improve farmed crops. Herbicides are used to kill weeds that choke out crops. Use the genes from good plants to make stronger healthier crops.

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