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2018-19 TEAM Portfolio Overview for Teachers
Keely Potter, Director of Teacher Effectiveness | Aug. 23, 2018
Agenda Introduction Portfolio Survey Results and Revisions for TEAM Portfolio: Support Plan Scoring TEAM Portfolios Next Steps Questions?
Purpose of Webinar Explain the structural and content-specific revisions and improvements made to the TEAM portfolio models Provide information about available resources to support portfolio implementation
Why TEAM portfolios? TEAM portfolios are:
a holistic, meaningful picture of the value a teacher adds to his/her students using work students are already producing in the classroom student-centered teacher-developed flexible peer reviewed
What is a TEAM portfolio?
TEAM portfolios are: Are a purposeful collection of student work organized into evidence collections that demonstrate student growth within the Tennessee Academic Standards Use scoring rubrics that includes the levels of performance for various standards Contain student work from two points in time Contain student work at varying levels (emerging, proficient, advanced)
Where do portfolios fit within evaluation?
Portfolios generate an individual growth measure.
TEAM Portfolio Models TEAM portfolios are available in the following grades and subject areas: Fine Arts Physical Education K-5 6-8 Pre-K/Kindergarten First Grade Second Grade *World Languages
2017-18 Portfolio Survey Results and Revisions for 2018-19
Implementation Survey: Key Findings
Logistics: A significant amount of time was spent in uploading student work and related documents, tagging student work, and self-scoring. Rubrics: Scoring rubrics used to measure student growth over the course of the school year were not seen as developmentally appropriate. Support and communication: Resources provided in on the portfolio platform and other communications were not considered very helpful.
Logistical Revisions for 2018-19 for All Models
Uploading of Context Forms No Longer Required Portfolio collections are identified by selecting from a list of pre-populated options available for each model reducing the time required to construct a portfolio and the possibility of submission errors. Streamlined User Experience The ability to add contextual or narrative/reflective notes is fully automated. Platform navigation is reduced. Submission Date Extended The submission date for all collections has been extended to May 1.
Logistical Revisions for 2018-19 for All Models
Expanded Access to Cloud Services Teachers can quickly upload student work from an expanded selection of requested cloud services (e.g., Google Drive, Google Photos, One Drive, Amazon Cloud Drive, Evernote, etc.). Real-time status features help teachers monitor progress. Standard(s) selected on which to base a collection are retained from point A to point B. Tagging Refined Teachers who choose to tag student work are no longer required to assign a performance level to individual tags.
Rubric Revisions for Pre-K ELA Portfolio Collections: Narrative and informational standards-based scoring rubrics have been revised for clarity, updated to reflect the revised TNELDS, and include additional scoring notes. Pre-K Math Portfolio Collections: In addition to revisions made in the existing standards-based scoring rubrics, additional standards options have been added. Kindergarten ELA Portfolio Collections: Narrative and informational standards-based scoring rubrics have been revised for clarity and include additional scoring notes. Kindergarten Math Portfolio Collections: In addition to revisions made in the existing standards-based scoring rubrics, additional standards options have been added.
Rubric Revisions for First Grade ELA Portfolio Collections: Narrative and informational standards-based options have been revised for clarity and include additional scoring notes. First Grade Math Portfolio Collections: Revisions have been made in the existing standards-based scoring guides. Second Grade ELA Portfolio Collections: This new model is a continuation of the standards-based scoring rubrics that exist in the first grade ELA collections. Second Grade Math Portfolio Collections: This new model is a continuation of the standards-based scoring rubrics that exist in the first grade math collections.
Rubric Revisions for . . Fine Arts Portfolio Models: All fine arts portfolio scoring rubrics have been updated to reflect the newly revised standards. The Fine Arts Revision Committee will meet during the school year to refine this portfolio model for future school years. Physical Education: Grades K-5 and 6-8 have not been revised. World Language: Scoring rubrics have not been revised.
TEAM Portfolio: 2018-19 Support Plan
TNPortfolio Platform and TEAM Portfolio
The department is partnering with Portfolium, Inc. to provision an enhanced online platform called TNPortfolio. TNPortfolio will house TEAM portfolios beginning in In the future, TNPortfolio will also support educator micro-credentialing and work-based learning student ePortfolio systems. The TEAM Portfolio element of TNPortfolio will be available for teacher use tomorrow, Aug. 24. This information was shared in the July 24 memo to directors of schools here:
Platform Support Webinars: August–September 2018
Administrator- and teacher-edition webinars will occur live and will also be recorded and made accessible on the TEAM website. Online Tutorials: Ongoing Multiple, short, task-specific tutorials are embedded within the platform. Live Tech Support: Ongoing A chat feature provides live tech support for teachers and administrators.
Teacher Support Updated Portfolio Guidance Documents: Aug. 24, 2018
Rubric enhancements and expanded scoring notes will be available in updated portfolio guidance documents on the TEAM website. Regional Teacher Trainings for Early Grades Portfolios: October 2018 Fall trainings will provide teachers an opportunity to network and learn more about the portfolio platform, purposeful sampling, and developmentally appropriate use of scoring rubrics. Content-Specific Webinars: Ongoing Throughout the year, the department will provide teacher-led, content-specific webinars that showcase exemplars and help improve practice.
School Leader Support Portfolio Toolkit for Leaders: November 2018
The Portfolio Toolkit for Leaders will help those who support teachers by providing professional learning packages for PLCs and strategies for providing portfolio feedback through classroom observation.
District Support Updated Portfolio Guidance Document: Aug. 24, 2018
The updated portfolio guidance document available on the TEAM website will provide district leaders with a tool to support portfolio implementation. New Platform Reports and Features: Aug. 24, 2018 Enhanced reports and features will assist districts in managing rosters, tracking progress, and communicating with teachers implementing portfolios. TEAM Coaches: Ongoing TEAM coaches are available upon request to support district leaders with portfolio implementation.
Peer Reviewer Support Blended Peer Reviewer Training and Credentialing: Spring 2019 Using a combination of online and in-person training, peer reviewers will engage in a rigorous, high-quality professional learning experience. Peer Reviewer Convening: Summer 2019 Portfolio scoring will take place in June at sites across the state. Small groups of credentialed teachers will engage collaboratively while scoring student work artifacts.
Upcoming Dates for Support
Friday, Aug. 24: The new online platform will send initial log-in s to administrators and portfolio teachers. Friday, Aug. 24: The following guidance documents and trainings related to TEAM Portfolio for will be available: TEAM Portfolio Guidebook for Administrators and Teachers content-specific resource guides and rubrics for early grades (pre-K, kindergarten, first, and second), fine arts, and P.E. Tutorials and guidance on the TEAM Portfolio platform
Virtual and In-Person Trainings
TEAM Portfolio platform webinars presented by Portfolium Administrator Edition Monday, Aug. 27, at 1 p.m. CT Tuesday, Aug. 28, at 10 a.m. CT Teacher Edition Tuesday, Sept. 4, at 3 p.m. CT Monday, Sept. 10, at 3 p.m. CT Monday, Sept. 17, at 3 p.m. CT Monday, Sept. 24, at 3 p.m. CT Register with the links on the Portfolio Resources page of the TEAM website. October in-person portfolio teacher trainings – registration will open Aug. 29. Additional support through regional TEAM coaches will be provided throughout the year.
Scoring TEAM Portfolios
Student Growth Indicator
No changes have been made to Student Growth Indicators. Student Growth Indicator for TEAM Portfolio Models Level 5 Significantly Above Expectations Students demonstrate, on average, three or more levels of student growth (= or >3 levels of growth) Level 4 Above Expectations two levels of student growth, but less than three levels of student growth (=2 levels of growth, but < 3 levels of growth) Level 3 At Expectations one, but less than two levels of student growth (=1 level of growth but <2 levels of growth) Level 2 Below Expectations less than one level of student growth (>0 levels of growth but <1 level of growth) Level 1 Significantly Below Expectations Students demonstrated, on average, no growth or negative growth
Teacher Effectiveness Indicator
No changes have been made to cut scores for Teacher Effectiveness Indicators. Teacher Effectiveness Indicator Student Growth Indicator Cut Scores Level 1 1.00 – 1.79 Level 2 1.80 – 2.59 Level 3 2.60 – 3.39 Level 4 3.40 – 4.19 Level 5 4.20 – 5.00 The teacher effectiveness indicator is the score reported as the 35 percent growth component as part of the evaluation system. It is automatically calculated within the online platform by averaging the four student growth indicators from each portfolio evidence collection and then applying it to the scaled value of 1-5.
Next Steps
Next Steps Subscribe to the TEAM Update to receive the most up-to-date portfolio information. Participate in all advertised webinars and professional learning opportunities. Carefully read all portfolio-related resources. Regularly check the TEAM website for additional teacher guides, resources, and materials.
Contact Information Keely Potter, Director of Teacher Effectiveness Visit the TEAM website and subscribe to the TEAM Update at
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