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Frequently Asked Questions

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1 Frequently Asked Questions
Hyattsville Middle School School Year

2 What is the address? 6001 42nd Avenue Hyattsville, MD 20781.
The main telephone number is School Hours are from 9:10-3:50p.m.

3 Who will be available to help me?
Ms. Navarro Counselors and Ms. Loftin Mr. Boone Mr. Cox Mr. Tazi Ms. Patterson Ms. Reed

4 What time should I arrive?
Breakfast is free for all students. Breakfast is served from 8:40 to 9:00.

Seventh Grade Student Sixth Grade Students Eighth Grade Student

6 Will I get a locker? Students at HMS get their own locker once their emergency contact paper is returned to their language arts teacher. You must not give your locker combination to anyone and you may not share lockers. All book-bags, large purses, and outside jackets/coats must be stored in your locker. Book-bags with wheels will not fit in the locker. You can only visit your locker 2 times a day.

7 When will I eat lunch? Students are assigned to 1 to 4 lunch periods and it lasts 30 minutes. Your teacher will tell you which lunch to eat.

8 What if I need to see the nurse or use the restroom?
Students are given 1 free agenda book each school year. The agenda book has a place for you to write your homework. It also has passes in the back that you can ask your teacher to sign. If you lose your agenda book, you have to pay $ 5.00 for another one. Nurse Tomas

9 Tell me about my schedule?
Each 6th and 7th grader will be assigned to Team 6A, 6B, 7A, 7B, 7C, or 7D. Each team has four sections for example 6A has section 601, 602, 603, and 604. Your teacher will address the class by your section. This team is where you will take your 6 major classes English Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies, PE and Health. You will have 5 classes a day.

10 What other classes will I be able to take?
6th graders can take Band, Orchestra, Dance, Tech Media and Design, Intro to Spanish, Intro to Italian, Drama, Art, Technology Concepts, and Chorus. 7th graders can take Piano Lab, Dance, Art, Technology Concepts, Guitar, Music 7, Intro to Spanish, Intro to Italian, Dance for Athletes and Drama and Tech Media and Design.

11 How can I take all these classes in one day?
Sample Schedule A Day B Day MOD 1 Science Math MOD 2 Social Studies MOD 3 ELA MOD 4 Art MOD 5 Dance

12 Will I be able to join a team?
Fall:         Baseball (Boys)                 Softball (Girls) Winter:     Basketball (Boys)              Basketball(Girls) Spring:     Soccer (Boys)                    Soccer (Girls)

13 How do I get Service Learning Hours?
All students must have 75 hours of service learning to graduate high school. 51 hours will be acquired through social studies and science. The other 24 hours must be earned by volunteering. Most of our students get them before they leave 8th grade. The Counseling Office can assist you with this.

14 What else should I expect?
In August HMS will send you a newsletter and supply list and any additional information in the mail. PGCPS transportation will send you your bus information. PGCPS food services will also send you a application for free and reduced lunch.

15 MORE QUESTIONS? Please call HMS 301-209-5830 or
Shanda Potoki at

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