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The Roman Empire. The Roman Empire Timeline of Ancient Rome Rome founded in 753 BCE -first ruled by kings -Became a republic in 509 BCE -by 275 BCE.

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2 The Roman Empire

3 Timeline of Ancient Rome
Rome founded in 753 BCE -first ruled by kings -Became a republic in 509 BCE -by 275 BCE Rome controlled the entire Italian Penninsula


5 Geographic Factors of the Rise of Rome
Link between Europe, Africa and Asia; easy access to trade routes: Italian Peninsula is central in Mediterranean world (halfway between east and west) Seclusion and protection: rugged mountains separate northern Italy from the rest of Europe which provide good protection Agricultural Climate: mild climate, fertile land, river beds, volcanic soil, mountain deposits Rivers: Po and Tiber allowed for transport and created borders from other peoples Northern Italy is secluded from the rest of Europe by rugged mountains (Alps in north and Apennine mountains in middle) which offered good protection but made communication difficult

6 The Seven Hills of Rome

7 Romulus and Remus were said to be descendents of Aeneas
According to legend, Rome traced its roots back to Aeneas, a Trojan prince who fled from Troy’s destruction Romulus and Remus were said to be descendents of Aeneas The city of Rome allegedly was founded in 753 BCE and Romulus was the first of seven Etruscan Kings Romulus was believed to be a great warrior king and started Rome’s first army and government According to legend, the city of Rome began in 753 B.C., and Romulus was the first of seven kings. He was believed to be a great warrior-king and started Rome’s first army and its first government.     Rome’s 2nd king was Numa Pompilius. He brought peace to Rome and began the Roman religion. The early kings got advice from a Senate (from the Latin word for “old men”) also known as a  council of elders. OR

8 The Etruscans First inhabitants of Northern Italy c. 750 BCE
Conquered Rome around 600 BCE Skilled artisans, farmers and accomplished traders In Rome, the Etruscans dug an enormous ditch (Great Sewer) to create a drained area named the Forum contributed to the rise of Rome and culture First inhabitants of Northern Italy c. 750 BCE Conquered Rome around 600 BCE Burial customs= tombs hollowed out of group or under mounds of dirt Interior of tombs resembled houses of living Skilled artisans, farmers and accomplished traders In Rome, they dug an enormous ditch (Great Sewer) to create a drained area named the Forum which became the heart of Rome (people meet to talk, trade, govern and worship) contributed to the rise of Rome and culture

9 Etruscan Influence on RomAN Culture
artistic styles religious practices and gods clothing Blood sports

10 Influence on Rome (continued)
The Alphabet The arch Design of houses and temples Water and drainage systems

11 Etruscan Monarchy First Etruscan King was Romulus
Etruscans expanded power and took control over Romans Last Etruscan King was Tarquin the Proud= expelled by a popular rebellion in 509 BCE Romans did not want to be ruled by kings anymore Paved way for Rome to create a Republic First King was Romulus = based on ancient myth (raised at Palatine aka Seven Hills of Rome and future residence of emperors) -high magistrates of Roman Republic used purple robes and ivory thornes of Etruscan kings (lucumones) -symbol of authority over life an death called fasces (axe bound into a bundle of wooden rods; when magistrates were present, it was carried by an escort of officials known as lictors -Tarquin the Proud= expelled by a popular rebellion in 509 BCE -rebellion had been sparked bc the king’s son Sextus raped a virtuous aristocratic woman named Lucretia, who consequently committed suicide. -

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