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( Your School Name ) is sponsoring a Nature’s Vision Fundraiser to help raise important funds. Nature’s Vision was selected for their excellent variety.

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Presentation on theme: "( Your School Name ) is sponsoring a Nature’s Vision Fundraiser to help raise important funds. Nature’s Vision was selected for their excellent variety."— Presentation transcript:


2 ( Your School Name ) is sponsoring a Nature’s Vision Fundraiser to help raise important funds. Nature’s Vision was selected for their excellent variety of environmentally themed products and commitment to customer satisfaction. What are we raising money for? •


4 Parent Instruction Letter
You’re going to receive a Nature’s Vision Catalog, Order Forms and a Parent Instruction Letter. Order Forms Catalog Parent Instruction Letter

5 Important Notes About the Order Form
Please fill in your Organization Name Important Notes About the Order Form Please fill in your Phone Number Please fill in your Teacher’s Name Please fill in your First and Last Name Please print as neatly as possible so we can make your order perfect. Don’t forget to include a SIZE for all T-Shirts. Make sure the correct price is at the end of the line. Please list only 1 item per line Make sure all checks you receive are made out to YOUR Organization, NOT Nature’s Vision.

6 Parent Instruction Letter for your Parents to Review.
Please Take Home the Parent Instruction Letter for your Parents to Review. Sale START and END date The Parent Instruction Letter contains important information about your fundraiser. Your Organization Name Your Organization Code Make sure all checks you receive are made out to YOUR organization NOT Nature’s Vision.

7 Important Notes on Selling
• Only sell to Family, Friends and your Parent’s Coworkers. • Never sell door to door to strangers. • Remember to tell your Family and Friends this Fundraiser helps support and benefit your school. • Point out that all the items in our catalog are of excellent quality and affordably priced.

8 Great Prize Program Nature’s Vision Cumulative Prize Program-The more you sell, the more Prizes you earn and the more you help your School!!

9 Sell 60 items and become a SUPER SELLER

10 Create a Student/Seller
Account to Promote Your Fundraiser Online

11 Nature’s Vision proudly supports these Environmental Organizations.
A portion of the proceeds help support environmental Conservation and Preservation.

12 Thank You for your Attention
Please remember to thank all of your supporters who helped make your fundraiser a Big success.

Download ppt "( Your School Name ) is sponsoring a Nature’s Vision Fundraiser to help raise important funds. Nature’s Vision was selected for their excellent variety."

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