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Literature Literature is a type of an art that provides works of creative writing , imagination and a combination of aesthetics and beauty to express oneself.

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Presentation on theme: "Literature Literature is a type of an art that provides works of creative writing , imagination and a combination of aesthetics and beauty to express oneself."— Presentation transcript:

1 literature Literature is a type of an art that provides works of creative writing , imagination and a combination of aesthetics and beauty to express oneself. Literature is divided in to oral and written. Oral literature includes folklore, fables , jokes and ballads Written literature includes poetry and novels which have subsection of fiction, prose , myth short story and novels

2 Poetry as type of literature
Poetry, is a literature work which induces a focused imaginative awareness of experience or explicit emotional response through language selected and arranged for its meaning, sound, and rhythm. poetry is noticeable by its greater reliance on at least one more parameter, the line, than it appears in prose composition. It regularly uses rhyme and meter (which is a set of guidelines governing the number and organization of syllables in every line). In poetry, words are threaded together to form sounds, images, and ideas that might be too complex or abstract to describe directly.

3 Types of poetry lyric narrative Dramatic Special types Sonnet Epic
Monologues Haiku Elegy Ballad Soliloquy Cinquan Ode social Character sketch limeck oration Name poem

4 Narrative poetry Narrative form of poetry often tells a story, mostly making use of the voices of a narrator and its characters as well; the complete story is commonly written in metred verses. Poems in this category may be short or long, and presents a complex story. It is commonly dramatic, with diverse character, objectives, and metre. Narrative poems include ballads, epics, idylls and lays. Certain narrative poetry takes the style of a novel in verse.

5 Narrative “cont.’ In relations to narrative poetry, a romance one form of narrative poem that expresses a story of chivalry. Examples is the Romance of the Rose or Tennyson's Idylls of the King. Narrative poems that are shorter frequently similar in style to the short stories. At times these short narratives are placed into interrelated groups, as seen with Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. Some literatures comprise of prose narratives that contain poems and poetic interludes.

6 conclusion Narrative poems act like our grandpas because they like telling us. Similarly to prose the have all aspects of a story ranging from characters, narrators, and the plot. The only difference is they are told in verse form.

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