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Research on Social & Political Trends in Turkey
#TSSEA Research on Social & Political Trends in Turkey KADİR HAS UNIVERSITY CENTER FOR TURKISH STUDIES 31 January 2018 /centerforturkishstudies /ctrs_khas
General Framework Prof. Mustafa AYDIN Prof. Hasan Bülent KAHRAMAN
Sample Methodology Objective Sample of the Research Research Area : Turkey wide representative sample; age 18 and over, residing in the city centers of 26 cities (İstanbul, Ankara, Konya, Bursa, Kocaeli, İzmir, Aydın, Manisa, Tekirdağ, Balıkesir, Adana, Antalya, Hatay, Zonguldak, Samsun, Kastamonu, Kayseri, Kırıkkale, Trabzon, Gaziantep, Diyarbakır, Mardin, Malatya, Bitlis, Erzurum, Ağrı) Confidence Level : %95 Margin of Error: ±3,0 Sample Size: 1.000 Schedule Field Work 11 December 2017 – 07 January 2018 Analysis and Report 08 January 2018 – 15 January 2018 Research Team Prof. Mustafa AYDIN Prof. Hasan Bülent KAHRAMAN Prof. Banu BAYBARS HAWKS Prof. Osman Z. ZAİM Dr. Cihan DİZDAROĞLU Objective of the Research To determine public opinion and attitudes in Turkey towards present and potential problems and current events Method Research Method: Quantitative research Data Collection Method: Face to face interviews based on prepared survey question form
DEMOGRAPHY /centerforturkishstudies /ctrs_khas
Gender Distribution of Interviewed People
Demography (1) Gender Distribution of Interviewed People Marital Status of Interviewed People Basis: 1000 /centerforturkishstudies /ctrs_khas
Demography (2) Total Household Size of Interviewed People
Age Distribution of Interviewed People Total Household Size of Interviewed People Age Average 41,4 Household Average 3,2 Basis: 1000
Demography (3) Average Household Income of Interviewed People
Socio-Economic Status of Interviewed People Average Household Income (TL) 3.030,2 2016 3,1 15,9 21,0 31,0 24,7 4,3 Basis: 1000
Occupational Distribution
Demography (4) Occupational Distribution Educational Level Job Status Occupations % Self-Employed %9,3 Self-employed, shop owner, tradesmen (taxi driver included) 4,9 Mobile business, self-employed (freelance included) no office 1,2 Business owner- 1-5 employees (Trade, Agriculture, Manufacturing) Freelance expert (lawyer, engineer financial advisor, computer software developer etc.) 1,0 Farmer (solo/family-run) 0,6 Business owner employees (Trade, Agriculture, Manufacturing) 0,2 Business owner employees (Trade, Agriculture, Manufacturing) Waged Employees %64,5 Worker/employee – regular job (wage) 39,5 Worker/employee – piecework (daily wage) 12,2 Non-executive officer / craft / expert etc. 8,6 Manager (1-5 employees) Foreman/master-builder –self-employed worker 0,9 Manager (6-10 employees) 0,7 Manager (11-20 employees) Waged-qualified expert (lawyer, doctor, architect, engineer etc.) 0,5 Manager (more than 20 employees) 0,3 Military man (military specialist, sergeant, military officer) Unemployed %26,2 Housewife -no additional income, receiving help 9,8 Housewife -regular additional revenue 6,1 Student 4,2 Unemployed – currently not working – no additional income, receiving help 3,1 Unemployed – currently not working – regular additional revenue 3,0 Sum 100,0 Basis: 1000
Voted Party in the 2015 General Elections
Demography (5) Voted Party in the 2015 General Elections Which party did you vote for during 2015 general elections? Political Views according to Party Affiliation Political Party Conservative (%) Nationalist Social-Democrat Republican/ Kemalist (%) Socialist Basis AK Party 37,6 15,7 2,1 0,2 426 CHP 1,8 6,2 22,1 46,7 2,2 276 MHP 10,0 65,0 1,7 4,2 0,0 120 HDP 5,6 38,9 22,2 36 Voted Parties based on the Political Views Political View AK Party (%) CHP (%) MHP (%) HDP (%) Basis Conservative 90,4 2,8 6,8 0,0 198 Nationalist 40,4 10,2 47,0 1,2 192 Republican/Kemalist 6,2 89,0 3,4 155 Social-Democrat 10,5 70,9 2,3 16,3 100 Socialist 6,3 37,5 50,0 20 1 November 2015 General Election Results % AKP 49,5 CHP 25,3 MHP 11,9 HDP 10,8 Basis: 866 *According to the field research, there is a tendency to hide voting behavior in voters who voted for HDP in the elections of November 1.
/centerforturkishstudies /ctrs_khas
Position in the Political Spectrum
Political and Ethnic Background (1) Position in the Political Spectrum How would you define your political views? %47,4 %44,7 %1,3 percent of people do not want to express their views. Listed based on the political identities in 2017. Basis 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 1000
How would you define your ethnicity?
Political and Ethnic Background (2) Ethnic Background How would you define your ethnicity? % 0,6 percent of people don’t know what is ethnic background. Listed based on the ethnic backgrounds in 2017. Basis 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 1000
How would you define your religious belief?
Political and Ethnic Background (3) Religious Belief How would you define your religious belief? Basis: 1000 /centerforturkishstudies /ctrs_khas
/centerforturkishstudies /ctrs_khas
The Most Important Current Problem in Turkey
Turkey and Its Problems (1) The Most Important Current Problem in Turkey Please indicate from the selection provided on the card what is the most important current problem in Turkey? %30,2 Data under 3,5% is not included in the chart. 7. Developments in Iraq (%2,5) | 8. Developments in Syria (%1,8) | 9. Corruption (%1,5) Listed based on the top 6 problems in 2017. Basis 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 1000
The Most Important Current Problem in Turkey
Turkey and Its Problems (2) The Most Important Current Problem in Turkey - Turkish Origin - - Kurdish Origin - Data under %2,7 is not included in the chart. Data under %6,5 is not included in the chart. Basis Turkish origin Kurdish origin 899 62 15
Most important problems of Ankara/İzmir/İstanbul
Turkey and Its Problems (3) Most important problems of Ankara/İzmir/İstanbul What is the most important problem of ….? İzmir İstanbul Ankara Basis İstanbul Ankara İzmir 271 100 88 Listed based on the top 5 problems.
Confidence in Institutions - 1 Sum of Positive views (%)
Turkey and Its Problems (4) Confidence in Institutions - 1 Sum of Positive views (%) 2016 Confidence Level: %34,7 2015 Confidence Level: %43,9 2017 Confidence Level: %49,1 62,3 47,4 51,9 60,8 60,0 62,4 56,5 49,4 46,9 Police Gendarmerie Army Presidency Listed based on the total positive views in 2017. Basis 2015 2016 2017 1000
Confidence in Institutions - 2 Sum of Positive views (%)
Turkey and Its Problems (5) Confidence in Institutions - 2 Sum of Positive views (%) 2016 Confidence Level: %34,7 2015 Confidence Level: %43,9 2017 Confidence Level: %49,1 56,0 46,0 43,0 54,0 45,6 46,1 49,4 35,5 38,8 Grand National Assembly of Turkey Government Judiciary Listed based on the total positive views in 2017. Basis 2015 2016 2017 1000
Confidence in Institutions - 3 Sum of Positive views (%)
Turkey and Its Problems (6) Confidence in Institutions - 3 Sum of Positive views (%) 2016 Confidence Level: %34,7 2015 Confidence Level: %43,9 2017 Confidence Level: %49,1 46,2 24,7 49,8 45,8 41,0 26,2 42,3 37,3 35,0 15,1 27,8 Universities Directorate of Religious Affairs NGOs Opposition Parties Media Listed based on the total positive views in 2017. Basis 2015 2016 2017 1000
POLITICS /centerforturkishstudies /ctrs_khas
Evaluation of Political Parties’ Performance Sum of Positive views (%)
Politics (1) Evaluation of Political Parties’ Performance When assessing parties’ performance in general, how do you evaluate their perofrmance? Sum of Positive views (%) Mean Line 2016: %22,4 Mean Line 2017: %26,4 51,7 48,9 42,3 33,4 17,2 25,9 26,1 18,3 11,2 12,2 8,4 5,3 AK Party CHP MHP İYİ Party HDP Basis 2016 2017 1000
Evaluation of Parties’ Performance - Based on Party Loyalty
Politics (2) Evaluation of Parties’ Performance - Based on Party Loyalty Sum of Positive views (%) Mean Line 2016: %52,3 Mean Line 2017: %72,6 88,0 90,2 75,7 54,2 51,7 60,0 75,0 4,9 AK Party CHP MHP HDP Bais AK Party CHP MHP HDP 2016 450 214 110 61 2017 426 276 120 36
Evaluation of Political Leaders’ Performance Sum of Positive views (%)
Politics (3) Evaluation of Political Leaders’ Performance When assessing leaders’ performance in general, how do you evaluate their performance? Sum of Positive views (%) Mean Line 2016: %21,5 Mean Line 2017: %32,4 56,4 48,5 45,8 45,5 34,8 15,1 31,5 18,6 15,4 10,6 6,6 Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Binali Yıldırım Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu Devlet Bahçeli Meral Akşener Selahattin Demirtaş / Serpil Kemalbay Basis 2016 2017 1000
Sum of Positive views (%)
Politics (4) Evaluation of Political Leaders’ Performance – Based on Political Loyalty Sum of Positive views (%) Mean Line 2016: %63,3 Mean Line 2017: %75,4 92,4 87,6 80,6 60,6 75,8 86,3 75,6 48,1 52,5 58,1 Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Selahattin Demirtaş / Serpil Kemalbay Binali Yıldırım Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu Devlet Bahçeli Baz AK Party CHP MHP HDP 2016 450 214 110 61 2017 426 276 120 36
Support for President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan
Politics (5) Support for President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan In general, do you support President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan? %49,7 %85,4 %18,5 %28,3 %8,3 Level of support of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan -2016- PDT NDT Overall 45,9 32,2 AK Party 84,4 5,4 CHP 4,2 71,0 MHP 29,1 38,2 HDP 5,0 85,2 PDT: Pozitif değerler toplamı NDT: Negatif değerler toplamı %28,5 %3,1 %64,1 %26,7 %66,7 Basis Overall AK Party CHP MHP HDP 1000 426 276 120 36
Political Polarization
Politics (6) Political Polarization Do you think that there is a political polarization in Turkey? Basis General AK Party CHP MHP HDP 2015 1000 489 250 128 111 2016 450 214 110 61 2017 426 276 120 36
The Axis of Polarization
Politics (7) The Axis of Polarization - Respondents think that there is a political polarization in Turkey (%52,7) - Basis 2015 2016 2017 1000 617 527
Political Vacuum in Turkey
Politics (8) Political Vacuum in Turkey Do you think that there is a political vacuum in Turkey? Basis Overall AK Party CHP MHP HDP 1000 426 276 120 36 28
Do you think that İYİ Party/Good Party can fill this gap politically?
Politics (9) The Respondents believe that İYİ Party Can Fill the Political Vacuum in Turkey Do you think that İYİ Party/Good Party can fill this gap politically? Basis General AK Party CHP MHP HDP 432 106 191 71 25 29
Politics (10) Political Spectrum of the İYİ Party
Where do you see İYİ Party in the political spectrum? Political parties that İYİ Party would take most vote from From which political parties, İYİ Party would take most vote from? Basis: 1000
Politicization of Judiciary in Turkey
Politics (11) Politicization of Judiciary in Turkey Do you think that judiciary system is politicized in Turkey? Basis 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 1000
Politicization of Judiciary in Turkey – Based on Party Loyalty - 1
Politics (12) Politicization of Judiciary in Turkey – Based on Party Loyalty - 1 AKP CHP AK Party CHP MHP HDP 2017 426 276 120 36 2016 450 214 110 61 2015 489 250 128 111 2014 360 175 104 67 2013 356 242 112 53 2012 317 274 41
Politicization of Judiciary in Turkey – Based on Party Loyalty - 2
Politics (13) Politicization of Judiciary in Turkey – Based on Party Loyalty - 2 MHP HDP AK Party CHP MHP HDP 2017 426 276 120 36 2016 450 214 110 61 2015 489 250 128 111 2014 360 175 104 67 2013 356 242 112 53 2012 317 274 41
Qualities of an ideal President
Politics (14) Qualities of an ideal President Apart from the current political system and leaders, which of the following qualities an ideal president should have? Data is under %8,9 not included in the chart. Multiple answers. Basis: 1000
Politics (15) The Necessity of Alliance Candidate for the First Round of Presidential Elections Do you think that political parties should make an alliance for the presidency elections in the first round? Basis Overall AK Party CHP MHP HDP 1000 426 276 120 36
Politics (16) Possibility of winning majority in the first round of Presidential Elections Do you believe that any of the candidates would get the majority of the votes in the first round of the Presidency Elections of 2019? Basis Overall AK Party CHP MHP HDP 1000 426 276 120 36
Politics (17) Support for Political Party Alliances in the Elections
Do you think that political parties should form an alliance before the elections and attend the election as an alliance? Success Rate of Possible Election Alliances If we suppose that alliance between political parties is allowed, which of the following alliances might be successful? Baz: 1000
The Level of Approval of Forcing Several Mayors to Resign
Politics (18) The Level of Approval of Forcing Several Mayors to Resign Do you approve of forcing several mayors to resign? Basis Overall AK Party CHP MHP HDP 1000 426 276 120 36
Qualities that Mayors should have
Politics (19) Qualities that Mayors should have Which of the following qualities of the mayor of İstanbul/Ankara/İzmir should have? İstanbul Ankara İzmir Basis İstanbul Ankara İzmir 271 100 88
ECONOMY /centerforturkishstudies /ctrs_khas
Evaluation of the Government’s Economic Policies
Economy (1) Evaluation of the Government’s Economic Policies When assessing in general, how do you rate the government’s economic policies? Please rate/indicate your evaluation of the government economy policy according to 1 definitely unsuccessful, 2 unsuccessful, 3 neither successful nor unsuccessful, 4 successful, 5 definitely unsuccessful. %47,7 %38,7 %34,8 %33,5 %31,5 %27,7 %35,3 %43,7 %48,1 %42,0 %77,4 %24,6 %29,2 %11,2 %4,5 %57,6 %30,8 %63,9 Basis AK Party CHP MHP HDP 426 276 120 36 Basis 2012 2013 2014 2016 2017 450 214 110 61 1000
Based on Political View
Economy (2) Based on Political View Evaluation of the Government’s Economic Policies Sum of positive views (%) 72,8 71,2 39,1 18,0 15,0 12,3 Basis Religious Conservative Nationalist Social Democrat Socialist Republican/Kemalist 276 198 192 100 20 155 * There is insufficient datae
Effects of Economic Developments of the Past Year
Economy (3) Effects of Economic Developments of the Past Year How did the economic developments of the past year affect you? 2017 %38,1 Member of C1 SES 2017 %41,3 Religious 2017 %33,0 Member of C2 SES 2017 %23,4 Religious 2017 %30,5 Member of C2 SES 2017 %33,2 Religious 2017 %29,3 Member of D SES 2017 %37,3 Conservative The first four criteria are included in the chart. Basis 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 1000
Most Important Problem of the Turkish Economy
What is the weakest point and important problem of Turkish economy? Data under %1,9 is not included in the chart. Basis: 1000
FOREIGN POLICY /centerforturkishstudies
Evaluation of the Government’s Foreign Policy
When assessing in general, to what extent do you think the government is successful in the administration of foreign policy? Please indicate your rate of success like 1 Definitely Unsuccessful, 2 Unsuccessful, 3 Neither successful nor unsuccessful, 4 Successful, 5 Definitely Successful. %45,9 %35,2 %32,5 %33,1 %34,7 %24,5 %33,0 %41,6 %45,4 %38,2 %75,2 %19,9 %27,5 %11,1 %4,0 %54,4 %22,5 %63,9 Basis Overall AK Party CHP MHP HDP 1000 426 276 120 36
Countries Turkey Should Collaborate with in its FP
Foreign Policy (2) Countries Turkey Should Collaborate with in its FP Which countries do you think Turkey should most closely ally itself with in its foreign policy? Data under %8,5 is not included in the chart. Listed based on 2017. Basis 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 1000
Threat posed to Turkey by Various Countries -1
Foreign Policy (3) Threat posed to Turkey by Various Countries -1 Do you think the following countries pose a threat to Turkey? USA Israel United Kingdom Syria Iraq Basis 2015 2016 2017 1000 Listed based on 2017.
Threat posed to Turkey by Various Countries-2
Foreign Policy (4) Threat posed to Turkey by Various Countries-2 Do you think the following countries pose a threat to Turkey? France Armenia Germany Greece Iran Basis 2015 2016 2017 1000 Listed based on 2017.
Turkey’s Allies or Friends
Foreign Policy (5) Turkey’s Allies or Friends Which one of the following states are Turkey’s ally or friend? Basis: 1000
Support for Turkey’s EU Membership
Foreign Policy (6) Support for Turkey’s EU Membership Are you in favor of Turkey’s EU membership? Basis AK Party CHP MHP HDP 2015 489 250 128 111 2016 450 214 110 61 2017 426 276 120 36 Basis 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 1000
Envisioning the Possibility of Turkey’s EU Membership
Foreign Policy (7) Envisioning the Possibility of Turkey’s EU Membership Do you think Turkey will manage to become a member of the EU? Basis 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 1000
The Negotiations for Turkey’s EU membership
Foreign Policy (8) The Negotiations for Turkey’s EU membership Under the recent national and international developments, what do you think about Turkey’s ongoing EU membership negotiations? Basis: 1000
Turkey’s NATO Membership Security of Turkey without NATO Support
Foreign Policy (9) Turkey’s NATO Membership What do you think about Turkey’s membership to NATO according to recent national and international developments? Security of Turkey without NATO Support Do you think that Turkey can provide for its security without being a NATO member? Basis: 1000
Evaluation of the Government’s Syria Policy
Foreign Policy (10) Evaluation of the Government’s Syria Policy Do you think Turkey’s Syria policy is successful? %29,5 %25,9 %32,3 %21,6 %50,3 %53,7 %31,2 %52,0 %38,5 %28,3 Basis 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 1000
Foreign Policy (11) Support for Turkey’s Military Presence in Abroad
Do you support Turkey’s military presence/establishing military bases in abroad? Support for Turkey’s Cross Border Military Operations In general, do you support Turkey’s cross border military operations in terms of fighting against terrorism? Basis: 1000
KURDISH ISSUE /centerforturkishstudies
Evaluation of the Government’s Policies on the Kurdish Issue
What is your overall evaluation on the government’s policies regarding the Kurdish issue? %43,5 %33,8 %29,9 %25,0 %30,8 %22,6 %25,5 %31,2 %40,0 %47,7 %49,4 %50,5 Basis 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 1000
Kurdish Issue (2) The main bond connecting Turks and Kurds
Please indicate from the selection provided on the card that you believe to be the main bond connecting the Turks and the Kurds Views on re-starting the “resolution” process Do you think the “resolution” process should re-start? Basis 2015 2016 2017 1000 59
Regime Type Requested by Kurds
Kurdish Issue (3) Regime Type Requested by Kurds In your opinion, which regime type will be suitable for Kurds presented on cards? Basis 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 1000
Regime Type Requested by Kurds
Kurdish Issue (4) Regime Type Requested by Kurds Turkish Origin Kurdish Origin 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 Basis Turkish Origin Turkish Origin Kurdish 899 834 333 597 511 500 62 111 91 103 93 63
PKK’s Representation of Kurds Living in Turkey
Kurdish Issue (5) PKK’s Representation of Kurds Living in Turkey To what extent do you think the PKK represents the Kurds living in Turkey? %18,7 %19,2 %19,9 %27,7 %22,7 %36,1 %46,5 %54,4 %52,0 %42,4 %57,4 %56,5 Basis 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 1000
Kurdish Issue (6) Evaluation of Abdullah Öcalan’s Influence over the Kurds, PKK and HDP How much influence do you think Adullah Öcalan has over the Kurds, PKK and HDP? Influence on PKK Influence on HDP Influence on Kurds Basis 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 1000
HDP’s Representation of Kurds Living in Turkey
Kurdish Issue (7) HDP’s Representation of Kurds Living in Turkey To what extent do you think the HDP represents the Kurds living in Turkey? %22,4 %22,0 %32,2 %31,3 %24,7 %24,1 %40,0 %49,1 %35,3 %37,7 %52,0 %53,3 Basis 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 1000
Kurdish Issue (8) Evaluation of Selahattin Demirtaş’s Influence over the Kurds, PKK and HDP How much influence do you think Selahattin Demirtaş has over the Kurds, PKK and HDP? Basis: 1000
How do you evaluate the arrests of HDP deputies?
Kurdish Issue (9) Arrest of HDP deputies How do you evaluate the arrests of HDP deputies? 2017 %58,5 %63,0 %12,9 %15,1 %11,2 %59,6 2016 %56,6 %64,4 %19,0 %20,4 %66,6 Definitely approve %77,0 %40,2 %69,1 %5,6 %7,3 %19,2 %9,1 %88,9 Approve Neither approve nor don’t approve Don’t approve Definitely don’t approve Genel Turkish Origin Kurdish Origin Basis 2016 1000 834 111 2017 899 62 Basis AK Party CHP MHP HDP 426 276 120 36 66
Kurdish Issue (10) Effects of Recent Developments both in Iraq and Syria on Political Expectations of Kurds How recent developments in Iraq and Syria did affect expectations of Kurds in Turkey? Evaluation of Turkey’s Policy Towards Barzani’s Independence Referendum Do you support Turkey’s policy towards on independency referendum supported by Barzani of North Iraq? Basis: 1000
The Possibility of Declaration of Independence in Iraq
Kurdish Issue (11) The Possibility of Declaration of Independence in Iraq Do you think that any possible declaration of independence in Iraq would create the same expectation among the Kurdish citizens in Turkey? The Possibility of Establishing an Autonomous Kurdish Region in Northern Syria Do you think that any possible establishment of an autonomous Kurdish region in North Syria would create the same expectation among the Kurdish citizens in Turkey? Basis: 1000
TERROR /centerforturkishstudies /ctrs_khas
Perception of the Danger of Turkey Being Divided
Terror (1) Perception of the Danger of Turkey Being Divided Do you think Turkey is in danger of being divided? Political view Year Yes (%) No (%) No opinion (%) Basis Conservative 2017 9,1 83,3 7,6 198 2016 29,6 61,9 8,4 226 2015 42,5 47,3 10,1 207 2014 23,7 64,7 11,6 192 2013 28,3 54,3 17,3 392 Religious 33,3 51,1 15,6 276 25,3 65,6 9,0 221 40,8 45,6 13,6 147 Republican/Kemalist 53,5 34,8 155 63,1 28,0 8,9 157 65,7 27,6 6,7 254 74,5 18,8 165 65,1 22,4 12,5 Nationalist 24,0 58,9 17,2 55,3 15,1 152 55,8 39,9 4,3 163 34,7 6,4 202 49,4 37,6 12,9 178 Social Democrat 37,0 53,0 10,0 100 52,4 31,0 16,6 126 37,2 7,4 94 54,0 36,5 9,5 35,9 47,8 16,3 92 Socialist - 70,0 30,0 20 51,0 28,6 20,4 49 76,7 8,2 73 46,2 41,0 12,8 39 66,7 36 Baz 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 1000
The Most Effective Way to Solve the Terror Problem in Turkey
Which of the following do you think is the most effective way to solve the terror problem? 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 Basis 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 1000
Evaluation of the Government’s Performance in Combatting PKK
Terror (3) Evaluation of the Government’s Performance in Combatting PKK How do you rate the government’s performance in combatting terror in the past year? %24,9 %28,4 %45,8 %43,6 %46,0 %48,0 %42,4 %35,6 %28,0 %25,6 %33,3 %24,3 Basis 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 1000
Based on Political Party Affiliation
Terror (4) Based on Political Party Affiliation Evaluation of the Government’s Performance in Combating PKK 2017 %5,9 %50,4 %29,2 %52,8 %67,9 %20,3 %25,8 %2,8 2016 %8,5 %54,2 %33,6 %75,4 %63,1 %7,9 %25,5 %1,6 Definitely Successful Successful Neither successful nor unsuccessful Unsuccessful Definitely unsuccessful Basis AK Party CHP MHP HDP 2016 450 214 110 61 2017 426 276 120 36
Evaluation of the Government’s Performance in Combating FETO
Terror (5) Evaluation of the Government’s Performance in Combating FETO How do you rate the government’s performance in combating FETO? Please indicate your rate of government’s performance like 1 Definitely unsuccessful, 2 Unsuccessful, 3 Neither successful nor unsuccessful, 4 Successful, 5 Definitely successful.. 2017 %50,9 %61,3 %25,4 %39,2 %11,2 2016 %45,8 %75,1 %19,7 %38,2 %6,6 2017 %20,9 %3,5 %50,0 %17,5 %52,8 2016 %20,3 %4,6 %41,1 %18,1 %55,7 Basis AK Party CHP MHP HDP 2016 450 214 110 61 2017 426 276 120 36
Evaluation of the Government’s Performance in Combating ISIS
Terror (6) Evaluation of the Government’s Performance in Combating ISIS How do you rate the government’s performance in combating ISIS? Please indicate your rate of government’s performance like 1 Definitely unsuccessful, 2 Unsuccessful, 3 Neither successful nor unsuccessful, 4 Successful, 5 Definitely successful. 2017 %45,2 %74,2 %17,8 %26,7 %11,2 2016 %39,5 %68,0 %11,2 %33,6 %1,6 2017 %22,8 %3,5 %49,6 %22,5 %58,3 2016 %26,2 %7,6 %48,6 %23,7 %73,8 BBasis AK Party CHP MHP HDP 2016 450 214 110 61 2017 426 276 120 36
Political Extensions of the FETO
Terror (7) Political Extensions of the FETO Do you believe that the FETO has political extensions? 2017 %55,8 %63,0 %50,3 %56,7 %50,0 %12,3 %9,6 %18,1 %10,0 %11,1 2016 %52,6 %58,9 %56,5 %50,0 %52,5 2016 %15,9 %16,0 %13,0 %13,7 %19,7 Basis Overall AK Party CHP MHP HDP 2016 1000 489 250 128 111 2017 426 276 120 36
Do you believe that FETO is still a threat to Turkey?
Terror (8) In which party do you think the political extensions of FETO exist the most? Do you believe that FETO is still a threat to Turkey? 2016 30,6 37,6 7,4 23,0 - 1,3 Basis Overall AK Party CHP MHP HDP 2016 1000 489 250 128 111 2017 426 276 120 36 Basis 2017 2016 558 526
Support for the State of Emergency
Terror (9) Support for the State of Emergency Did you support the declaration of the state of emergency after the events of July 15th, 2016? Based on political party affiliation Political Party Yes (%) No No opinion Basis AK Party 81,0 11,0 8,0 426 CHP 41,7 46,0 12,3 276 MHP 59,2 25,8 15,0 120 HDP 16,7 75,0 8,3 36 According to political view Political View Yes (%) No No opinion Basis Conservative 64,9 23,6 11,6 276 Religious 86,9 8,1 5,1 198 Republican/ Kemalist 64,6 18,8 16,7 192 Nationalist 40,6 43,9 15,5 155 Social Democrat 16,0 78,0 6,0 100 Socialist 30,0 55,0 15,0 20 Basis: 1000 78
Extension of the State of Emergency
Terror (10) Extension of the State of Emergency Do you think that the state of emergency should be extended? Based on political party affiliation Political Party Yes (%) No No opinion Basis AK Party 61,7 27,5 10,8 426 CHP 18,8 69,2 12,0 276 MHP 30,8 47,5 21,7 120 HDP 8,3 86,1 5,6 36 According to political view Political View Yes (%) No No opinion Basis Conservative 52,2 33,3 14,5 276 Religious 66,2 25,8 8,1 198 Republican/ Kemalist 34,4 45,3 20,3 192 Nationalist 11,6 74,2 14,2 155 Social Democrat 9,0 82,0 100 Socialist 5,0 90,0 20 Basis: 1000 79
Democratic Rights under the State of Emergency
Terror (11) Democratic Rights under the State of Emergency Do you think that the state of emergency rule since 21 July 2016 has violated the democratic rights and freedoms? Based on political party affiliation Political Party Yes (%) No No opinion Basis AK Party 36,4 48,4 15,3 426 CHP 67,8 17,4 14,9 276 MHP 40,8 39,2 20,0 120 HDP 86,1 5,6 8,3 36 According to political view Political View Yes (%) No No opinion Basis Conservative 42,8 38,4 18,8 276 Religious 30,3 58,1 11,6 198 Republican/ Kemalist 38,0 39,6 22,4 192 Nationalist 65,8 14,8 19,4 155 Social Democrat 73,0 21,0 6,0 100 Socialist 70,0 25,0 5,0 20 Basis: 1000 80
SOCIO-CULTURAL INDICATORS /centerforturkishstudies
Identities (1) Religious-Secular
Which characteristic do you think best explains Turkey’s current status? Religious-Secular Overall Socialist Republican/ Kemalist Social Democrat Religious Nationalist Conservative AK Party CHP MHP HDP Basis Overall Republican/Kemalist Religious Conservative Nationalist Social Democrat Socialist 2015 1000 254 147 207 163 94 73 2016 157 221 226 152 126 49 2017 155 276 198 192 100 20 Basis AK Party CHP MHP HDP 2015 489 250 128 111 2016 450 214 110 61 2017 426 276 120 36
Identities (2) Western-Eastern
Which characteristic do you think best explains Turkey’s current status? Western-Eastern Overall Nationalist Conservative Religious Socialist Republican/ Kemalist Social Democrat AK Party CHP MHP HDP Basis Overall Republican/Kemalist Religious Conservative Nationalist Social Democrat Socialist 2015 1000 254 147 207 163 94 73 2016 157 221 226 152 126 49 2017 155 276 198 192 100 20 Basis AK Party CHP MHP HDP 2015 489 250 128 111 2016 450 214 110 61 2017 426 276 120 36
European – Middle Eastern
Identities (3) Which characteristic do you think best explains Turkey’s current status? European – Middle Eastern Overall Religious Conservative Nationalist Republican/ Kemalist Social Democrat Socialist Ak Party CHP MHP HDP Basis Overall Republican/Kemalist Religious Conservative Nationalist Social Democrat Socialist 2015 1000 254 147 207 163 94 73 2016 157 221 226 152 126 49 2017 155 276 198 192 100 20 Basis AK Party CHP MHP HDP 2015 489 250 128 111 2016 450 214 110 61 2017 426 276 120 36
Democratic – Authoritarian
Identities (4) Which characteristic do you think best explains Turkey’s current status? Democratic – Authoritarian Overall Religious Conservative Nationalist Republican/ Kemalist Social Democrat Socialist Ak Party CHP MHP HDP Basis Overall Republican / Kemalist Religious Conservative Nationalist Social Democrat Socialist 2015 1000 254 147 207 163 94 73 2016 157 221 226 152 126 49 2017 155 276 198 192 100 20 Basis AK Party CHP MHP HDP 2015 489 250 128 111 2016 450 214 110 61 2017 426 276 120 36
Modern – Underdeveloped
Identities (5) Which characteristic do you think best explains Turkey’s current status? Modern – Underdeveloped Overall Religious Conservative Nationalist Republican/ Kemalist Social Democrat Socialist Ak Party CHP MHP HDP Basis Overall Republican / Kemalist Religious Conservative Nationalist Social Democrat Socialist 2015 1000 254 147 207 163 94 73 2016 157 221 226 152 126 49 2017 155 276 198 192 100 20 Basis AK Party CHP MHP HDP 2015 489 250 128 111 2016 450 214 110 61 2017 426 276 120 36
The Will of Neighboring with Different Identities
Please indicate whether you want to be neighboring with one of the following Basis: 1000
You disapprove if your child gets married with:
Identities (7) You disapprove if your child gets married with: I don’t approve any of the above: %28,2 Basis: 1000
Social Relations (1) Democracy in Turkey Basis 2015 2016 2017 1000
The Most Prestigious Jobs in Turkey
Socio-Cultural (1) The Most Prestigious Jobs in Turkey Which of the followings are the most prestigious jobs in Turkey? Data under %5,6 is not included in the chart. Basis: 1000
Printed or Online Newspaper
Socio-Cultural (2) Reading Newspaper How often do you read newspaper? Printed or Online Newspaper Do you read your newspaper online or printed? Weekly average 3,7 days Online %55,4 Printed %44,6 Basis: 1000 Basis: 574
Socio-Cultural (3) Frequency of reading newspaper based on political affiliation Political Party Average / Days Basis AK Party 3,6 228 CHP 3,7 199 MHP 3,3 94 HDP 3,0 20 By regions Regions Average / Days Basis Marmara 3,2 286 Central Anatolia 4,2 73 Aegean 5,2 112 Mediterranean 3,0 51 Southeastern Anatolia 2,2 41 Black Sea 4,6 37 Eastern Anatolia 3,3 29 Frequency of reading newspaper according to political view Political View Average / Days Basis Religious 3,4 178 Conservative 3,8 94 Nationalist 131 Republican / Kemalist 105 Social Democrat 4,3 71 Socialist 4,4 14 92
Based on Political Affiliation According to Political View
Socio-Cultural (4) Book reading How often do you read? Based on Political Affiliation Political Party Average / Days Basis AK Party 1,8 163 CHP 2,4 152 MHP 2,0 61 HDP 2,7 21 Weekly average 2,2 days According to Political View Political View Average / Days Basis Religious 2,1 146 Conservative 1,9 57 Nationalist 1,8 96 Republican / Kemalist 2,6 77 Social Democrat 2,3 51 Socialist 3,0 16 By regions Regions Average / Days Basis Marmara 1,9 200 Central Anatolia 1,5 60 Aegean 3,1 77 Mediterranean 3,2 45 Southeastern Anatolia 1,1 37 Black Sea 2,6 27 Eastern Anatolia 2,4 26 Basis: 1000
Based on Political Affiliation According to Political View
Socio-Cultural (5) Based on Political Affiliation Number of Books How many books do you read in a year? Political Party Average Books Basis AK Party 5,2 163 CHP 6,1 152 MHP 5,0 61 HDP 6,2 21 Average 5,4 According to Political View Political View Average Books Basis Religious 4,2 146 Conservative 5,9 57 Nationalist 5,4 96 Republican / Kemalist 6,3 77 Social Democrat 6,7 51 Socialist 8,5 16 By regions Regions Average Books Basis Marmara 4,3 200 Central Anatolia 5,2 60 Aegean 8,3 77 Mediterranean 6,9 45 Southeastern Anatolia 5,6 37 Black Sea 3,1 27 Eastern Anatolia 26 Basis: 472
Based on Political Affiliation According to Political View
Socio-Cultural (6) Based on Political Affiliation Going to Theatre How often do you go to theatre? Political Party Average Basis AK Party 1,2 103 CHP 0,8 MHP 1,4 35 HDP 1,0 15 Monthly average 1,3 According to Political View Political View Average Basis Religious 1,4 116 Conservative 0,8 35 Nationalist 1,0 46 Republican / Kemalist 0,7 58 Social Democrat 18 Socialist 0,5 11 By regions Regions Average Basis Marmara 1,2 166 Central Anatolia 0,5 40 Aegean 0,6 13 Mediterranean 25 Southeastern Anatolia 0,8 15 Black Sea 1,9 22 Eastern Anatolia 1,3 20 Bsis: 1000
Based on Political Affiliation According to Political View
Socio-Cultural (7) Based on Political Affiliation Going to Cinema How often do you go to cinema? Political Party Average Basis AK Party 1,2 238 CHP 1,0 195 MHP 1,1 80 HDP 1,3 22 Monthly Average 1,5 According to Political View Political View Average Basis Religious 1,9 156 Conservative 0,6 106 Nationalist 1,0 137 Republican / Kemalist 0,8 111 Social Democrat 62 Socialist 1,1 17 By regions Regions Average Basis Marmara 1,5 246 Central Anatolia 0,7 111 Aegean 88 Mediterranean 67 Southeastern Anatolia 41 Black Sea 1,9 39 Eastern Anatolia 32 Basis: 1000
Socio-Cultural (8) Events apart from theatre and cinema
Based on Party Affiliation Events apart from theatre and cinema Which of the following events do you go apart from theatre and cinema? How many times in a year? Political Party Pop music concert Football match Turkish classical or folk music concert Classical music concert Exhibition Basis AK Party 21,6 23,9 19,5 11,5 7,5 426 CHP 35,5 18,5 19,9 10,5 8,0 276 MHP 20,8 35,0 12,5 10,0 5,8 120 HDP 16,7 30,6 33,3 11,1 2,8 36 Average According to political view 2,2 Political View Pop music concert Football match Turkish classical or folk music concert Classical music concert Exhibition Basis Religious 21,0 12,7 23,2 15,9 5,1 276 Conservative 18,7 27,3 16,7 10,6 6,6 198 Nationalist 26,6 37,5 13,0 4,7 8,3 192 Republican / Kemalist 34,2 23,9 15,5 5,8 10,3 155 Social Democrat 38,0 25,0 24,0 15,0 4,0 100 Socialist 30,0 50,0 10,0 5,0 20 4,8 2,0 By regions Regions Pop music concert Football match Turkish classical or folk music concert Classical music concert Exhibition Basis Marmara 24,7 21,2 18,2 14,7 5,7 401 Central Anatolia 15,7 31,4 13,4 8,7 5,8 172 Aegean 66,9 22,3 19,4 7,9 139 Mediterranean 16,8 36,4 9,3 ,9 13,1 107 Southeastern Anatolia 14,1 25,0 28,1 9,4 64 Black Sea 21,9 23,4 1,6 Eastern Anatolia 7,5 13,2 39,6 11,3 53 2,1 2,1 Basis: 1000
Based on Political Affiliation According to Political View
Socio-Cultural (9) Based on Political Affiliation Watching TV How many hours a day do you watch TV? Political Party Average Basis AK Party 3,2 412 CHP 2,8 267 MHP 2,9 116 HDP 2,2 33 Average 2,9 hours According to Political View Political View Average Basis Religious 3,1 271 Conservative 2,9 189 Nationalist 185 Republican / Kemalist 2,8 149 Social Democrat 2,7 95 Socialist 1,9 18 By Regions Regions Average Basis Marmara 3,0 388 Central Anatolia 3,1 167 Aegean 2,9 126 Mediterranean 2,8 103 Southeastern Anatolia 2,2 61 Black Sea 63 Eastern Anatolia 51 Basis: 1000
Social media and computer games
Socio-Cultural (10) Based on Political Affiliation Social media and computer games How much time do you spend on social media or for computer games each day? Political Party Average Basis AK Party 2,6 336 CHP 2,5 237 MHP 104 HDP 25 Average 2,4 hours According to Political View Political View Average Basis Religious 2,7 211 Conservative 2,2 161 Nationalist 2,8 171 Republican / Kemalist 2,6 126 Social Democrat 2,3 77 Socialist 19 By Regions Regions Average Basis Marmara 2,8 332 Central Anatolia 2,6 150 Aegean 116 Mediterranean 2,3 79 Southeastern Anatolia 1,7 42 Black Sea 55 Eastern Anatolia 2,5 39 Bass: 1000
The frequency of going to a restaurant for dinnner
Socio-Cultural (11) Based on Political Affiliation The frequency of going to a restaurant for dinnner How often do you go to a restaurant with your family for dinner? Political Party Average Basis AK Party 3,8 356 CHP 3,1 233 MHP 2,8 105 HDP 2,6 19 Average 2,6 times According to Political View Political View Average Basis Religious 5,0 220 Conservative 3,2 160 Nationalist 3,8 170 Republican / Kemalist 2,5 129 Social Democrat 76 Socialist 1,7 13 By Regions Regions Average Basis Marmara 5,0 317 Central Anatolia 1,7 156 Aegean 2,4 115 Mediterranean 3,0 91 Southeastern Anatolia 0,9 31 Black Sea 4,9 59 Eastern Anatolia 4,8 41 Basis: 1000
The direction of the change in Turkey
Please indicate the direction of the change in Turkey. Would you consider the change in Turkey for better or worse? Change in Turkey When you assessing in general, do you think that Turkey is a changing country Basis 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 1000 Basis 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 1000 634 657 562 482
Direction of the Change Political Party Affiliation
Change in Turkey Direction of the Change Political Party Affiliation Basis AK Party CHP MHP HDP 2016 450 214 110 61 2017 426 276 120 36 Basis AK Party CHP MHP HDP 2016 316 97 61 31 2015 246 106 62 15
Getting Better Areas in Turkey Getting Worse Areas in Turkey
Change (3) Getting Better Areas in Turkey You claimed thatTurkey is getting better after this change. Which area are affeted utmost by the change Getting Worse Areas in Turkey You claimed that Turkey is getting worse after this change. Which area are affected utmost by the change Data under %3,6 is not included in the chart. Multiple choices Data under %2,3 is not included in the chart Multiple choices Basis: 343 (Areas that getting better in Turkey) Basis: 139 (Areas that getting worse in Turkey)
Being Happy to Live in Turkey
Change (4) Being Happy to Live in Turkey Are you happy living in Turkey? %12,4 %17,7 %25,7 %19,7 %16,0 %14,7 %52,5 %51,3 %48,0 %60,7 %67,2 %65,0 Basis 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 1000
Reasons to Prefer a Life Abroad
Change (5) Prefer to Live Abroad Would you prefer live abroad if it is possible? Reasons to Prefer a Life Abroad Why would you want to live abroad? Overall CHP HDP MHP AK Party Data under %3,4 is not included in the chart.. Basis AK Party CHP MHP HDP 2016 450 214 110 61 2017 426 276 120 36 Basis: 174 (Preferring to live abroad)
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