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Extra-somatic Journey of humans

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1 Extra-somatic Journey of humans
P M V Subbarao Professor Mechanical Engineering Department An Energy Centered Evolution of Human Civilizartion …...

2 Million Years of Journey to Current Destination


4 Conservative Philosophy of Universe
Matter cycles in regions of energy flow; such cycles, visible in natural complex structures, including those of life, occur as limited material resources scramble to provide a vehicle for entropy export. {Schneider & Sagan, 2005}

5 Energy System Vs Technology
Silicon Era Machine Free Era ??? Machines Era Water Mills Wind Mills Heat Engines Steam /gas turbines Compound Tool Era Single body Tool Era Cattle as Energy Systems Pre-historic Technology Humans as Energy Systems Pre-historic Energy Systems

6 Origin of Energy Systems & technologies

7 The Greatest Extra-somatic Action
Discovery of FIRE, FLAME and TORCH Fire is a discovery rather than an invention. Homo erectus probably discovered fire by accident. Fire was most likely given to man as a 'gift from the heavens' when a bolt of lightning struck a tree or a bush, suddenly starting it on fire. The flaming touch and the campfire probably constituted early man's first use of 'artificial' lighting. As early as 400,000 BC, fire was kindled in the caves of Peking man. Prehistoric man, used primitive lamps to illuminate his cave. Various Oils were used as fuels.


9 The Accounting : A major concern in Extrasomatism
If we are living in a cave and realized our extrasomatism, we need to start accounting with some degree of precise standard. We might be having fire, stick and stone tools in our cave. There, starts a measurement system. Like when you grunt and say how many fruits you collected for dinner, 1, 2 or measurements. When gathering wood for a fire you would ask for so much wood.....measurement. To live in our physical world we need to understand it (The Knowledge).

10 Innovation and Conservation

11 The Major Break Through Research due to extrasomatic Behaviour….
Development of Equipment for Enhancing the Utility of Fire/fuel. Extra-somatism for Somatic Needs Development of Theory & Systems for Motive Power. Extra-somatism for Extra-Somatic Needs

12 The Aelopile In 130BC, Hero, a Greek mathematician and scientist is credited with inventing the first practical application of steam power, the aelopile.

13 Branca's Steam Turbine In 1629, Giovanni Branca, of the Italian town of Loretto, described, in a work' published at Rome, a number of ingenious contrivances. Artificial Animal Natural Engine

14 The Practical Solutions : Are they Well Thought?
Creation of Motive Power: Dangerous & Inhuman Technologies by copying

15 Thomas Savery As an English army officer, Thomas Savery was once ejected from the Lord of the Admiralty's office as a lunatic because he proposed a ship that could be propelled by side-mounted wheels rather than by wind or oars. He exhibited great fondness for mechanics, and for mathematicians natural philosophy and gave much time to experimenting, to the contriving of various kinds of apparatus, and to invention.

16 The Savery Engine Thomas Savery, July 2, 1698, patented the design of the first engine which had the most important advance in actual construction. A working model was submitted to the Royal Society of London.

17 Functional Diagram of Savery Engine

18 Cyclic Process in Savery Engine
Thomas Savery exhibited great fondness for natural philosophy Time Events Process

19 Various Cycles of Nature : Symptoms of Sustainable Systems
Water Cycles Energy Cycles Life Cycles of Animals Life Cycles of Plants Seasonal Cycles Planetary Cycles Rock Cycles Geo-Physical Cycles Chemical Cycles Disease Cycles

20 Rock Cycle

21 Energy Interaction in Rock Cycle

22 A cyclic process serves for long time (for ever)…..
The Engineering Philosophy of Savery A cyclic process serves for long time (for ever)….. Cyclic devices are immortal….

23 Performance of Muscle Generating Cyclic Force

24 Cyclic Performance of Leg Muscle

25 Newcomen Engine : First Step in Innovation for Conservation
The original Thomas Newcomen engine was invented in 1712.

26 James Watt’s Engine : A major Innovation for Conservation
James Watt radically improved Newcomen's engine (1769) by condensing the steam outside the cylinder .

27 Steam Engine As an Alternate to Horse or Cattle…..
James Watt Engine Watt's Double-Acting Engine, 1784. The Watt Hammer, 1784. Trevithick's Locomotive, 1804 The " Atlantlc," 1832. Steam Engine Reached its pinnacle in size when it was called to drive 5 MW electric generator. Steam Engine As an Alternate to Horse or Cattle…..

28 High Tech extra-somatic Invention for Food Security
In the 1800s natural refrigeration was a vibrant part of the economy. Natural ice harvested from the pristine rivers and lakes of the northern United States, particularly those in New England, was in demand. Harvested ice was stored in large quantities in ice houses and covered with sawdust for insulation. Ice was delivered to as far away as India, where it was welcomed

29 Frederic Tudor’s ice ship, the Ice King
Ice shipments were not always warmly received. About 1820, the New Orleans mayor shocked the crew of the first sailing vessel to deliver ice to the city. He ordered the ice to be thrown into the sea

30 Cyclic Energy Systems for Food Preservation
During the 1800s many mechanical type refrigeration systems were being invented. Refrigerants such as sulphur dioxide, methyl chloride, ether, carbon dioxide, as well as wine, brandy, vinegar, etc., were used. The early refrigeration systems designed between 1850 and 1920 produced ice year-round to compete with harvested ice. As early as the 1880s, Carré ammonia absorption systems operated in south Texas. In the early 1900s Some refrigeration systems used carbon dioxide (CO2) as the refrigerant.

31 Steam Engine to Drive Reciprocating Compressor


33 Definition of Thermodynamics
Thermodynamics is defined as the science of energy. The name Thermodynamics stems from the Greek words therme (Heat) and dynamics (Power). Clearly depicting the early efforts to convert heat into power. Steam power already had many uses - draining water from mines, excavating ports and rivers, forging iron, grinding grain, and spinning and weaving cloth - but it was inefficient.

34 The Carnot’s Queries A Man Who Proved that Proper Blend of Science, Mathematics and Ingenuity is Good Engineering….

35 James Watt’s Engine :The Artificial Horse Evolved over 100 Years
James Watt radically improved Newcomen's engine (1769) by condensing the steam outside the cylinder .

36 The Family of Steam Engines
A Direct Hardware Creations to the Essential Need …..

37 The Human Idols : Steam Power
~1760 : James Watt ~1820 : Sadi Carnot W Rankine ~ 1860

38 Steam Wagon/Tractor : Last decade of 19th Century

39 Steam Tractors The first steam tractors that were designed specifically for agricultural uses were portable engines built on skids or on wheels and transported to the work area using horses. Later models used the power of the steam engine itself to power a drive train to move the machine and were first known as "traction drive" engines. This was which eventually was shortened to "tractor". By 1921, steam tractors had demonstrated clear economic advantages over horse power for heavy hauling and short journeys.

40 The Human Idols : Mobile Power Units
Nicolaus A. Otto Rudolf Diesel George Brayton

41 The Human Idols : Hydro Power
Lester Allan Pelton Viktor Kaplan James B. Francis

42 The Human Idols : Electric Power
Michael Faraday

43 Human Idols : Thermal Environment Controls : Willis Haviland Carrier
In 1902, heat and humidity was ruining a publication being printed in color in Brooklyn, N.Y. At that time, the art and science of air conditioning was just beginning to evolve. Solving this printing problem lead to the start of industrial process air conditioning. Nurtured by a young engineer named Willis Haviland Carrier.

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