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The Constitutional Convention

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1 The Constitutional Convention

2 Economic Problems Need for major change to the Articles of Confederation U.S. was in depression What is a depression?

3 Shay’s Rebellion In 1786 all of this finally came to a boil with Shay’s Rebellion Rebels Led by Daniel Shay attached the Federal arsenal in protest of the government ceasing of farmer’s land and other economic problems. Demonstrated a need for a strong national government.

4 The Issue of Slavery Manumission – the freeing of individual enslaved persons. Increased in the North The question of slavery still an issue.

5 Call for a Change Some leaders saw the need for a stronger national government. 55 Delegates met in May 1787 to discuss Native Americans, African Americans , and women were not allowed.

6 Virginia Plan 2 houses: representation determined by state population – Proportional. Lower House: elected by the people Upper House: elected by the lower house Would give larger states more power.

7 New Jersey Plan 1 house: one vote for each state, regardless of size
Congress could set taxes and regulate trade though. Small states supported.

8 The Great Compromise Also known as the Connecticut Compromise
2 houses: The Senate and House of Representatives Senate: each state would have an equal number of votes in the Senate. House of Representatives was set according to state populations.

9 Constitution & Slavery
Southern states wanted the slaves to be counted as part of the population for representation. Northern states, who had few slaves, argued that slaves should not be counted for representation but should be counted for taxation. Three-Fifths Compromise: Three-fifths of the slave population would be counted for both the legislature and taxation

10 Bill of Rights The first ten amendments that were put in place to protect the rights of citizens from a strong Federal government.

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