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Primary and Secondary Sources

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1 Primary and Secondary Sources
Mr. Davis 7th Grade

2 What’s the Source? What are primary sources?
First hand information is written or produced by a person who: Lived to tell the experience and is telling US about it!

3 What’s the Source? What is a secondary source? Second hand information
It comes from someone who researches and then write about another person’s first hand experience. Usually written after an event occurs.

4 Examples: Primary sources:
Diaries: Anne Frank lived during the Holocaust and WWII, she kept a diary of the events that she witnessed. Autobiographies: A written account of someone's life written by that person. Speeches: Lincoln’s “Gettysburg Address”, Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I have a dream” speech.

5 Primary continued: Historical documents: The Deceleration of Independence and the Constitution. They were drafted then singed! Paintings, drawings, sculptures, songs, poems, and letters!

6 Secondary Sources: Biographies: A story written about someone.
Almanacs, and encyclopedias. History textbooks, and textbooks in general. Why is this?

7 But wait! They can be Both!?
How can you tell the difference? Was it created during the time? Most likely if it is after the event, then it is secondary.

8 Let’s Try Some! #1

9 #2

10 #3

11 #4 Written in 2001

12 #5

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