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PEIMS Basics.

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Presentation on theme: "PEIMS Basics."— Presentation transcript:

1 PEIMS Basics

2 What will tea look for in an attendance audit?
All related attendance documentation, retained for 5 years. Substitute rosters, medical notes, sign in/out sheets. Time attendance was taken in the classrooms. Is there a pattern? Is it the same teachers missing the time daily?

3 attendance times High Schools 10:00AM 2nd Period
Middle Schools 10:00AM 3rd Period Elementary Schools 9:30AM Highest number of teachers at an elementary campus NOT TAKING ATTENDANCE AT 10:00AM 32 Techers Lowest number of teachers NOT TAKING ATTENDANCE AT 10:00AM 6 Teachers 0 Campuses had ALL teachers taking attendance at the appropriate time Highest number of teachers at an elementary campus NOT TAKING ATTENDANCE AT 10:00AM 10 Techers Lowest number of teachers NOT TAKING ATTENDANCE AT 10:00AM 0 Teachers 2 Campuses had ALL teachers taking attendance at the appropriate time Highest number of teachers at an elementary campus NOT TAKING ATTENDANCE AT 10:00AM 10 Techers Lowest number of teachers NOT TAKING ATTENDANCE AT 10:00AM 0 Teachers 4 Campuses had ALL teachers taking attendance at the appropriate time

4 B2B: Elementary Elementary campus currently has 22 students in each class 10 Techers out of 25 on campus, report attendance at 8:10AM daily, rather than 9:30AM 22 Students/ class * 10 teachers/campus = 220 Students 220 students * $60.00 funding/ day = $13,200.00 $13, lost funding * 180 days in school = $2,376,000.00

5 Take Away So, if just 10 teachers enter their attendance at the incorrect time every day of the school year, we could stand to lose $2,376, per campus There are 22 elementary campuses in the district currently. If we lose $2,376, at each elementary campus, the district could lose $52,272,000

6 B2B: Secondary $4,050,000.00 Secondary campus has 1,552 students
15 Techers out of 100 on campus, report attendance at 9:05AM daily, rather than 10:00AM 25 Students/ class * 15 teachers/campus = 375 Students 375 students * $60.00 funding/ day = $22,500.00 $22, lost funding * 180 days in school = $4,050,000.00

7 Take away So, if just 15 teachers enter their attendance at the incorrect time every day of the school year, we could stand to lose $4,050, per campus There are 13 secondary campuses in the district currently. If we lose $4,050,00.00 at each middle/high school campus, the district could lose $52,650,000

8 PLEASE help your attendance clerks!
Please explain the importance of attendance to your teachers. Two helpful reports:

9 Best run after attendance due


11 The district as a whole will be utilizing email to accept Parent absence Notes

12 It is very important to works towards consistency across this district
It is very important to works towards consistency across this district. One of way of doing that is to offer parents the convenience of submitting an absence note via . All school have a notes set up by technology. Please encourage your parents to make use of this tool.

13 Discipline reminders

14 We CANNOT assign a student more than 3 consecutive days of OSS, TEA prohibits it. Rather, use ISS or send the student to Davis. Students should not be assigned ISS more than 10 consecutive days. Run the Potential Discipline Problem report and review it each 6 weeks. Enter data into eSchool carefully and completely. This year ALL Assistant Principals will be required to attend the Discipline Training, per Dr. Lopez.

15 Fill in information completely! Be careful with coding!!!

16 Discipline Potential Problem Report

17 Discipline Potential Problem Report….

18 Please watch your discipline attendance
Please watch your discipline attendance!!!! TEA checks for matching placements and attendance codes. You can run the Discipline/Attendance verification out of Discipline Center > Reports in eSchool.

19 Discipline PEIMS Training for Principals will be offered at the PDC on the following dates.
Sessions are specific to Elementary and Secondary Please register in Eduphoria Sept – 2pm to 4pm Sept. 6, 2017 – 10am to 12pm & 2pm to 4pm Sept. 8, am to 12pm & 2pm to 4pm Sept. 26, 2017 – 2pm to 4pm Sept. 28, 2017 – 10am to 12pm & 2pm

20 Leavers

21 A LEAVER is a student served in grade 7-12 in the prior school year who does not re-enroll in the current school year (includes graduates, dropouts, withdrawals outside the Texas public school system, and no-shows). Leaver data is reported in PEIMS Submission 1 and is used to determine a district’s dropout and completion rate for accountability purposes. Leaver data may be corrected until the resubmission of Fall PEIMS data in mid-January. Once records are finalized, they cannot be changed. LEAVER is a student served in grade 7-12 in the prior school year who does not re-enroll in the current school year (includes graduates, dropouts, withdrawals outside the Texas public school system, and no-shows). Leaver data is reported in PEIMS Submission 1 and is used to determine a district’s dropout and completion rate for accountability purposes. Leaver data may be corrected until the resubmission of Fall PEIMS data in mid-January. Once records are finalized, they cannot be changed. An example would be, An example would be, an 8th grader who does not show up at the high school where they were expected to attend will be a leaver for the middle school where they were last enrolled.

22 movers A mover is a student who withdrew from a district and enrolled in another Texas public school district within the same school year or in the school-start window of the next school year. Withdrawn with a code of CS-Change schools in our district CD-Changed districts within Texas.

23 Under-reported students
An under-reported student is one who was served in the prior school year but is not included in the Fall PEIMS Submission as a currently active student or as a leaver. Final leaver reports and under-reported information will be available at the completion of the fall PEIMS resubmission in mid January. Campuses must clear all applicable students from its under-reported list.

24 dropout A dropout is a student who attended grade in a public school in a particular school year, does not return the following fall, is not expelled, and has NOT: Graduated Received a General Educational Development certificate (GED) Continued school outside of the Texas public school system Begun college Has died

25 An original signature is not required on withdrawal forms received in the district by fax. Withdrawal forms received by do not need to be signed by the parent/guardian or qualified student. Written documentation of oral statements made in person or by telephone by the parent/guardian or qualified student is acceptable documentation in some situations, if it is signed and dated by a district representative. by the district representative. Completeness of documentation. Withdrawal documentation shall be considered incomplete without a date, signature(s), and destination. Documentation will not be deemed insufficient when information is missing because the parent or parents refuse to provide information requested by the district. A district should document, at the time of the conversation that the information was requested, and the parent refused to provide it. Appropriate documentation of a parent refusal to provide information includes the date, content of conversation, name of person with whom the conversation was conducted, and the signature of the school official verifying the conversation.

26 Withdrawal of a Student
A student should be withdrawn from the attendance accounting system on the date your campus becomes aware the student is no longer a member of the district. With proof of enrollment in a different district/campus, retroactive withdrawals are permitted to the day a student enrolled in another school. All attendance accounting records affected by such a change must be updated. If a student withdraws before attendance is taken, the withdrawal date is that day. If a student withdraws after attendance is taken, the withdrawal date is the next school day.  Do not withdraw a student who is temporarily absent (e.g. as a result of illness or suspension) but still a member of the district.  The District may initiate withdrawal of a student under the age of 18 for nonattendance under the following conditions: The student has been absent ten consecutive school days; and Repeated efforts by the Attendance Secretary and/or Principal to locate the student have been unsuccessful.

27 Common mistakes in Leaver reporting
District does not follow up on a student who intended to enroll elsewhere, either in Texas or another state District withdraws a student using the incorrect leaver code District does not correctly document why the student left District creates a duplicate PID and the student becomes under-reported because the student records do not match

28 LEAVERS Signatures on documentation
Students who leave during the school year For students who leave during the school year, leaver reasons apply at the time of withdrawal, and documentation should be obtained at that time. Students who fail to return in the fall For students who fail to return in the fall, leaver reasons apply on the first day of school (or its approximation, the school-start window). The school-start window is the period of time between the first day of school and the last Friday in September. Districts should use the LEAVER-REASON-CODE that most appropriately describes the student's whereabouts during the school-start window. For example, to use LEAVER-REASON-CODE 60 student withdrew from/left school for home schooling. The district could obtain the documentation to support the leaver code at any time up until the PEIMS Submission 1 resubmission date. Students who should not have been enrolled and are withdrawn under LEAVER-REASON-CODE 83 administrative withdrawal LEAVER-REASON-CODE 83, administrative withdrawal, applies to students who are withdrawn by the district because the district discovers, when verifying enrollment information, that the student was not a resident of the district at the time of enrollment or proof of identification or immunization records were not provided. Leaver reasons apply at the time of withdrawal and documentation showing due process supporting the withdrawal should be obtained at that time. Signatures on documentation Documentation must be signed and dated by an authorized representative of the campus. This will be the campus registrar and campus administrator. LEAVERS


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