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“Hi! My Name is…” Directions: Deliberate in your team to guess who I am. Send a ‘greeter’ from your group to get my name tag.

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Presentation on theme: "“Hi! My Name is…” Directions: Deliberate in your team to guess who I am. Send a ‘greeter’ from your group to get my name tag."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Hi! My Name is…” Directions: Deliberate in your team to guess who I am. Send a ‘greeter’ from your group to get my name tag.

2 I am the experimenter who conducted the Robber Cave Experiment which examined group conflict.
Hi! My name is…

3 Muzafer Sherif

4 I conducted an experiment on imprinting with geese
I conducted an experiment on imprinting with geese. Those little suckers followed me everywhere! Hi! My name is…

5 Konrad Lorenz

6 I am the ‘father of behavioral psychology’
I am the ‘father of behavioral psychology’. I conducted the famous Little Albert Experiment, where I classically conditioned a baby to fear a rat. LOL Hi! My name is…

7 John B. Watson

8 I see how much our brain tricks us with the misinformation effect
I see how much our brain tricks us with the misinformation effect. I’ve done research on how our memory fills in gaps with false memories without our knowledge. Hi! My name is…

9 Elizabeth Loftus

10 I am one of the founders of humanistic psychology
I am one of the founders of humanistic psychology. I’m known for my Hierarchy of Needs. I want people to reach self- actualization. Hi! My name is…

11 Abraham Maslow

12 I am an award-winning neuropsychologist who won for my work on split-brain operations.
Hi! My name is…

13 Roger Sperry

14 I was an advocate for the improvement of mental hospitals
I was an advocate for the improvement of mental hospitals. You should have seen them before me! Scary… Hi! My name is…

15 Dorothea Dix

16 I found the area in the brain that is responsible for the comprehension of speech. It’s even named after me! Hi! My name is…

17 Carl Wernicke

18 I put kids in a ‘strange situation’ to study their attachment styles
I put kids in a ‘strange situation’ to study their attachment styles. I really just wanted to see if they would cry. Hi! My name is…

19 Mary Ainsworth

20 I worked on attachment styles with Mary Ainsworth.
Hi! My name is…

21 John Bowlby

22 I had the theory of multiple intelligences
I had the theory of multiple intelligences. I wanted to include intelligences such as: body, people, nature, and music. Hi! My name is…

23 Howard Gardner

24 I studied how people deal with death and dying, which is known as the five stages of grief. They made a funny giraffe video about it, too! Hi! My name is…

25 Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

26 I did the study where I discovered people would flip-flop their attitudes to match their behavior because they lied for only $1! The study was on cognitive dissonance. Hi! My name is…

27 Leon Festinger

28 I created the intelligence test for adults
I created the intelligence test for adults. Why does it always have to be about the kids? Hi! My name is…

29 David Weschler

30 I was the first female president of the APA
I was the first female president of the APA. I would have been the first woman to get a doctorate in psychology but was denied it. The men at Harvard are jerks! Hi! My name is…

31 Mary Whiton Calkins

32 I made dogs salivate to a bell using classical conditioning
I made dogs salivate to a bell using classical conditioning. It was on accident, but who cares. I’m still famous! Hi! My name is…

33 Ivan Pavlov

34 I did research on the capacity of short-term memory and found that the magic number is 7! (7 + or – 2) Hi! My name is…

35 George Miller

36 We discovered that there are specific visual field receptors or feature detectors by using anesthesia on cats and putting lines in front of their eyes. Hi! My name is…

37 Hubel and Wiesel

38 I did research on the stress response and called it the General Adaptation Syndrome.
Hi! My name is…

39 Hans Selye

40 I did research on the power of the situation and role called the Stanford Prison Experiment. In hindsight, maybe I shouldn’t have been the warden. Hi! My name is…

41 Philip Zimbardo

42 I am psychology’s baby daddy
I am psychology’s baby daddy! I had the first lab in Leipzig, Germany in I was also started structuralism by using introspection. Hi! My name is…

43 Wilhelm Wundt

44 I have stages of cognitive development
I have stages of cognitive development. There’s four stages: sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, formal operational. (Bernie Sanders) Hi! My name is…

45 Jean Piaget

46 I was the first president of the APA
I was the first president of the APA. I founded the first American psychological lab. I was also the first American to earn a PhD in psychology. That’s a lot of firsts! Hi! My name is…

47 G. Stanley Hall

48 I developed the theory on learned helplessness
I developed the theory on learned helplessness. I’m also known as the founder of positive psychology. Hi! My name is…

49 Martin Seligman

50 I did a research where we watched kids beat up a Bobo doll
I did a research where we watched kids beat up a Bobo doll. I wanted to see how aggression is modeled through social learning. Hi! My name is…

51 Albert Bandura

52 I studied language and believe the ability to speak is innate (Language Acquisition Device).
Hi! My name is…

53 Noam Chomsky

54 I was the first woman to officially get a PhD in psychology
I was the first woman to officially get a PhD in psychology. (sorry Calkins…) I also was the second female president of the APA. Hi! My name is…

55 Margaret Floy Washburn

56 I did research on conformity with a line test
I did research on conformity with a line test. About 1/3 of people don’t know how to tell the length of lines, or they really want to fit in. Hi! My name is…

57 Solomon Asch

58 I have a therapy technique called systematic desensitization
I have a therapy technique called systematic desensitization. I help people get over their fears. Hi! My name is…

59 Joseph Wolpe

60 I studied the theory of evolution and natural selection.
Hi! My name is…

61 Charles Darwin

62 I developed stages of moral development
I developed stages of moral development. There are 3 stages, each with 2 substages. I was also criticized for my work only including children and males. Hi! My name is…

63 Lawrence Kohlberg

64 I studied memory by learning a bunch of nonsense syllables
I studied memory by learning a bunch of nonsense syllables. I found out that I forget things pretty quickly and made a forgetting curve. Maybe I should have tested other people, too… Hi! My name is…

65 Hermann Ebbinghaus

66 I started structuralism with Wilhelm Wundt by using introspection.
Hi! My name is…

67 Edward Titchener

68 I am a founder of humanistic psychology
I am a founder of humanistic psychology. I believe that therapy should be client-centered with an environment that includes unconditional positive regard. I hope you’re in a state of congruence, my friend. Hi! My name is…

69 Carl Rogers

70 I found the part of the brain that is responsible for the production of speech. Want someone to stop talking? Just lesion my area! Hi! My name is…

71 Paul Broca

72 I studied attachment in monkeys and found that comfort is more important than previously thought. Those behaviorists were wrong! It’s not all about the milk. Hi! My name is…

73 Harry Harlow

74 I studied gender differences and found males value accomplishments and women value relationships. I criticized Kohlberg’s moral development stages for not including women. Chauvinistic pig… Hi! My name is…

75 Carol Gilligan

76 I started out working with Freud on psychoanalysis, but then I branched out. I did research on birth orders and inferiority complex. Hi! My name is…

77 Alfred Adler

78 I came up with the Law of Effect
I came up with the Law of Effect. I also like to lock cats in puzzle boxes and see if they can escape. They learned pretty quickly. Hi! My name is…

79 Edward Thorndike

80 I worked on counter conditioning to help people with phobias
I worked on counter conditioning to help people with phobias. Little Albert could have used my help. Hi! My name is…

81 Mary Cover Jones

82 I have the idea that the unconscious is collective and consist of archetypes. I worked with Freud early in my career. Hi! My name is…

83 Carl Jung

84 I studied the cognitive processes that occur during classical conditioning.
Hi! My name is…

85 Robert Rescorla

86 I’m everyone’s favorite psychologist
I’m everyone’s favorite psychologist! I founded psychoanalysis, along with naming defense mechanisms, Oedipus complex, stages of psychosexual development, and oh yeah! Kids have sexual and aggressive urges. Hi! My name is…

87 Sigmund Freud

88 I am the founder of psychophysics. I have a law like that Weber guy.
Hi! My name is…

89 Gustav Fechner

90 I pioneered intelligence testing, even though it didn’t quite work out
I pioneered intelligence testing, even though it didn’t quite work out. I believe intelligence is an inherited trait. People were a little mad. I also coined nature v. nurture. Darwin is my cousin. Hi! My name is…

91 Sir Francis Galton

92 It’s shocking that people are so obedient to authority figures
It’s shocking that people are so obedient to authority figures. All you have to do is wear a white coat, and they’ll do what you say. Well, at least two-thirds will. Hi! My name is…

93 Stanley Milgram

94 I am a developmental psychologist who studied parenting styles
I am a developmental psychologist who studied parenting styles. I found 3 types: authoritarian, authoritative, and permissive. I forgot about neglectful, but someone added it later. Oops. Hi! My name is…

95 Diana Baumrind

96 I pioneered Cognitive Therapy (CT) or Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). It works by altering your thoughts and emotions. It’s also one of the few talk therapies to be proven effective through scientific research. Go me! Hi! My name is…

97 Aaron Beck

98 I am an evolutionary psychologist
I am an evolutionary psychologist. I liked the movie What Women Want, so I researched it. Turns out, there’s evolutionary theories why men prefer young and attractive and women prefer a man with resources. Hi! My name is…

99 David Buss

100 I have fun putting rats and pigeons in my boxes (a. k. a
I have fun putting rats and pigeons in my boxes (a.k.a. Operant Chambers) and seeing what I can get them to do through reinforcement and punishment. Operant conditioning is my thing, and free will is a myth! Hi! My name is…

101 B.F. Skinner

102 I introduced the concept of just noticeable difference (JND) when dealing with thresholds. Fechner expressed my ideas using math, which is now a law named after me. Hi! My name is…

103 Ernst Weber

104 I researched conditioned taste aversion in rats and found that animals will avoid food that is associated with nausea and vomiting. Hi! My name is…

105 John Garcia

106 They call me the ‘father of American psychology’
They call me the ‘father of American psychology’. I wrote the Principles of Psychology. I helped start Functionalism, since it’s better to know how things work, right? Hi! My name is…

107 William James

108 I developed Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy
I developed Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy. I helped pioneer cognitive-behavioral therapies. Oh, and Ms. Canada met my wife!  Hi! My name is…

109 Albert Ellis

110 I developed the eight psychosocial stages of development
I developed the eight psychosocial stages of development. I’m kind of a big deal. You should know each stage, of course. Hi! My name is…

111 Erik Erikson

112 I challenged the belief that men are intellectually superior to women and conducted research to dispel this notion. I also worked in educational psychology with a focus on gifted children. Hi! My name is…

113 Leta Stetter Hollingworth

114 I am regarded for my study of the role of hypnosis in human behavior and pain relief. You don’t need that anesthesia. Hi! My name is…

115 Ernest Hilgard

116 I worked with Sperry on developing split brain procedures.
Hi! My name is…

117 Michael Gazzaniga

118 I’m best known for my socio- cultural theory
I’m best known for my socio- cultural theory. I believe that children’s social interactions play a critical role in learning, which culture greatly influences. Hi! My name is…

119 Lev Vygotsky

120 I’m best known for developing factor analysis
I’m best known for developing factor analysis. I measured and expressed intelligence, or general intelligence, as g factor. Hi! My name is…

121 Charles Spearman

122 I like the number 3 and triangles
I like the number 3 and triangles. I am known for my triarchic theory on intelligence (practical, creative, and analytical) and my triangular theory of love (consummate love = intimacy + passion + commitment). Hi! My name is…

123 Robert Sternberg

124 Along with Theodore Simon, I revolutionized intelligence testing with the concept of I.Q. The French government asked us to develop tests to identify children falling behind in school. Hi! My name is…

125 Alfred Binet

126 I am credited with founding Gestalt psychology
I am credited with founding Gestalt psychology. I see the bigger picture, not just the pieces. Hi! My name is…

127 Max Wertheimer

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