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The Incas.

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Presentation on theme: "The Incas."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Incas

2 Rise of the Incas/Loction
Empire in Andes mountains Civilization started in 1438 It is known to be one of the largest civilizations Machu Picchu – best known archaeological site

3 Society Quipus – used for financial and historical records
Had a class system-wealthy class and lower class Women- Would do housework, look after children and tend livestock.

4 Government Central government split into 4 quarters
Capital was Cusco - now part of modern day Peru

5 Economy Used silver and gold
Very developed-Skilled engineers, built temples, roads, terrace farming, textiles, irrigation systems

6 Religion Polytheistic Practiced Human Sacrifice
Believed in reincarnation Like Aztecs, believed sun was highest diety Worshipped natural forces

7 Downfall Defeated by Spanish (Pizarro)
Pizarro wanted land and treasure, was given permission to conquer the Incas by Queen Isabella of Spain.

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