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The Americas on the Eve of Invasion

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1 The Americas on the Eve of Invasion

2 I. Post Classical Mesoamerica
The Old Days- Toltecs Nomadic Toltecs from north established Tula, Central Mexico, 968 Military society mixed with culture of sedentary/farming people Toltec legend Quetzalcoatl Vast empire into N. America Collapsed 1150

3 Aztec rise to Power Various city-states organized around Lake Texcoco after fall of Toltecs Political foundation military shared culture in Toltec language Established own powerful city-state at Tenochtitlan 1325; gained power, land from tribute & sacrifice

4 Height of Aztec Empire

5 Religion & Ideology of Conquest
Conquered peoples forced to pay tribute, lands, military service Spiritual & Natural World the same polytheistic Huitzilopochtli- god of war, tribal god of Aztecs Sacrifice for religious and political purposes

6 Tenochtitlan Capital City, set on island of lake Texcoco with central zone of palaces City divided into wards controlled by calpulli: Calpulli organized wards tributes, temples, community bureaucracy, land Tenochtitlan leading city state of 50 surrounding Texcoco

7 Tribute Empire Speaker rules city state; Great Speaker of Tenochtitlan
Prime Minister chosen from relatives When Aztec conquered a new territory: Local rulers stayed in place, coordinated tribute, labor to Aztecs, little direct political administration Empire collapsed under increase of nobility, terror, tribute demands

8 Aztec Economy Agriculture!!! Developed chinampas
Calpulli portioned lands Markets held in community periodically; large market controlled by pochteca, long distance travelers Gov’t controlled use & distribution of tribute; food, slaves, victims

9 Transition of Aztec Society
Social Classes Emerging Nobility from original Calpulli controlled everything (religion, military, gov’t, private lands) Serfs as workers for Nobility Scribes, Artisans, Healers own Class

10 Overcoming Technology
No animals of burden Women provided significant economic roles; allowed greatest degree of freedom Despite limited technology, supported 20 million people

11 Twantinsuyu: World of Inca
Rise of Inca Time of war between chieftains of small states (not quite city-states, though) Chimor state controlled much of Andean coast Quichua speaking ayllus (clans) conquered hostile neighbors in 1438 under Pachacuti The Inca consolidated power from Colombia to Chile Capital Cuzco

12 Conquest & Religion Split Inheritance
Political power passed down to the next king LAND and wealth passed to children who used it to support his mummy created need for constant expansion Sun God highest deity, Temple of Cuzco center of state religion, held past Incas Profound animism Priests & Women served the temples, coordinated celebrations

13 Inca Rule Inca, leader considered to be god Governors for 4 provinces
Nobles led state bureaucracies When a new region was conquered Local rulers (curacas) allowed to maintain position and received privileges relocation of people (tambos) People had access to new goods, irrigation, etc from the inca TRIBUTE demanded mita reqirements- communities took turns working on projects

14 Social Society focused on military virtue, developed inequality of men and women, equality in worship Women could serve in temples Treated like servants otherwise

15 Cultural Accomplishments
No wheel, no writing Llama domestication Terrace farming Metalwork 13000 miles of roads Quipu: knotted strings for record keeping Monumental architecture- Machu Picchu Extensive infrastructure

16 Comparison Differences
Similarities Differences Built on earlier empires Intensive state agriculture Redistributive economy Kinship/family based hierarchy Ind. Ethnic groups allowed to survive Aztec developed market system; Inca redistribution Writing System

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