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Pre-Columbian Civilizations In the Americas Unit 2, Chapter 11.

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Presentation on theme: "Pre-Columbian Civilizations In the Americas Unit 2, Chapter 11."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pre-Columbian Civilizations In the Americas Unit 2, Chapter 11

2 Early Human Migrations

3 Major Pre-Columbian Civilizations

4 MesoAmerica

5 Classic Era – 600-900 Post-Classic Era – 900-1500
People of Teotihuacan Maya Post-Classic Era – Toltecs Aztecs

6 Teotihuacan Pre-Aztec Polytheistic Human sacrifice
Dependence on agriculture Chinampas No clear evidence of rulers Probably elite families Collapsed about 650

7 The Mayans

8 Lands of the Mayans The Yucatan Peninsula

9 Overview Never politically united Individual city-states with rulers
Shared culture Shifting (Slash & Burn) agriculture No use of wheels, pulleys, carts, or metal tools

10 Astrology Cosmos divided into 3 layers connected on a vertical axis
Earth in between the heavens and the underworld Priests communicated with gods through bloodletting & use of hallucinogens Human sacrifice

11 Society Patrilineal Evidence of female roles in political and religious arena (2 female rulers) Focus on war Definite Class structure

12 Mayan Decline Between 800 and 900 Cities abandoned or destroyed
Theories Epidemic disease Disruption of trade Population expansion led to environmental destruction and food shortages provoking warfare

13 Chichen-Itza - Pyramid

14 Chichen-Itza - Observatory

15 Tikal - Wall Mask of the Rain God

16 Quetzalcoatl: (Kate-Zahl-Co-At-L) The God of Wisdom & Learning

17 The Aztecs

18 Overview Northern peoples who pushed into central Mexico after the collapse of Tula Beginning – clan based Adapted to the local political & social practices Around 1325 built capital at Tenochtitlan (old site of Teotichuacan)

19 Political Monarchy Aristocratic families had much say
Not absolute or hereditary Aristocratic families had much say Sometimes war provided political legitimacy Tribute system

20 Society Very focused on class distinction Commoners – monogamous
Nobles – polygamous Prisoners of war used for labor Class of merchants Used bartering system

21 Achievements Dikes Chinampas Canals Writing system

22 Rituals Polytheism Dual natured gods
Cult of Huitzilopochtli (WEE-tsuh-loh-POHKT-lee) Demanded diet of human hearts to bring sun’s warmth to the world

23 Lands of the Aztecs

24 Aztec View of Tenochtitlan

25 Tenochtitlan: The “Venice” of the Americas

26 Tenochtitlan - Chinampas

27 Aztecs Sacrifice Neighboring Tribes to the Sun God

28 Heart Sacrifice on an Aztec Temple Pyramid

29 TZOMPANTLI (Zom-Pont-Li) Wall of Skulls

30 Aztec Gold

31 Andean Civilizations 600 – 1500
Moche – northern coast of Peru Tiwanaku & Wari – Peruvian coast Inca – Chile & Ecuador, along Pacific coast, along Andes Mountains, into Amazon, and south into Argentina

32 Introduction to all Andean Civilizations
Fishing Maize fields Herds of llamas and alpaca Terraced farming Khipus – record keeping ropes Roads Ayllu (family clans) – communal land Mit’a – labor draft

33 The Incas

34 Lands of the Incas

35 Imperial State By 1525, Centered in Cuzco valley Messenger Runners
more than 6 million Centered in Cuzco valley Messenger Runners Increased empire by military expansion & forcing economic exchanges Local rulers Children required to live in Cuzco

36 Religion Polytheistic (Idols taken to Cuzco)
Royal family descendent from the Sun (Sapa Inca – “The Great Inca”) Human & animal Sacrifice

37 With Your Partner How did the Incas control their empire as it expanded? (List as much as you can)

38 Cuzco: Ancient Capital of the Inca (11,000 ft. above sea level)

39 Machu Picchu

40 Machu Picchu

41 Incan Terrace Farming

42 Maize in Incan Pottery & Gold Work

43 Over 100 Different Types of Potatoes Cultivated by the Incans

44 Quipu – Record keeping ropes

45 Incan Mummies

46 Inca Gold & Silver

47 Comparison List: Aztecs & Incas
Similarities Differences

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