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Brentford Dock Newsletter

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1 Brentford Dock Newsletter
Brentford Dock Newsletter January/February 2018 Christmas Lights Switch on We wish all on the Dock a Happy and Prosperous New Year! The Dock Christmas lights switch on party which took place on Saturday 2nd December, was well attended and the weather was reasonably kind. Santa was also on hand to add a little magic to the occasion. January/February 2018 Annual General Meeting The 2018 Brentford Dock Ltd, AGM will be held in the clubroom on Thursday 15th February commencing at 8pm. All shareholders are invited to attend, and will receive the necessary paperwork imminently. Gas Works You may have noticed that there has been safety fencing outside Numa Court now for several weeks. This is due to a gas leak that was discovered before Christmas. For those with no gas to cook with it is obviously a major inconvenience. We are in negotiation with ‘Cadent’ (Old British Gas) about how best to restore the mains supply, without having a significant impact on the Dock and considerable upheaval for all of us (the possibility Lift Refurbishments The first of the lift (Otho Court North) refurbishment was completed ahead of schedule before Christmas. Works is now ongoing in the Nero Court and Romulus Court lifts. These will be followed by the Galba Court and Numa Court (Marina) lifts. All the lifts will be completed by the end of March. Further details will be sent out to all Residents in the affected blocks, with updates as the works progress in each block. Once the mechanical and electrical works are complete in all lifts - there will be a separate project to cosmetically refurbish the lift cars themselves. of 3 weeks of digging trenches to lay new mains pipes, disturbing the new paving areas and paths). Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) In the November newsletter we informed you that in the New Year we would be renewing all the Parking Permits on the Dock, which we have not done for 4 years. Since then the London Borough of Hounslow has written to the West side of the Dock as part of a consultation process looking to make Augustus Close a CPZ, following a petition from some Residents. Marie Curie Coffee Mornings: Monday 19th February and 19th March 10.30am to pm Dock Shop: Telephone: Many more electrical and DIY items now available in store. Opening times - 8am to 10pm, 7 days a week. Attached with this newsletter is a copy of our updated parking policy and a letter from the Board of Directors concerning the CPZ and how this might affect the Estate. Please take time to read this as it will affect everybody. Until this issue has been resolved we have placed the issuing of new permits on hold but hope to be able to do so in the near future. 4 1 Website: Website:

2 Canal Foot Bridge Update The Year Ahead
In the last Newsletter we advised that Hounslow Highways would be replacing the footbridge over the canal from Tuesday 2nd January 2018. Due to a last minute technical problem work could not commence on this date but it is now expected that work will start on this project in mid February and they will be writing to residents when the date is confirmed. Much will be happening on the Dock during 2018. Path resurfacing will continue in and around Otho Court, Galba Court, Romulus Court and Julius Court. Following the mechanical refurbishment of the lifts, there will be a visual upgrade including interiors (lights, flooring, walls, door coverings). This will be advised in the very near future. External redecoration of the blocks will be taking place, with careful consideration of the remaining timber windows in less than 10% of flats. A system-wide review of the efficiency of the heating system will take place, aiming to minimise the cost borne by individual leaseholders A comprehensive round of tree works - including replanting of some areas – to ensure the continued presence of healthy, well maintained trees on the Estate Consultation will begin concerning the redevelopment and making best use of empty buildings on the Estate: more of this at (and following) the AGM We will keep you informed throughout the year via these pages, and contact you with specific details as they are known. House-Keeping - General Interest Motor Vehicles on pavements… – Vehicles are still being parked on the pavements in Augustus Close which causes damage and obstructions. We get regular complaints regarding this. LBH Parking Enforcement will be enforcing penalty notices /clamps and vehicle removal. 3 vehicles have already been removed from the Dock this year. And Untaxed vehicles – The DVLA has clamped some untaxed vehicles in Augustus Close. Please note: that any vehicle parked on the private roads of the Estate also need to be taxed, if not, they will also be clamped by the DVLA. Christmas trees - Any still left - please leave for collection behind the greenhouse (next to the Syon Park Gate). Recycling – please take care to put the right items of recycling in the right bins. If you place the wrong items in the incorrect bin, the Council then considers that bin to be ‘contaminated’ and then will not take that bin as recycling. Which means that our cleaners then have to remove all the contents of that bin into the general waste to be sent to land fill. Safe Balconies – during the last storm we had several items blown off balconies. As we are forecast to have more high winds in the next few weeks it is important that you check your balconies to make sure that you have no loose objects and that all window boxes are fully secure. DIY permitted hours – A reminder that the only permitted hours for NOISY DIY (drilling, banging etc) are Monday to Friday (excluding Public Holidays) between the hour of 0900 and 1800 hours. Please observe these hours and consider your neighbours. Dock Planting Starting this month. Many of you will have noticed that planting has begun on the new bed at the entrance (now unofficially known as ‘Brunel’s Bank) This will give year round interest and colour to what was previously a ‘difficult’ area. We have also taken delivery of 2 large wooden planters. One of these will be placed at the bottom of the steps Numa Court Marina Entrance 3 and planted with a variety of plants intended to give colour. The other one is going to be for residents (children in particular) to grow vegetables in, the location is to be confirmed. Other areas to receive new plants are the bed outside the boiler room, the marina planters, riverside Augustus Close and Julius Court and general infill planting elsewhere, with several 100’s of new bulbs being planted. 2 3

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