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SC MEAL System SC MEAL System

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2 SC MEAL System SC MEAL System
The System aims at emphasizing the collection and use of data to support decision making, accountability and continual improvement. he System is rooted in SC global drive to improve the quality of our programs overall and to specifically strengthen our country programme operations At Save the Children we think that real accountability to children and communities involves giving them not only a voice, but also the opportunity to influence relevant decisions affecting whether and how we work with them. Amend presentation name in Footer and Apply to All 8 August 2016

3 13 April 2016 ACCOUNTABILITY Accountability

4 Definition of Accountability
Save the Children will always “make sure that women, men and children affected by an emergency are involved in planning, implementing, and judging our response to their emergency.” Amend presentation name in Footer and Apply to All 8 August 2016

5 Accountability is about…
Recognizing our power Responsible use of that power Handing over that power to the beneficiaries we work with Translate accountability in local language 5

6 Save the Children accountability System
The Accountability System is built on the following key areas : Information sharing ( Regular, timely and accessible information sharing) CRM (Proactively seeking feedback from children and communities and handling their complaints). 3. Accountability through Participation – discussing together, deciding together and working together with children, communities and partners. Amend presentation name in Footer and Apply to All 8 August 2016

7 What is a Complaints Response Mechanism?
Simple procedures and mechanisms that allow beneficiaries (and others affected by an agency’s programme) to safely voice complaints or feedback on issues within the control of the agency. It allows the channelling of complaints and their objective investigation and response. Toll-Free Hotline – Operated by community services center technology and full-time staff designated to receive community feedback and share it with the relevant SCI staff. Complaints boxes Face to face Focal point’s phone call. Social Media. Complaint vs Feedback: complaint is more serious, and always requires a response whereas feedback is a positive or negative informal statement of opinion about someone or something – an opinion shared for information but not with the intention of lodging a formal complaint. A complaint always requires a response, whereas feedback may not. Complaint - Complaint – refers to feedback from a programme beneficiary or someone affected by a humanitarian or development programme, in which they express their concern to the organisation responsible. The concern may relate to the programme or to the actions or behaviour of the programme staff or local partner staff. The complaint should be directly related to the commitments made by Save the Children (either in terms of what it has promised to deliver, or in terms of how it delivers aid). Feedback - Feedback is a positive or negative informal statement of opinion about someone or something – an opinion shared for information but not with the intention of lodging a formal complaint. A complaint always requires a response, whereas feedback may not. Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA) is the worst breach of our accountability Our complaints handling mechanisms must be robust enough to elicit and deal with SEA related reports We must raise awareness with our staff, partner and community on What constitutes abuse in your context The duty to report if anyone has concerns of a child’s safety How to report The procedure in which reports will be handled Sensitive Complaint: Report of abuse, exploitation or corruption. Needs to be taken seriously, reported to the appropriate person immediately according to SC policiies.

8 SC Community services center is aiming to:
Empowering the targeted to communicate with SC to raise any complaint or feedback on our activities, our staff or our local partners. Inform us about any breaching of code of conduct our staff or our partners’ may conduct. Get access to information about SC, its projects or the services SC provides. Respond to any questions or inquiries related to SC projects activities, their time and locations of implementation. Refer any case or complaint to the concerned people and follow up with them. Amend presentation name in Footer and Apply to All 8 August 2016


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