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Quarterly Business Review – SAMPLE DATA

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1 Quarterly Business Review – SAMPLE DATA
First Quarter 2011 May 10, 2011 VENDOR NAME / LOGO

2 Attendees First Quarter 2011 Quarterly Review and Scorecard Meeting
May 10, 2011, 9am EDT Dial In: , (PC) XXXXXX (HC) - XXXX Prudential Attendees Vendor Attendees Data used in this document is for demonstration only.

3 Data used in this document is for demonstration only.
Agenda Topic Page Executive Summary 4 Vendor Company Overview 5 Quarterly Performance 6 Functional KPI Highlights - Example 7-8 Capacity and Staffing 9 Site Comparison 10 Prudential Evaluation of Vendor 11-13 Vendor Evaluation of Prudential 14-15 Recognition 16 Prudential / Vendor Upcoming Initiatives 17-18 Appendix A – Sample Organizational Charts 19-21 Appendix B – Sample Historical KPI Performance 22-23 Data used in this document is for demonstration only.

4 Data used in this document is for demonstration only.
Executive Summary Performance Overview The relationship continues to be very strong. Most functions met or exceeded expectations for the quarter. We expect the vendor to continue to refine their hiring practices and ensure they are capturing associates who are a good fit for the role to avoid the high levels of training fallout after an intensely resource driven training process. This overview completed by Provider Governance. Key Activities Vendor completed one class (Class 80) There were changes in Vendor Leadership Team The quality team has begun consolidated stand-ups once a week to educate the teams on quality results, current trends and encourage participation in PCHAT Call Flow training was conduced for all associates Implemented increased calibration calls with Jacksonville participants Data used in this document is for demonstration only.

5 Vendor Corporate Update
Maintaining Conservative Financials No  Long-Term Debt Strong Cash Position Exploring Expansion Additional Acquisitions -  Broaden Depth of Capabilities in Key Industries Organic Growth – Adding locations Unplanned but Successful Deployment of GLOBAL BCP Strategy Asian Earthquake/Tsunami US Tornado Data used in this document is for demonstration only.

6 Measurement of Call Center Service Metrics 1st Quarter 2011
KPI Goal Current Quarter Prior Quarter Result Result Rating Weight Score Quality - Accuracy 1 = <89% 2 = 89% - 91% 3 = 92% 4 = 93% - 99% 5 = 100% 92% 3 40% 1.2 3/ 92% Customer Satisfaction (Dissatisfied) 1 = > 22% 2= 16% - 21% 3= 11% - 15% 4= 6% - 10% 5= < 5% 10% 4 15% 0.60 3/ 11% AHT 1 = > 8:08 2= 7:53 – 8:07 3= 7:25 – 7:39 4= 7:10 – 7:24 5= < 7:09 7:35 0.45 2 / 7:55 CSP Turnover 1 = Greater than 4% / month 3 = 3% - 4% /month 5 = Less than 3% / month 3.6% 3 / 3.1% Absenteeism 1 = Greater than 7% / month 3 = 6% - 7% / month 5 = Less than 6% / month 4.8% 5 0.75 5 / 3.2% Total Rating 3.5 3.2 KPIs that are not meeting the goal will be in red. Data used in this document is for demonstration only.

7 Functional KPI and Service Highlights – Function
Performance Overview: The function is meeting expectations overall. Quality The function met or exceeded the overall quality goal each month in the first quarter for all buckets The quarterly results were: Accuracy – 94%, Call Flow - 96%, Customer Service Skills – 100% AHT First quarter result for the function was 5:32 compared to a goal of 6:15 Vendor AHT was approximately 48 seconds less than their counterparts at Prudential for Peer Group B associates A similar slide would be completed for every functional area at the vendor. Staffing The function had no attrition in the first quarter. Average tenure of the associates in the function was 32 months or a little over 2.5 years The function met the absenteeism goal of 4%. January ended at 4% ; February at 3% and March at 4.5% Data used in this document is for demonstration only. Action Needed Monitoring Meeting

8 Data used in this document is for demonstration only.
SAMPLE ACTION PLAN (Used if any KPIS on previous slide are not meeting goal) Improvement Plans: Vendor will continue the outlier management plan Associates will be added to outlier management, and receive additional coaching and formal goal setting used to set commitment goals to increase performance Outlier management is designed to improve performance within 2 months Training for agents in the most efficient methods to handle a call, including templates, short-cut keys and best practices will continue Training is scheduled for agents on a weekly basis and agents are enrolled in the training that best fits their development needs These slides will be used to detail the action plans for any KPIs that are not meeting the goal. Projected Results Next Quarter: April – 50 seconds variance to Goal May – 40 seconds variance to Goal June – 35 seconds variance to Goal Data used in this document is for demonstration only.

9 Overall Capacity and Staffing
Third Quarter Staffing Month Required Staff Actual Projected Difference January 2011 190 195 5 February 180 182 2 March 170 179 9 April 140 145 May 150 June 158 8 July 143 August 135 139 4 September 149 -1 October November December January 2012 TBD Capacity Commentary In the first quarter, vendor completed one training class There were 15 losses in the first quarter, primarily in January Vendor has added two at their expense to increase staffing for later in the year Vendor will complete this slide Data used in this document is for demonstration only.

10 Data used in this document is for demonstration only.
Site Comparison Function Site January February March Quarter Overall Call Quality Jacksonville Manila Paper Quality (CCCU) Customer Satisfaction All Sites AHT CSU (Peer Group B) AHT ASU (Peer Group B) AHT BARU (Peer Group B) AHT SO (Peer Group B) AHT CCCU (Peer Group B) AHT CRT (Peer Group B) Turnover Tenure Absenteeism Adherence Pure Aux Data used in this document is for demonstration only.

11 Prudential’s Evaluation of Vendor Relationship Management
Technology Q was challenging from a technology perspective. We had issues with our circuit provider, Verizon, and also experienced a few outages with our secondary circuit provider, Level 3. Prudential’s network team has been in process of having the Verizon circuit re-routed through a new path to try and mitigate failure This in no way is applicable to vendor’s technology. Vendor has been very helpful in debugging local issues in the operations, and the operations staff has been crucial in providing us information on the symptoms during the issue Thank you to Denise, Shelly and the entire Operations team for your continued support and we look forward to, what has become, the usual support These bullets are quick hits, but during the review – be prepared to discuss them in more detail. These should reflect key / major items in the quarter, unless there were no issues. The colors of the evaluation categories are meant to be a dashboard – green, red, yellow. This marked the first quarter with our new Relationship Manager Sheis very supportive of the account, and has begun offering development opportunities to the the core leadership team in Manila One area to improve is in communication regarding projects, Marc Guison is a valuable partner to Prudential The billing process in the first quarter has been much smoother compared to the third and fourth quarters of 2010 Relationship Management Data used in this document is for demonstration only. Action Needed Monitoring Meeting

12 Prudential’s Evaluation of Vendor Operational Leadership 1
While several members of the core leadership team are new to their roles, we have seen positive results The Prudential team has a great deal of confidence for the new account manager as we move into the rest of 2011 He has a great rapport with the CSAs and does a really good job at recognizing them Quality Leader has immersed herself in the quality process and has been very valuable. She has an in depth knowledge of all CSAs, their performance , and the individual action plans Created and introduced workpage training for the CSAs as a result of trended errors (training was reviewed by PDG) Communicated to ensure everyone on the account has an understanding of where the account stands from a quality perspective Implemented additional calibration calls Overall RTR results have decreased from the previous quarter, specifically in the Accuracy and Customer Service Skills buckets The scoring of Customer Service Skills has been a focus of the calibration and consistency calls to ensure CSAs are being given the right feedback to improve the customer experience and reduce effort level The team needs to ensure the scores accurately reflect the customer experience 1 Operational Leadership includes Quality and Work Force Management Data used in this document is for demonstration only. Action Needed Monitoring Meeting

13 Prudential’s Evaluation of Vendor Control Consciousness
Training Vendor continued to run multiple training classes in the first quarter 5 new hire classes completed 1 new hire class started 2 IWP classes and 1 Vantage class was completed The training team successfully executed the certification plan for new hires and implemented a progress report for new hires Control Consciousness All new hires have completed the mandatory compliance related WBTs within the appropriate time frames All new hire privacy and confidentiality paperwork was completed and sent to Prudential in a timely manner There were 13 privacy errors in the first quarter, however two were not the fault of the CSA. These errors represent .0022% of the total call volume of 584K calls in the first quarter Innovation – Ideas applied successfully in practice – transitioned into something useful Innovation may be linked to positive changes in efficiency, productivity, quality, competitive positioning, market share, etc Innovation – incremental, emergent or radical changes in thinking, products, processes or organizations This category of innovation won’t be considered not met if vendors bring solid, well-thought out ideas, that can’t be implemented right away. Innovation1 This category will track the vendor’s presentation of innovation ideas and suggestions that lead to increases in efficiency and/or quality or a better customer / producer experience. Examples could include: Process Change suggestions / ideas Best practices learned through industry knowledge 1 Innovation is a new category and will not be rated for 2011, but will be included in the review. Data used in this document is for demonstration only. Action Needed Monitoring Meeting

14 Vendor Evaluation of Prudential Relationship Management
Technology1 Vendor submitted five change requests during the first quarter. Pat Cheng and Brian Cliver are very responsive to all of these requests. There were several circuit related issues during Q1, resulting in downtime in the location. Some of the issues were directly related to the earthquake in Japan, and others were a result of the ongoing issues with the Prudential Verizon circuit. This issue is why this competency is being rated yellow. The Prudential IT team continues to be a valued asset in partnering with the Vendor team. See previous slide. Relationship Management We would like to thank Prudential Leadership for recognizing the agents who received commendations from Prudential customers during their visit in March 2011. Their visit was very fruitful as several Focus Group Discussions were done with the associates and all of the officers. We would like to thank the Prudential Relationship Manaager for her continuous support to the Vendor Leadership Team. This helps us to have a stronger working relationship. 1 See slide at end of Subjective Reviews for a list of Sev 1 and 2 issues reported in the first quarter. Data used in this document is for demonstration only. Action Needed Monitoring Meeting

15 Vendor Evaluation of Prudential
Operational Support1 Functional Leadership continues to provide excellent support and communication to the Vendor Team. This helped Melo Ramos have a smooth transition in taking the role of the main point of contact of Claims in Manila. Prudential Manager has been very supportive for the functional utilities. He is very open to share best practices. His support is instrumental for the success of the utilities. Prudential Associate Manager has been very helpful in making sure that the new Team Manager of utility, has had a smooth transition to his new role. Quality Leader’s assistance in Quarter 1 was very much appreciated. He was very patient and gracious enough to help us identify the opportunities and how they document their reviews in Verint. Vendor Leadership team would like to thank Quality Manager for the great ideas and best practices she shared during her visit . These will help the Vendor site to achieve our goals. See previous slide. Training PDG member’s tireless efforts to help the Vendor Training Team: Put together the ‘Authentication’ module discussed in site-wide stand-ups, which we will reinforce in the for new hire classes Suggested Vantage role plays to enhance the March VUL class Gave the approval for IWP-VUL Officer Training (2 days) to help upskill our leaders in a more efficient timeframe Continues to be reliable when we need assistance in systems/tools issues (e.g. WBTs, Life Library clarification) Data used in this document is for demonstration only. Action Needed Monitoring Meeting

16 Data used in this document is for demonstration only.
Recognition Recognition is reserved for those going above and beyond the BAU role. Submitted by both Vendor and Prudential. Data used in this document is for demonstration only.

17 Prudential Upcoming Initiatives / Projects
Eliminate the need for customer’s request E-enable transactions and requests where possible Provide opportunity for increased First Call Resolution via relaxed form requirements, etc. Reduce the number of touches required in the back office by looking at call center referrals and forms Straight Through Processing Migrate to a Multi-Channel contact center by incorporating all or some of the following channels: Chat, , Proactive Notification (supplement to service), Virtual Hold and Speech Analytics Multi Channel Call Center These are high level initiatives / projects / or other activities that the two businesses share with each other as it impacts the relationship. Examples could include: Major initiatives to change the process. Technology initiatives Contract updates needed or upcoming. Other…. Enabling high demand transactions such as e-Payments and E-Disbursements E-Delivery of documents Redesign of Pru-Online E-Service Data used in this document is for demonstration only.

18 Vendor Upcoming Initiatives / Projects
SOE Initiatives Team managers attended a training session that will help them manage their time properly on a day-to-day basis, increasing their productive hours with their teams. Quality Manager has begun to partner with the quality team on a different account to understand their best practices, so that they can be shared with the account and team for evaluation. Best Practices These are high level initiatives / projects / or other activities that the two businesses share with each other as it impacts the relationship. Examples could include: Major initiatives to change the process. Technology initiatives Contract updates needed or upcoming. Other…. Vendor Leadership recently identified 2 CSU SMEs who will help out in improving the CSU associates struggling in their Quality. The training team suggested a new way to validate trainees skills by testing more frequently and in smaller blocks of material Developed a closer partnership between Operations, Training and Quality to deliver better endorsement recommendations on new hires. Initiatives Data used in this document is for demonstration only.

19 Appendix A Organizational Charts
Vendor Corporate Organization Chart Vendor Prudential Account Organization Chart Prudential Corporate Organization Chart Prudential ILI Organization Chart – Vendor Relationship As we get to the appendices – we only review the org chart(s) if there are substantial changes that would impact the relationship. However, they are included in the review for reference purposes. (In an actual QBR- the vendor’s org charts would also be included.) We also included the historical KPI performance for reference as well. Data used in this document is for demonstration only.

20 Appendix B – Sample of Historical KPI Performance
Data used in this document is for demonstration only.

21 Appendix B – Sample of Historical KPI Performance
Data used in this document is for demonstration only.

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