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Studying films The technical stuff. What makes a film? There are lots of important techniques used to make films interesting to watch. We are going to.

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Presentation on theme: "Studying films The technical stuff. What makes a film? There are lots of important techniques used to make films interesting to watch. We are going to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Studying films The technical stuff

2 What makes a film? There are lots of important techniques used to make films interesting to watch. We are going to look at how these all come together to create a film.

3 Techniques Camera shots Camera angles Sound techniques Lighting Mise-en-scene

4 Camera shots Extreme close-up Close-up Medium shot

5 Long Shot Establishing Shot

6 Point of View (POV) shot

7 Camera angles High Angle shot- camera looks down on characters/ action Low Angle shot- camera looks up on characters/ action

8 Camera Movements Tracking- camera moves on tracks Panning- camera stays in one place but follows movement.

9 Camera Shots Quiz! Use your show me board and your notes to name the following shots.

10 Close up

11 Medium close up

12 Long shot

13 Medium Close Up
















29 Sound Techniques Music Sound effects (SFX)- thunder, car horns, ringing bells or any other sound Background noise (people talking, traffic) Accent (the accent that characters have) Dialogue (what characters say)

30 Lighting HIGH KEY Lighting = bright lights can suggest excitement, happiness, warmth… LOW KEY Lighting = dark and gloomy / low (can suggest night time, fear, evil… BACKLIT / SILHOUETTE CONTRASTS Sun/ moon = day/ night = safety/ fear Good/Evil Shadows- eerie atmosphere, horror

31 Mise-en-scene This is a French term meaning put on stage It basically means everything that you see in each scene of a film.

32 What do we look for? Setting and props. Costume and make up. Lighting and colour. The way items and people are positioned.

33 Summary of film We need to be aware of these techniques, and ask ourselves: What is the EFFECT? How do the techniques help us decode the film and its meaning?

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