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Faculty and Staff Training Session: Internet Safety for the Younger Student Angela Brown.

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Presentation on theme: "Faculty and Staff Training Session: Internet Safety for the Younger Student Angela Brown."— Presentation transcript:

1 Faculty and Staff Training Session: Internet Safety for the Younger Student
Angela Brown

2 “The sea of information and learning activities available on the Internet has the potential to greatly help in the development of young minds. However, the question remains: how safe an environment is the Internet for young children?”(O'Reilly, 2008)

3 Goal: Educate faculty and staff on how to utilize internet learning resources safely with their students Objectives: Faculty and staff will know how to educate students in internet safety. Faculty and staff will know how to utilize internet safely in their classrooms. Faculty and staff will know many safe educational resources on the internet.

4 Plattin Primary an E-rate school
“THE NEW REPORT & ORDER( Children’s Internet Protection Act) Specifically, with the new requirements (underlined below), the internet safety policy must: Address access by minors to inappropriate matter on the internet and web Provide for the safety and security of minors when using , chat rooms, and other e-communications Deal with unauthorized access and other unlawful online activities by minors Address unauthorized disclosure, use, and dissemination of personal information regarding minors Identify measures designed to restrict minors’ access to harmful materials Enable monitoring of minors’ online activities Provide for the education of minors about appropriate online behavior, including when interacting on social networking websites and in chat rooms Provide for the education of minors about cyberbullying awareness and response “(iKeep Safe organization, 2011)

5 What is the district doing?
ministration/technology/ (DonJon, 2012)

6 Technology page: Student Acceptable use Agreement PDF
Community education on Internet Safety Link to BeSafe Internet Safety program: (MOREnet, 2009) List of programs and devices utilized to filter or block materials

7 Educate the Students District required age appropriate Internet safety video Model safe exploration Monitor student usage Desktop educational internet links

8 Use the Internet to address the issue
Internet resources PBS: Webonauts Academy game Web license NetSmartzKids Internet Safety for Kids K-3 YouTube video 0XM (Lauber, 2010)

9 We as educators owe it to our students to provide them with the best education we can and the internet offers a plethora of resources to enrich the students learning experiences. Keeping our children safe while being able to use internet resources is a shared responsibility in our district; the school utilizes a wide variety of tools to ensure we can offer these resources and keep students safe.

10 Works Cited: Bibliography American Library Association. (2012). The Children's Internet Protection Act. Retrieved December 16, 2012, from American Library Association: DonJon, W. (2012). Technology. Retrieved December 16, 2012, from Jefferson R-VII School District : iKeep Safe organization. (2011). New E-Rate Requirements. Retrieved December 16, 2012, from iKeepSafe : Lauber, E. (2010). Internet Safety for Kids K-3. Retrieved December 16, 2012, from YouTube: MOREnet. (2009, October 22). Online Resources. Retrieved December 16, 2012, from BeSafe Internet Safety: Seto, J. (2012, June 5). Student Technology Acceptable Use Agreement. Retrieved December 16, 2012, from Jefferson R-VII School District: Graphics from Discovery Education Clip Art Gallery

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