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LEQ: What were the short term and long term effects of the New Deal?

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Presentation on theme: "LEQ: What were the short term and long term effects of the New Deal?"— Presentation transcript:

1 LEQ: What were the short term and long term effects of the New Deal?

2 Bell Ringer What were some of the troubles that FDR encountered during the Second New Deal?

3 You have things to do! Turn your homework into the basket
Pull out your notes from 3/24 and silently review your lesson from yesterday Bell Ringer

4 New Roles for Women Roosevelt promoted and recognized women
Women served as leaders in several New Deal agencies Still faced challenges: Lower wages Hostility Limited opportunities

5 New Roles for African Americans
Roosevelt’s administration also appointed African Americans The Black Cabinet: African Americans holding gov’t jobs Unofficial advisors to the president Symbolic of rising African American influence

6 New Roles for African Americans
Continued to face discrimination Thousands were not helped by New Deal programs Switched to the Democratic Party during the 1930s

7 Art of the Great Depression
Works depicted the struggles of the working class and plight of the rural and urban poor

8 Art of the Great Depression

9 Art of the Great Depression

10 Art of the Great Depression

11 Art of the Great Depression
Dorothea Lange Farm Security Administration employee Hired to document the plight of the poor Helped to gain public support for New Deal programs

12 Art of the Great Depression

13 Art of the Great Depression

14 Art of the Great Depression

15 Popular Entertainment of the Great Depression
Movies- helped viewers to “escape” the depression

16 Popular Entertainment of the Great Depression
Radio- provided politics, religion, music, sports and other forms of entertainment

17 Relief of the New Deal Millions of Americans enjoyed some form of help
Social Security and unemployment insurance

18 Reforms of the New Deal Roadways, bridges, dams, pubic buildings and works of art Restored public confidence in stock markets SEC Restored public confidence in nation’s banks FDIC WPA building hospitals

19 The End of the New Deal Setbacks:
Court-packing fight 1937 economic downturn Opposition in Congress Only one piece of legislation passed in 1938: Fair Labor Standards Act Minimum Wage: lowest wage an employer can legally pay a worker

20 The End of the New Deal 1938 Elections
Republicans made gains in both houses Roosevelt lacked congressional support he needed in order to pass New Deal laws America turned attention of WWII

21 Lasting Effects of the New Deal
The American people now began to look regularly to government for help

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