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Presentation on theme: "THE FALL AND THE PROMISE OF A SAVIOR"— Presentation transcript:


2 Creation? How did everything come to be? Who are we?

3 The Nicene Creed I believe in one God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible. I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God, born of the Father before all ages. God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father; through him all things were made. For us men and for our salvation he came down from heaven, and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary, and became man ………

4 GENESIS 2 GENESIS 3 Second Creation story
God creates man first, then what man needs Man most needs companionship, love Model of marriage is present There is no shame outside of sin Ends in Original Holiness, Original Justice … before Original Sin GENESIS 3 Begins in a state of perfection – man has all he needs And yet, temptation is present .. even before Original Sin Temptation = needs vs. wants God gives us what we need even when it’s not what we want Shame is now present as a result of sin

5 De-creation Reversing what ‘good’ God created in the world
Because human beings have turned away from God, and placed their own self-interests above those of the Creator, other humans, and the beautiful world God entrusted to us

6 De-creation Day 1: Urban sprawl Day 2: Water pollution
Day 3: De-forestation Day 4: Protection of wildlife Day 5: Air pollution Day 6: Nuclear arms race

7 Original Holiness/Justice
The perfect grace of being created to share in God’s own life We were meant to be in living in friendship with God, with each other, with all creatures We would not experience suffering, pain death

8 Original Sin The sin of Adam & Eve The first sin
How sin entered the world The sin of choosing to follow our own free-will (a gift from God) rather than God’s will for us


10 What is Sin? “An abuse of the freedom that God gives to created persons so that they are capable of loving him and loving one another.” CCC #387 Turning our back on God; choosing our own way rather than what God has willed for us.

11 Personal Sin A sin consciously committed by me … I own it.
There is no such thing as a ‘private’ sin Like ripples in a pond Weakens us .. dulls our defenses .. Increases our risk for falling to temptation

12 “… and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil”
A desire to do something that we know is not right First at work in Gen 3:1 The ‘agent’ of temptation? Why a serpent? “… and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil”

13 Inclined to sin? Original Sin = contracted Personal Sin = committed
CONCUPISENCE: An inclination to sin TEMPTATION: A desire to do something that we know is not right YouTube – Seven Deadly Sins Trailer So what happens when sin begins to take over our lives? When we buy into the great lie that it’s all about me and my happiness? We cannot get through this life without acknowledging the tremendous power of temptation. Good angel … bad angel … YouTube – Good vs. Evil … So what’s the effect of it on you … really? What’s going on in your life right now? What’s going on in your circle of friends? What’s going on in this school that may not be healthy for you or others? What consequences can that have on the rest of your life? Your future? Your calling from God?

14 Protoevangelium First COVENANT between God and his people
‘First Gospel’ First COVENANT between God and his people First announcement of the Gospel of Jesus Announcement of God’s plan of salvation Predicts coming of the Messiah

15 What is a contract?

16 Can you name some characteristics of a contract?
is binding for the time of the agreement and can be broken. is a basic time-limited guarantee that can be extended longer for more money. guarantees that you can return (or get a refund for) the product or service if it fails to deliver on expectations. is limited: you can trade for a new, improved model when contract expires and usefulness ends. is relative to your “investment”; the more you pay, the fancier or more powerful the “model” or the better the service.

17 What is a covenant? ©Shutterstock/iofoto

18 In contrast to a contract, a covenant ...
cannot be broken; has no “time limit” until death. is a sacred life relationship between two people. is open-ended; no guarantees! continues under all conditions: money or poverty, health or sickness, etc. is rooted in deep friendship and love, not in money or power. Teacher Notes: Suggest the following: ● is a relationship of equals ● is a relationship of mutual honor and respect ● is a lifelong commitment that flows into family and community ● is a gift of God that enables a husband and wife to give themselves faithfully to each other every day of their lives

19 Covenants WHAT? A binding promise
BETWEEN WHO? Between God and us (humankind) PROMISING WHAT? God promises to love us for eternity, and we pledge our love in return

20 Covenants


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