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Cognitive Approach to Mass Communication M 1/15/08

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1 Cognitive Approach to Mass Communication M 1/15/08
Dr. Mina Tsay COM 449, Spring 2008

2 Cognitive Approach Acquisition of knowledge through media experiences
How do our minds create knowledge? Social reality? Real world vs. Media world

3 How would you conceptualize…
Mass Communication?

4 Mass Communication Large, anonymous, and heterogeneous audience
Institutional/organizational Advertisement-friendly Does a “mass” exist? Does the definition change depending on media type and use?

5 Mass Communication Research/Theories
Examining: Content what’s in it? Exposure how much do we use? Effects what this does to us Behavioral performing a behavior after seeing it Attitudinal positive or negative Cognitive change what we know or think Physiological actual changes in body Third Person Effect Never me or you but them

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