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USA, RUSSIA, & Latin America

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Presentation on theme: "USA, RUSSIA, & Latin America"— Presentation transcript:

1 USA, RUSSIA, & Latin America
Comparing the spread of Industrialization

2 Similar Outcomes Industrialization Brings: New Technologies
Leads to an Increase in Production Directly leads to urbanization

3 Social Influence Decreases for: Aristocracy Artisans Peasants
Increases for: Middle Class Factory Workers

4 Factors Leading to Differences
Pace and Timing of Industrialization Size and shape of Major Industries Role of the State (Government) Political Expression of Social Conflict

5 USA Starts: Textile Industry in New England -- 1820’s
Factors of Growth: Huge size (land) Natural Resources Domestic Market Political Stability

6 Role of the U.S. Government
Provides tax breaks to entrepreneurs Provides grants of public land to promote railroad construction Laws benefit corporations No (or very little) regulation of industry

7 U.S. Innovations in Industrialization
Mastered Mass Production Interchangeable Parts Assembly Line (Model T) “I am going to democratize the automobile” - Henry Ford

8 Social Issues Socialism does not catch on because unions are not politically aligned and society is heterogeneous Instead Progressives push for: Wage and hours legislation Better sanitation standards Antitrust laws and Government involvement

9 Russia Early 1800’s Absolute Monarchy (Tsar Nicholas II)
No National Parliament Most Russians are Serfs (similar to slaves) Serve Titled Nobility

10 Social Issues Huge gap separates Nobility and Serfs
Serfs are freed only in 1861 (hundreds of years after the rest of Europe)

11 Industrial Development
Begins in 1860’s Focused on Railroads and Heavy Industry Leads to a large middle class They want a political voice due to harsh conditions but have no legal recourse

12 Towards Socialism Russia loses Naval War with Japan (1905)
The Working Class Riots Form representative councils called “Soviets” Tsar brutally represses the riots which leads to further mistrust of the government Tsar institutes some failed changes The Duma (legislative body)

13 The Catalyst 1914: 1.2 million workers go on strike
40% of the workforce Russia is forced to join World War I due to alliances (does not go well) Communist groups get more followers due to the hardships caused by the war

14 The Bolsheviks October 1917 – Overthrow the Czar
Create the first ever Socialist Nation-State USSR (United Soviet Socialist Republics)

15 LATIN AMERICA Hopefully you have good, solid reading notes on this from pages:

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