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How to get an A in this class

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1 How to get an A in this class
For reals, I’m gonna tell you.

2 Download and read the syllabus…
The syllabus will contain all the details that will help you be successful in the class, including policies on late work, plagiarism, and participation. Please download and read the syllabus, because you will be held accountable to the information it contains.

3 Read all of my posts in the forums…
This may seem like common sense, but clear communication is going to be your friend in this class, so make sure you know what due dates are coming, what discussion boards need to be responded to, and that you read the other (super) helpful tidbits I will shoot your way when appropriate.

4 Read all the essay prompts carefully….
Not even kidding, I have read essays where the prompt was not even consulted. And shockingly, the student did not get a good grade. Surprise! Make sure you read the essay prompt fully. Look at the sample essays and outlines posted if you need additional help. If all else fails, send me a message in the Individual Forum and I do my best to clarify things for you.

5 Examine the rubric (this tells you exactly how to get points, no kidding)…
The rubrics for each essay are posted on LoudCloud so you can view them at your convenience. I would recommend looking at the rubric before you even start your essay, that way you know what areas to focus most of your time on.

6 Plan ahead (aka know when the assignments are due)…
The true challenge with online classes is often not the content area (writing an awesome essay or typing a killer discussion post). Frequently, the element of education most folks struggle with is time management. This is a fast course (just 7 weeks) so it is important to stay on top of the assignments. Points are lost for late assignments (see the syllabus for the specific policy). If it helps, set alerts in your phone for major due dates. Write notes on your calendar. Buy a sun dial. Really, just do whatever it takes to make sure your assignments are submitted on time.

7 Brainstorm ideas for a topic with a friend/partner…
English truly is a community based activity, so use the brains around you. If you get stuck on an essay, discussion board, or assignment, don’t fret, just chat with a classmate. You can talk with each other in many of the forums on LoudCloud. Ask around in the QTI: is anyone else stuck? Can anyone suggest some essay topic ideas? Etc.

8 Make sure you proofread!
Carefully proofread everything. Everything! Every word you write should be spelled correctly. Proofread your essays, of course, but also proofread your discussion posts, your individual forum questions, your s, your bumper stickers. Seriously, proofread everything.

9 Peer review essays… Peer review will be an assignment for each essay on LoudCloud. Make sure you are not like Yoda. Proofread a partner’s work so their essay can earn a stellar grade!

10 Have questions? Ask me! The most important thing to take away from this is that the grade you earn is up to you. If you are struggling, communicate with me. If you are confused, communicate with me. If you are super happy and have just written an essay that will be celebrated for generations as one of the most beautiful bits of writing in history, communicate with me. Have you noticed a pattern? Communicate! I can’t help if I don’t know you are struggling. Use the QTI and the Individual Forum, and use them often.

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