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Mobile Apps How to get more out of your workforce and save time money and resources.

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Presentation on theme: "Mobile Apps How to get more out of your workforce and save time money and resources."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mobile Apps How to get more out of your workforce and save time money and resources.

2 Advanced sales and service.
Our latest software product offer you a complete solution. For back at the office you have a complete interface to monitor and review the status of all mobile staff. You can create calls in various types. Sales Calls , Service calls , Deliveries , CRM calls etc. You will be in total control of your works force. Communication in real time is now a reality.

3 How does it work ? AT head office we install our ASM head office software. This can be supplied with full accounts or even be linked to the popular Sage software. We will import all your customers and suppliers into our ASM software. If you do service! You can now set up your existing service contracts and these are fully customisable to be exactly as you intended them to be. The correct frequency of calls included. The correct staff persons who will do the contract. Tags of items on the site which are covered under the contract. What is chargeable and at what rates.

4 Continued The system will generate calls due automatically and send to the correct person. These due calls can be modified or transferred with our graphical interface in a drag and drop method. This makes transferring calls to be done by one operator easily moved to another operator due to sick days or convenience of other users geographic position. Any one off calls can be entered in minutes and transferred to the best and most suitable operator in the field. Billing can be done off site and cash or other payments received on the road with printed receipts being supplied to the customer. All transactions will synch back to the head office making it a seamless system with no double entry required.

5 The mobile app. For mobile operators the ASM app can be downloaded on to Apple devices or Android devices. This alone makes the total cost of ownership far more cost effective than other systems which require expensive custom hardware. The mobile users will have installed the software depending on the Mobile device they use. Once installed they will connect to the head office and synch the information from head office to there device. Depending on the Users rights the information they have access to is now with them 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

6 Mobile use For this example I will give a typical use by a sales person. The call types you have chosen to set up are as follows. Sales call existing customer. Sales call to new prospect or cold call. CRM type call. These are just a few examples and each user can develop there own call types to suit there business needs. Sales call existing customer these can be scheduled for the Sales person and can be part of a Daily weekly or monthly schedule.

7 Continued The Sales person reviews the schedule for the day on there mobile devoce. In this example there are 4 calls 2 Sales calls 1 Sales prospect type call. 1 CRM call. On call 1 he arrives at the existing client. He can see the last order placed by the customer and can review the customer account and financials, So he knows there is a payment due which is presented to him by Chq. He can now record the receipt directly into his mobile app and this will be reflected back at head office on the customers account details. He then proceeds to take an order n his mobile device where any special prices that are applicable to this client will be automatically reflected on the order without the need for editing.

8 Continued He now will show the customer some images of new products that he has to offer and the customer makes a decision to order some of these and they also get added to the new order ad prices agreed are selected then and there so no errors because no entering of information a second required. A customer order number and Signature can be captured at this stage, you can even take a deposit if required. This whole transaction gets synched back to the head office and all aspects of the sales order can be done up to and including Picking Packing and Delivering. Proof of delivery can also be captured on the Mobile app making it a unified product covering all the process from start to finish.

9 Continued When you review this sales transaction you will see the benefits straight away. Your sales staff have complete access to the office whilst out and about. The mobile app is now a powerful Sight Seller. Shows new products in a visual format. Shows the customers special agreed prices. Captures payments, deposits, notes, new orders, new sales, new quotes, new prospects and much more depending on your needs and requirements. Do surveys customise the questions and answer types. It will do what ever you can imagine as it can be customised by you.

10 Second call type a prospect
When you are cold calling or prospecting for new business you benefit as follows. You arrive at a prospect and get a chance to engage with them You start to show them what you have and because the mobile app has images you can really engage with the client at discuss the benefits of what you have to offer. You make a sale so what next. On the device you can now create an account with all required data for this new client, it will synch with head office and now you are ready to take the order as you select the items you can adjust the prices for the client as you go also you may need to take a deposit not a problem. It is s easy as that.

11 CRM If you need to do a CRM type call not an issue.
You can create the questionnaire as need. Yes/No queries. Drop down lists. Multi or single line text. Date and or time. Custom All of these types of questions can be included in your CRM survey and many more again let you imagine flow. Custom reports can analyse this data collected so that it shows as you want.

12 That is a brief outline of what we have to offer
So take the next step. Call for your totally free appraisal. Do a full demonstration of the product. We will come on site. Review your operations. Prepare a fully costed plan. List benefits and cost savings you can make. And remember all our products are fully supported here in Ireland and training is provided as part of all our projects.

13 Our Contact details Office WEB sites Oltech Office Logics Ltd
Logics House 3 Main Street, Tallaght, Dublin 24. Mobile Tony:

14 Sample screens from head office

15 What it looks like on Android
Don’t delay call us today.

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