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UNIT 13: FILMS AND CINEMA Lesson 2: Speaking.

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1 UNIT 13: FILMS AND CINEMA Lesson 2: Speaking

2 Many gifts are waiting for the quickest answers
WARM-UP DO YOU KNOW? Many gifts are waiting for the quickest answers

3 Q1:What kind of film is the film “ Bong Dung Muon Khoc”
Q1:What kind of film is the film “ Bong Dung Muon Khoc”? A:Action film B: Love story film C: Thriller

4 Q2: AVATAR is the name of a/an__________. A. Cartoon film B. War film C. Science fiction film

5 Q3: Mickey mouse is the symbol of_________
Q3: Mickey mouse is the symbol of_________. A: Horror film B: Detective film C: Cartoon film

6 VOCABULARY 1) detective film (n): film about a person whose job is to discover information about crimes and find out who is responsible for them 2) science fiction film (n): film about an imagined future, especially about space travel or other planets

7 3)cartoon film (n): a drawing, especially in a newspaper or magazine, that tells a joke or makes a humor 4)thriller (n): film which has an exciting story, often about solving a crime 5)action film (n): film that makes audience feel exciting because of many risky actions

8 7)moving (adj): causing strong feelings of sadness or sympathy
6) interesting (adj) = exciting (adj): keeping your attention because they are unusual,or have a lot of ideas 7)moving (adj): causing strong feelings of sadness or sympathy 8)good fun (adj): humorous 9) Violent (adj): using force to hurt or attack 10)Boring (adj): not interesting 11)Terrifying (adj): scary

9 2. PRE-SPEAKING How much do you like ___________ ? → Very much.
→ Not very much./ I don’t like it. → Not at all./ I hate it

10 Tick in the right column:
Kinds of films Very much Not very much Not at all Science fiction Cartoon Horror Detective Thriller

11 TASK 1: Practice with your partner
How much do you like ___________ ? → Very much. → Not very much./ I don’t like it. → Not at all./ I hate it

12 3. While - -speaking

13 A: What do you think of horror films?
TASK 2 ASKING AND GIVING OPINIONS A: What do you think of horror films? →B: I find them really terrifying →C: I don’t agree with you. I find them very interesting

STRUCTURE SOMEONE’S FEELING ABOUT SOMEBODY/SOMETHING S + find + O + adj Eg: I find Tom really smart. She found detective films so fascinating

15 Practice asking and giving opinions with your friends using words in the box

16 TASK 3: Expressing someone’s preferences
Eg: Which do you prefer, coffee or tea? →I prefer coffee to tea. STRUCTURE: S + prefer sth + to+ sth (Someone likes something more than something)

17 Practice: Work in pairs
A: Which do you prefer, or ? B: Well, it’s difficult to say. But I suppose I prefer to Thrillers/science fiction films Love story films/cartoon films War films/action films Detective films/thrillers

18 TASK 4: Guess what film your friends are talking about
4. Post - speaking TASK 4: Guess what film your friends are talking about

19 QUESTIONS: Where do you see it ? What kind of film is it ?
What do you think about it ? How do you feel about it ? Why do you prefer it to other films?


21 -Write a paragraph about the film you have seen - Prepare next lesson
HOMEWORK -Write a paragraph about the film you have seen - Prepare next lesson

22 Thanks for your attention

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