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Review the HR Organizational Structure
You are serving as a Human Resources (HR) Planner in the Operations Division of the Human Resources Sustainment Center (HRSC). Your task is to determine the appropriate number and type of Personnel Accountability (PA) assets needed to execute PA and mission command relationships using the HR Rules of Allocation. There is one inter-theater Aerial Port of Debarkation (APOD) in your area of operations. Your analysis of the daily personnel flow rates for the various PA categories in both directions projects the following average daily flows: Personnel Accountability Category Inbound Outbound Reception 1000 NA Individual Replacements 500 Return-to-Duty (Outside MTF) 225 Leave / Pass 200 Redeployments ANSWER Inbound = 1, Outbound = 1200 Total = 3,125 1 – TG PAT (1 per inter-theater APOD) 1 – HR Company (1 per TG PAT) 2 – HR Platoons (2 per TG PAT) 5 – HR Squads (PAT) (1 per 600 personnel) Personnel Accountability Category Inbound Outbound Reception 1000 NA Individual Replacements 500 Return-to-Duty (Outside MTF) 225 Leave / Pass 200 Redeployments Based on your analysis of the daily personnel flow rates, what the appropriate Personnel Accountability structure to support the mission?
Learning Objective Action: Review the HR Organizational Structure
Conditions: Senior HR Leaders in a classroom environment working individually and as a member of a small group, using doctrinal and administrative publications, practical exercises, case studies, personal experience, handouts, and discussion with an awareness of the Operational Environment (OE) variables and actors. Standard: Analysis includes: 1. Theater HR/Sustainment operational relationships and structure. 2. Functions, capabilities, and limitations of HR organizations and HR staff elements.
Theater HR Relationships
TSC ESC SB SRC 12 CORPS DIV BDE BN Policy & Prioritization Operational Execution Mission Command Coordination / Information Support to Supported G-1 S-1 HRSC HROB ASCC G-1/AG Army Service Component Command (ASCC) Establishes policies and priorities Provides CDR intent and planning guidance HRSC – Postal, Casualty, Personnel Accountability and Strength Reporting Ensures execution, synchronization, integration of consistent with policy, guidance, and priorities established by ASCC G-1/AG Provides HR planning operations for ASCC G-1/AG Ensures synchronization, execution and compliance within Sustainment Warfighting functions (i.e. build up/draw down, force structure realignment, etc.) Theater HR Operations Theater HR elements plan, prioritize, coordinate, integrate, and execute the delivery of HR support to Soldiers, units, and DOD civilians conducting operations in a deployed theater of operations. Theater HR support operations are complex and involve the integrated action of various G-1/AG staff sections, HR units and staff elements found in sustainment organizations, and S-1 sections operating within deployed battalions and brigades.
Regional Orientation – 5 TSCs
Theater Sustainment Command IG CSM Aide de Camp Chaplain (UMT) PAO Staff Judge Advocate G-4 G-3 G-1 G-2 Deputy CDR Surgeon Safety Comptroller SGS CofS HHC Personal Staff Special Staff Coordinating Staff TSC Commander + + SPO G-6 CofS G-8 G-9 MISSION: Plan, prepare, rapidly deploy, and execute operational-level logistics operations within an assigned theater. Key linkage between the ASCC G-1/AG and HRSC. Provides a centralized logistics mission command structure for the theater Army; simultaneously supporting deployment, movement, sustainment, redeployment, reconstitution, and retrograde. Regional Orientation – 5 TSCs 1st TSC Fort Bragg USARCENT AC 8TH TSC Hawaii USARPAC 21ST TSC Germany USAREUR 167TH TSC Alabama USARSO RC 377 TSC New Orleans USARNO
Distribution Integration Multinational Support
Sustainment Brigade X SUST CMD GRP S-1 – S-6 RST SJA PAO SURG SPO TG PAT MMT CSSB CSSB CSSB STB Plans Distribution Integration HHC Maintenance Mobility HR CO CSSAMO CL V Munitions FOOD SVC Supply & SVC Branch Aug Element MAINT HR PLT PSTL PLT Plans & Ops General Supply Branch Financial Management TRTMT CL III / Water Section Civil Mil Ops HR SQD TDS Field Services Multinational Support S-1 – S-4 SRC 12 SRC 63 RST (UMT)
HR / Sustainment Structure Relationship Mission Command / Technical Guidance / General Support
TSC + + XXX G-1/AG O O HRSC HRSC XXX G-1/AG SRC 12 HR Unit SRC 63 Sustainment Unit ESC + If Division not Task Org to a Corps XX G-1/AG SPO HROB SUST X S-1 X SPO HROB O MMT O TG PAT S-1 I I STB CSSB OR If BDE not Task Org to a Division Dependent on Sust Bde Mission HR Personnel Accountability Postal Operations Casualty Operations Mission Command Technical Guidance OPORD Direction General Support HR Postal
Theater HR / SRC 12 Organizations
HR Company HR Platoon & Squads Postal Platoon Military Mail Terminal (MMT) Theater Gateway Personnel Accountability Team (TG PAT)
HR Company Headquarters
Organizational Design MISSION Provide mission command, planning, and technical support to all assigned or attached HR or postal platoons. Doctrinal Responsibilities Long and short-term capability for PA, casualty operations and postal planning Can be employed to support an MMT, TG PAT or an SB providing area support. Provide PATs/CLTs at locations designated by HRSC, TG PAT, or HROB of Sustainment Brigade Coordinate logistics support (billeting, transportation, etc.) Coordinate HR issues with the HROB Ensure all PATs/CLTs have access to HR database systems HR 3/1/23//27 _____________ COMMAND SECTION 2/0/1//3 PLANS AND OPERATIONS SECTION 1/1/12//14 HQS SPT SECTION 0/0/10//10 HR Any combination of the two types of platoons, from three to seven platoons, are supported by the company headquarters. RULES OF ALLOCATION 1 per SB 1 per TG PAT (Existence) 1 per MMT (Existence) 1 Per 3-7 HR and/or Postal Platoons (Workload) FM 1-0, Figure 2-10 and ATP 1.0-2, Figure 1-10
Responsibilities of hr platoon
Organizational Design MISSION Provide casualty and/or personnel accountability support to all individuals and units to an assigned area of operations or serves as a supporting element of the Theater Gateway Personnel Accountability Team. Responsibilities of hr platoon FM 1-0, para 2-82 thru 2-86 A multifunctional platoon with the capability to provide Casualty and/or Personnel Accountability support to all individuals and units in an assigned AO. May also serve as a supporting element of the TG PAT HR 1/0/20//21 _______________ HEADQUARTERS 1/0/2//3 RULES OF ALLOCATION HR PLATOON 2 per TG PAT HR SQUAD (Casualty Liaison Team) (CLT) One per Role III Medical Treatment Facility One per Mortuary Affairs Company One per HRSC Casualty Operations Division One per General Officer Level Command (w/exception to ASCC/TSC) HR SQUAD (Personnel Accountability Team) (PAT) 1 per 600 personnel transiting through an intra-theater APOD (when daily numbers exceed 600 daily) HR SQUADS (3) 0/0/6//6 FM 1-0, Figure 2-11 and ATP 1.0-2, Figure 1-11
Casualty Liaison Team (CLT) Personnel Accountability Team
HR Squads Casualty Liaison Team (CLT) Personnel Accountability Team (PAT) MISSION: Provide accurate reporting and tracking of casualty info MISSION: Provide personnel accountability support to the theater HR SQUAD (CLT) HR SQUAD (PAT) Used by the HR Platoon to support the Theater casualty operations mission Provide accurate casualty information (reporting and tracking) at MTFs, Mortuary Affairs Collection Points, and higher HQs G-1/AGs, General Officer commands, and other locations as specified by the HRSC Also acts as liaison for each affected commander Used by the HR Platoon to support the Theater personnel accountability mission PATs provide personnel accountability at APOE/APOD, SPOD/SPOE, and FOBs where the daily transit numbers exceed 600. Provide PA of personnel entering, transiting, or departing the specific theater location. ATP 1-0.2, para 3-29 thru 3-30 ATP 1-0.2, para 2-40 thru 2-42 FM 1-0, para 2-91 thru 2-93
Postal Platoon Responsibilities POSTAL FINANCE SECTION
Organizational Design MISSION Provide postal support to all individuals and units in an assigned area or serve as an element of an MMT. 1/0/22 23 Postal Platoon Responsibilities ATP 1-0.2, para 4-43 _______________ HEADQUARTERS POSTAL FINANCE SECTION POSTAL SQUADS (2) 1/0/3//4 0/0/3//3 0/0/8//8 RULES OF ALLOCATION 1 per 6,000 personnel in each Sustainment BDE Area of Operations 4 per Military Mail Team FM 1-0, Figure 2-12 and ATP 1.0-2, Figure 1-12
Military Mail Terminal (MMT) Sustainment BDE w/Theater Opening Mission
MISSION: Provide postal support to an AOR by establishing an MMT which coordinates, receives, processes incoming mail and dispatches mail to CONUS MILITARY MAIL TERMINAL (MMT) TEAM MMT 2/1/15//18 MMT RESPONSIBILITIES ATP 1-0.2, para 4-39 _______________ HEADQUARTERS 2/0/3//5 OPERATIONS SECTION 0/1/2//3 POSTAL SQUAD A 0/0/5//5 POSTAL SQUAD B 0/0/5//5 AUGMENT RULES OF ALLOCATION 1 per Inter-theater APOD that dispatches mail via aircraft (Existence Based) FM 1-0, Figure 2-8 and ATP 1-0.2, Figure 1-9
Theater Gateway Personnel Accountability Team TG PAT RESPONSIBILITIES
Organizational Design MISSION Provide personnel accountability support to the theater by coordinating and providing Joint Operations Area-level reception, replacement, and redeployment support to gain / maintain personnel accountability of transiting personnel. TG PAT TG PAT RESPONSIBILITIES ATP 1-0.2, PARA 3-30 3/1/6//10 _______________ HEADQUARTERS OPERATIONS SECTION 2/1/1//4 1/0/5//6 Rule of Allocation: One per Inter-theater Aerial Port of Debarkation FM 1-0, Figure 2-9 and ATP 1-0.2, Figure 1-8
What are Rules of Allocation?
Part of the overall Force Management process Army G-3 exercises responsibility for Force Management by: Developing Rules of Allocation with Army functional proponents Developing standard organizational designs and approving all Army organizations Serving as lead for Total Army Analysis (TAA) HR ROA provide guidance on the number of HR units required to provide intended support Three types of Allocation Rules Manual – Standalone requirements Workload - Tied to a measurable logistical workload Existence – Ties a requirement for one unit to another HR Rules of Allocation Chapter 6 HR Planning and Operations
Applying Rules of Allocation (A Thought Process)
You ID what exists to perform that mission You apply the correct Rule to support that mission It starts with a Mission Requirement Capability Rule of Allocation Kill the enemy platoon Take the hill Secure the area Infantry Armor Artillery Rule: 1 to 3 ratio Need 1 Co Inf to 1 Platoon Enemy Provide postal support to approximately 17,000 authorized patrons in your AO HRSC MMT Team Postal Platoon Rule: 1 Postal Platoon per 6,000 personnel 17K pax = 3 Postal Platoons Provide casualty operations support to one Combat Support Hospital (CSH) and two General Officer HQs in your AO HRSC COD HR Platoon/HR Sqd (CLT) HR Co HQ Rule: 1 HR Squad (CLT) per Level III MTF, Mortuary Affairs Co, HRSC, and select GO HQ 1 LV III + 2 GO HQ = 3 HR Squads (CLT)
SRC 12 Rules of Allocation
HRSC TSC + + Rule One per TSC Existence TG PAT Rule One per inter- theater APOD Existence MMT TEAM Rule One per inter- theater APOD Existence MMT TM HR CO Rule One per TG PAT Existence TG PAT One per MMT Tm MMT TEAM HR PLT One per 3-7 *PLTs Workload HR COMPANY * HR, Postal or any combination Rule Two per TG PAT (1st 3,600 daily pax flow) - Existence One per 1,800 daily pax flow - Workload HR PLT HR SQD One HR Squad per Existence (CLT) Level III MTF Mortuary Affairs Co *GO-Level Commands HRSC Casualty Operations Division * With exception to ASCC/TSC One per *600 personnel transiting through an intra-theater APOD Workload (PAT) HR PLATOON * When daily transit numbers exceed 600 daily Rule Four per MMT Team Existence MMT One per 6,000 personnel Workload PSTL PLT HR CO 6,000 PERSONNEL (Cumulative) POSTAL PLATOON
Rules of Allocation PRACTICAL EXERCISE #1
Using the rules of allocation determine the correct number and type of SRC 12 organizations for a Sustainment Brigade with a Theater opening mission: serving a population of 5,800 personnel (military, DoD civilian, and authorized contractors); operating an Inter-theater APOD with an average pax flow rate of 2,000 personnel per day. PEAK #1: The HRSC/HROB would determine the need for: 1 TG PAT and 1 MMT Team (per inter-theater APOD) 5 Postal platoons – 4 per MMT team & 1 per 6k pax supported 2 HR Platoons – 2 per TG PAT (1st 3,600 pax flow) 2 HR company HQ – 1 to support the TG PAT and 1 to support the MMT Team and the 5 Postal Platoons
Rules of Allocation PRACTICAL EXERCISE #2
Using the ROA determine the correct SRC 12 structured to support an Area of Operations (Non-Theater Opening Mission) where the SB supports a total population of 18,000 personnel; operates two intra-theater APODs - one that processes 610 pax per day and one that processes 300 personnel per day; has one GO headquarters; and one Level III MTF. PEAK #2: The SRC 12 structure required would be: 1 HR Company HQ (1 per 3-7 HR or Postal Platoons) 3 Postal Platoons (1 per 6K supported population) 2 HR Squad (PAT) for the APOD w/ 600 per day 2 HR Squads (CLTs) – 1 for the Level III MTF and 1 for the GO HQ
Theater HR Staff Elements Non SRC 12
ASCC G-1/AG Primary Functions Sustainment Cell Contingency CP
Operational Sustainment Directorate G-1/AG G-4 G-8 Surgeon General Engineer Sustainment CP G1/AG Element Main CP ASCC G-1/AG Primary Functions Main CP Plan and prioritize HR support Assure unity of purpose and effort Maximize the readiness and operational capabilities of forces within theater Sustainment Cell Contingency CP Two person team Establishes and coordinates initial HR theater support operations May be augmented by other elements of the ASCC G1/AG main or IAs FM 1-0, para 2-3 and 2-5, Fig 2-1 Manpower Division Plans & Ops Programs, Policy Branch Awards & Actions Section Current Operations Section Individual Augmentee (IA) Management Section MWR Section Personnel Readiness Section Postal Section
Theater Sustainment Command G-1
Special Troops Battalion S-1
Supporting a Sustainment Brigade Supporting a Div/Corps/Army 1/0/4//5 1/1/9//11 STB S-1s of General Officer-level Organizations Same capabilities and responsibilities of brigade-level S-1s – including same access to top-of-the-system HR enabling systems STB S-1s are responsible for their own Essential Personnel Services and other HR support General officer HQs without an STB S-1 section or equivalent must be augmented by their higher HQs for HR support STB S-1 HR Plans & Ops PRM PA SR PIM CASUALTY Personnel Readiness Team EPS POSTAL MWR CMD PROGRAMS CUST SEV HR Services Team FM 1-0, para 2-34 STBs provide C2 for Division/Corps/Army and TSC HQs troops
Expeditionary Sustainment Command G-1
ESC G-1 PLANS AND OPERATIONS PA/SR/PRM/PIM PERSONNEL SERVICES 0/0/5 5 ESC G-1 Same organizational design of a TSC G-1, however, lacks specific support functions of a special troops battalion. Develops policies and plans for their respective areas of responsibility and provides guidance, priorities, and allocations to subordinate commands/units. Personnel Services Branch provides Essential Personnel Services for the ESC when there is no STB in support. ATP 4-94, para 2-96
Human Resources Sustainment Center
Theater Sustainment Command (TSC) Expeditionary Sustainment Command (ESC)
HRSC Organizational Design Regional Orientation – 5 HRSCs
++ 20/7/56//83 TSC ASCC G-1/AG Office, Director, HRSC 2/0/1//3 Plans & Opns Division PA/PRM/PIM Division Casualty Ops Division RSO Division Postal Ops Division 1/1/1//3 0/2/2//4 1/1/1//3 2/0/1//3 2/1/2//5 Tm A Tm A Tm A Tm A Tm A 1/0/4//5 0/2/7//9 0/1/6//7 1/1/4//6 1/0/3//4 Tm B Tm B Tm B Tm B Tm B 1/0/4//5 0/2/7//9 0/1/6//7 1/1/4//6 1/0/3//4 Regional Orientation – 5 HRSCs 1st HRSC Germany USAREUR AC 3d HRSC Jackson, MS USARNO RC 8th HRSC Hawaii USARPAC 14th HRSC Fort Bragg USARCENT 310th HRSC Columbia, SC USARSO MISSION. HRSC provides technical guidance and ensures execution of the personnel accountability, postal, casualty, and RSO functions performed by HR SRC 12 elements and the HR Operations Branch within the Sustainment Brigades or ESCs. FM 1-0, para 1-36 thru 1-38 Rule Of Allocation: 1 Per TSC
HRSC Link to TSC SPO Developing deployment / redeployment plans
Determining, in coordination with the TSC G-3 and SPO, the number, type, and location of HR resources Assessing the current situation and forecasting HR requirements Directing action to apply HR resources and support at decisive points and time Coordinating the execution of transportation support for mail movement to include enemy prisoner of war mail Conducting HR casualty operations Coordinating execution of transportation support to move transiting personnel within the theater, theater of operations, AO, or JOA Coordinating the execution of life support for arriving replacements and transiting personnel
HRSC Staff Sections PLANS & OPERATIONS DIVISION TEAMS (2) 1/1/1//3 1/0/4// 5 GROUP 1 PA / PRM / PIM DIVISION 0/2/2//4 0/2/7//9 GROUP 2 CASUALTY OPNS DIVISION 0/1/6//7 GROUP 3 POSTAL OPNS DIVISION 2/1/2//5 1/0/3//4 GROUP 4 RSO DIVISION 2/0/1//3 1/1/4//6 GROUP 5 GROUP PRACTICAL EXERCISE #3 The HRSC, as the senior theater HR element, is responsible for executing personnel accountability, casualty, and postal missions. HR technical guidance is provided by the various divisions of the HRSC and is passed to the ESC and Sustainment Brigade SPO HROBs, who then pass the information to the HR organizations assigned to sustainment units. Each group has 15 minutes to analyze the doctrinal responsibilities and HR technical guidance provided by their assigned HRSC Division. Identify the top three critical tasks and/or responsibilities for your assigned staff section and be prepared to defend your reasoning. Each group has 10 minutes to present their analysis to the class.
Human Resources Operations Branch
Expeditionary Sustainment Command (ESC) and Sustainment Brigade (SB)
Expeditionary Sustainment Command SPO - HR Operations Branch (HROB)
3/1/5//9 HROB A subordinate branch of the ESC SPO Plans, coordinates, integrates and synchronizes the activities of subordinate HR units in the deployed theater (attached to SBs) to ensure they are resourced, positioned, and properly allocated to provide Postal, Personnel Accountability Team, and Casualty support Interfaces with HRSC to ensure supported priorities are resourced appropriately Provides technical guidance for Sustainment Bde HROB and MMT Teams and TG PAT subordinate to the ESC HR Plans & Opns PA / Casualty Opns Postal
Sustainment Brigade SPO HR Operations Branch (HROB)
3/1/6//10 PA / Casualty Opns Postal HR Plans & Opns HROB The most important planning and coordinating elements on the battlefield for the delivery of HR support Plans, coordinates, integrates, and synchronizes personnel accountability, casualty, and postal operations missions Serves as integrator between the HRSC, supported units (G-1/S-1) and HR Companies, MMT Team and TG PAT Plans, projects, and recommends HR support for current/futures operations
HROB Critical Functions
Serves as integrator between supported units (G-1/AG and S-1) and sustainment organizations for the execution of external HR support Serves as integrator between the HRSC and assigned or attached HR organizations (HR Company, MMT Team, and TG PAT) for the execution of HR support Plans, projects, and recommends HR support requirements for current and future military operations (MDMP) Deploys as part of an ESC or SB early entry element to assist in establishing initial Theater PA, Casualty, and Postal Operations Ensures emplacement/displacement of HR support is synchronized with the concept of support plan for PA, Casualty, and Postal operations. Synchronizes non-HR support requirements with other sustainment elements and organizations (e.g., transportation, billeting, and feeding, etc. for transient personnel) FM 1-0, para 2-58
HROB HR Planning Considerations
The objective of providing HR support at the HROB level is to “ensure, extend and prolong endurance.” Personnel services complement logistics by planning for and coordinating efforts that provide and sustain personnel. The HROB within the SPO is the commander’s hub for HR integration, synchronization, planning, coordination, sustainment, and operations. The HROB a minimum mission-essential SPO asset that provides a well trained and capable staff to plan and coordinate sufficient HR organizations needed to provide execution-critical HR support based on the commander’s intent. Conceptual What to do and why Detailed How to do it Conceptual planning establishes objectives as well as a broad approach for achieving them Detailed planning works out the particulars of execution based on objectives already provided. (Commander’s intent and operational approach) Includes movement tables target lists, and control measures Concepts drives details Details influence concepts Integrated Planning ADRP 5-0, Figure 2-1
HROB Key Performance Indicators
HROBs develop key performance indicators to monitor and ensure HR Operations are fully integrated into overall sustainment operations. Personnel Accountability Operations Location of PAT assets and operational status at APOD/SPOD when daily pax flow rate is 600 or more per day Number of personnel arrived/departed in last 24 hours and number projected in next 24 hours Red, Green, Amber, status of each Personnel Processing Center Are TG PAT and HR Company PATs capturing all categories of personnel (Soldiers, Joint Service personnel, DoD civilians, contractors) Number of days personnel remain at the APOD/TG Casualty Operations Number of casualties reported in last 24 hours Red, Green, Amber status of each CLT Postal Operations Mail is secure, accounted for, and redirected Number and type of postal offenses tracked and corrected Number of days mail is static or undelivered Listing of FOBs in Sustainment Brigade AO and are they receiving mail daily or as often as OPTEMPO permits (Red, Green, Amber) Most recent postal inspection, status of inspection, and next scheduled inspection Number of tons of mail received versus dispatched Changes in population supported that may require reallocation of HR assets Assess P R E A L N X C U T Mission Command
Keys To Success Achieve / maintain HR situational awareness, situational understanding, and “operational adaptability” Engage with theater HR leadership and support HRSC / ASCC G-1/AG intent Understand doctrinal Rules of Allocation for HR assets and operational placement of HR assets and enablers Establish and maintain operational relevance with the ESC / SB SPO to ensure HR freedom of action, extend HR operational reach, and prolong HR endurance Actively participate in MDMP / RDSP processes; bring your HR expertise to the table Maintain mental agility and critical thinking - you are (or will likely be) operating in a persistent conflict and expeditionary environment Operational Adaptability = Relevance
Learning Objective Action: Review the HR Organizational Structure
Conditions: Senior HR Leaders in a classroom environment working individually and as a member of a small group, using doctrinal and administrative publications, practical exercises, case studies, personal experience, handouts, and discussion with an awareness of the Operational Environment (OE) variables and actors. Standard: Analysis includes: 1. Theater HR/Sustainment operational relationships and structure. 2. Functions, capabilities, and limitations of HR organizations and HR staff elements.
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