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Does Your Mom Download? Taking Your Library Podcast to the Next Level!

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Presentation on theme: "Does Your Mom Download? Taking Your Library Podcast to the Next Level!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Does Your Mom Download? Taking Your Library Podcast to the Next Level!
Central Minnesota libraries exchange (CMLE)

2 Introduction Mary and Angie Linking our Libraries
Reading with Libraries (formerly called Books and Beverages) Podcasters out there? Let’s hear from you!

3 What are we doing today? Introductions (hi!) Podcasting Basics
We’re in this part now Podcasting Basics Let’s all get some ideas Podcasting Problems Problems definitely happen – it’s okay! Strategies to Help You Keep Going! We’ve totally got this!

4 Some Podcast Basics What should we do?

5 Let’s Dive In!! Why podcast at all??
Podcasting can be relatively easy You can connect with your community It’s fun! Share ideas, information Why do you listen? Why do you podcast?

6 A few things every podcast needs:
A lot of time (waaaay more than you think!) Good length Mission statement Equipment Good content Self-motivation Good sound Training Good name Publicity

7 Everything takes more time and money than you think
Problems! Everything takes more time and money than you think

8 Equipment What to get? Who really knows what to do??
Angie’s article: Get Started Podcasting Prepare to spend money Mixer Microphones Stands Shock mounts Pop filters Cords

9 Editing and posting Editing for sound is key Audacity? Adding music?
Without good sound, the rest is pretty meaningless! Audacity? Adding music? Adding other content? Posting to your host

10 Hosting Figuring out where to host is an issue
Cost Ease of use You need to get it added to Stitchr, Google Play,iTunes, PocketCasts, etc. Issues will arise! You may need to move

11 Content Be interesting! Connect with a need in the audience Be concise
Think about word choices Have an outline, or a script Refer back to your other episodes Refer to other material

12 Making it accessible A surprising number of people have no idea how to download or stream! Does your mom download? Does your neighbor? Your kid? Everyone needs to be able to easily find it and listen! Put instructions EVERYWHERE! Every episode Every season compilation Every front page

13 Finding a name Try to be catchy, memorable
Search podcast sites to see if tons of similar ones come up

14 Publicity Think about how much time to expend here Business cards
Website Articles Posting to podcast sources Talking about it - constantly

15 You are here; might as well be successful
How to Keep Going! You are here; might as well be successful

16 Scheduling! Chunking Make a release schedule way in advance Seasons?
Writing Recording Editing Make a release schedule way in advance Seasons?

17 You need a team! You will be floored at how much you do not know!
Ask a lot of questions! Find YouTube videos you like Find other podcasters Find people who know your content, and your audience Work with other people! We each have a job – and it would be really hard to do everything alone!

18 Guests They make things interesting!
They provide content, insights, ideas Scheduling takes a lot of work Persuading people to participate can be a challenge Appeal to people’s interests to encourage them Reassure them, because people are nervous

19 Consistency! Post daily, weekly – people will forget you
Be consistent in your work Timeshift your perspective – remember when the episode will be aired

20 Keep Promoting! Keep talking about it. All. The. Time.
Link to episodes in other contexts (blogs, articles, etc.) Advertising? Consider it, but it’s unlikely to be meaningful

21 Listen to other podcasts
Get ideas about content Think about their structure Listen to their sound Skype? Live? It sounds terrible!

22 Wrapping it up You’ve got this!

23 A few of the surprises we found
Download numbers grow Mistakes are okay! People are interested and ask questions Asking questions does not = downloads

24 Email us:
Final thoughts: Have fun! Keep going, even when it’s a challenge Linking Our Libraries Reading With Libraries (formerly Books and Beverages) us: Do it!!!!

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