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Welcome to 2018 AP / Pre-AP Parent Information Night

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to 2018 AP / Pre-AP Parent Information Night"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to 2018 AP / Pre-AP Parent Information Night
Joseph A. Gregori High School 11/8/ :23 PM Welcome to 2018 AP / Pre-AP Parent Information Night © 2007 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

2 Tonight’s Agenda What are Advanced Placement Courses The Benefits
What it’s like to take AP Gregori’s AP course Offerings AP Exams Next Steps – Commitment  Meet with Teachers Syllabus and Summer work

3 What is Advanced Placement?
Honors Courses ("Pre-AP"): These classes proceed at a faster pace and cover material in more depth than regular college prep classes.  They offer stronger preparation for future AP Courses. Advanced Placement Courses ("AP"): College level curriculum including end-of-course AP Exam. Taking the course and AP exam sends a powerful message to colleges and universities that a student is ready for them, and can enable students to gain admission, college credit, and placement into advanced courses.

4 Advanced Placement – The Basics
AP courses are college-level courses offered in high school Courses reflect what is taught in top introductory college courses Students take AP Exams at the end of the course, measuring their mastery of college-level work A score of 3 or higher on an AP Exam can typically earn students college credit and/or placement into advanced courses in college Presenter can add to this information with the following points: Advanced Placement® is a program developed and overseen by the College Board, the not-for-profit organization that is responsible for the PSAT/NMSQT®, SAT®, and other programs and services in college readiness and college success that help more than seven million students each year prepare for a successful transition to college.

5 What are the Benefits of AP?
Students learn rigorous college-level content and skills Saves Money - Most of the nation’s colleges and universities, in addition to colleges and universities in 24 other countries, grant credit, and/or placement for qualifying AP Exam grades. More importantly, students learn perseverance. They may experience their “first B,” and learn what it takes to be a better student an excel. Standout in the admission process-higher GPA and comprehensive admission process. AP students have higher college GPAs and four year graduation rates. Scholarship Opportunities

6 AP from the College Admissions Perspective
The vast majority of colleges and universities report that a student’s AP experience favorably impacts admission decisions. Colleges rank grades in college-preparatory courses and strength of curriculum as the two top factors in the admission decision AP courses tell college admission officials that students are challenging themselves and preparing for the rigors they will encounter in their college careers

7 What are the Challenges of AP?
TIME MANAGEMENT: HOME WORK Minimum of five hours each week for EACH course BALANCING ACT - School, clubs, sports, friends, outside / family obligations STRESS: GRADES - Possibly getting a "B" or lower - students can not drop the course to preserve GPAs. HIGH SPEED MARATHON - August to May....finish line at AP EXAMS

8 Pre-AP & AP Course Offerings
Gregori High plans to offer 10 Honors (Pre-AP) and 16 AP courses in English, Mathematics, Science, Social Science, Foreign Language, Art, and Computer Science. This year students are taking exams.

9 English Department Pre-AP and AP Courses at Gregori HS:
Pre-AP GATE English 1-2 (9th) Pre-AP GATE English 3-4 (10th) AP English Language & Composition (11th) AP English Literature & Composition (12th)

10 Math Department Pre-AP and AP Courses at Gregori HS:
Pre-AP GATE Secondary Math I Pre-AP GATE Secondary Math II Pre-AP GATE Secondary Math III Pre-AP GATE Pre-Calculus AP Statistics AP Calculus AB AP Calculus BC AP Computer Science

11 Science Department Pre-AP and AP Courses at Gregori HS:
Pre-AP Physics Pre-AP Chemistry Pre-AP Biology AP Biology AP Physics AP Environmental Science

12 Social Science Department Pre-AP and AP courses at Gregori HS:
AP Human Geography (9th) AP European History (10th) AP United States History (11th) AP United States Government & Politics (12th) AP Psychology (11th or 12th)

13 Foreign Language Department Pre-AP and AP courses at Gregori HS:
Pre-AP Spanish III AP Spanish Language AP Spanish Literature

14 Performing Arts Department Pre-AP and AP courses at Gregori HS:
AP Studio Art: Drawing

15 AP Exam Fees There is an $94 fee for each AP Exam, which the College Board uses to: 1) develop, print, ship, and score the exams 2) subsidize teacher training 3) develop classroom resources 4) support educational initiatives Financial aid is available to those who qualify.

16 What’s the difference between credit and placement?
Some colleges award “credit” for qualifying AP Exam grades. This means you actually earn points toward your college degree. Other colleges award “advanced placement.” This means you can skip introductory courses, enter higher-level classes, and/or fulfill general education requirements. Each college and university has its own policies regarding AP credit and placement. The College Board offers information about AP credit at thousands of college and universities at

17 AP Credit and Placement Policy Information
General information regarding the AP credit policy of UC schools is available on the following web site: credit/ap-credits/index.html

18 Next Steps – Commitment!
When you and your student signed the ballot, you "committed" to the classes and to the summer homework assignments.   Please note: you will not be dropped from the class if you fail to complete the summer assignment, and you will not fail the class if you do not complete the assignment, however, failure to complete the assignment will affect your grade.   Please plan accordingly!  If you do not wish to be in a Pre-AP or AP class next year, please communicate your wishes via a phone call or an by Monday, May 14th to Associate Principal Mary Lomax

19 Next Steps – Commitment!
If you decide to pursue your course request, you must complete all summer assignments PRIOR to the first day of school. If you wish to drop your Pre-AP or AP class, please     communicate with Associate Principal     Mary Lomax by Monday, May 14th.  At the end of May, we will "build" our master schedule to accommodate your requests and you will receive confirmation by June 4th that you are scheduled for your Pre-AP / AP course requests.



SUMMER ASSIGNMENT Read To Kill a Mockingbird 50 double entry Characterization essay Both parts TYPED Due: First week of school GO TO GREGORI WEBSITE FOR COMPLETE INSTRUCTIONS and DUE DATES

Encourage your child to study EVERY NIGHT. Review all materials. Encourage your child to talk with teachers and ask for help. Refrain from cheating. Do the work. Get the grade earned. (Google is a place for answers not learning). The struggle is real!

24 Are You up for the challenge?

25 AP Human Geography Mrs. Amanda Neslen

26 What is Human Geography?
Topics Covered: Consequences of population growth, changing fertility rates, and international migration Impacts of technological innovation on transportation, communication, industrialization, and other aspects of human life Struggles over political power and control of territory Problems of economic development and cultural change Conflicts over the demands of ethnic minorities, the role of women in society, and the inequalities between developed and developing economics Explanation of why location matters to agricultural land use, industrial development, and urban problems The role of climate change and environmental abuses in shaping the human landscape on Earth Course Goal: By the end of the course, students should be more geoliterate, more engaged in contemporary global issues, and more multicultural in their viewpoints.

27 Expectations of an AP HUG Student:
Students need to be strong readers. We use a college textbook and college-level reading. Students need to be strong writers; a high level of writing is expected from all students in the course and is needed for success on the AP exam. Students need to take notes in class and at home. Students need to be self-motivated; there will be frequent assigned readings to be completed outside of class. Students need to be independent workers and be able to manage their studies. Students need to be very comfortable participating in and leading class discussions and presenting to their teachers and peers. Students need to be able to think globally and relate global trends to local areas. Students need to be mature and be able to handle mature material - we will be discussing many fascinating but sometimes troubling real-world topics.

28 Summer Homework You will need to complete a series of maps to create your own AP HUG World Atlas. We will refer back to these maps frequently over the year as we prepare for the AP Test in May. These 8 maps will be due on the first BLOCK period of the new school year and will serve as your first 100 points in the class. Students will take a test on these maps during the first two weeks of school—50 point test. Maps not received fully completed on the due date will be accepted for ½ credit. Please be sure to follow all directions completely paying careful attention to required colors, symbols, and neatness. Please contact me by if you have any questions. Do not wait until the very last minute to begin your maps!

29 Precautionary Warning:
Students who are used to earning A's in middle school with little outside reading or study will have to read and study diligently outside of class or risk getting C's or below.  While these expectations are high, I will help you transition to high school and AP classes in a careful way. You will be challenged, but you will also be supported. The class is meant to give you a solid base to further your academic career especially in Social Studies. Together we can have a great year if you will take on the challenge to work hard and put forth the required effort to make the most of this opportunity.

30 How can you help your student prepare now?
Encourage your student to read the newspaper or watch the news to stay up to day on current local and global issues Engage your student in conversation about issues in the news Buy/borrow an AP Human Geography Review Book to start previewing topics Check Barnes and Noble or Amazon Quiz your student on World country locations or encourage them to use an online quiz to prepare for World Map Test

31 Pre-AP Secondary Math I
Mr. Brandon Harker

32 Gregori CLAW Please sign up to help us with CLAW!


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