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Council of Members 27 June 2018
Chief Clinical Officer’s Update Dr Stewart Findlay
Incentive for over-spending but improving practices? Urgent Care
FAIR FUNDING SCHEME Nursing home patients Deprivation Incentive for over-spending but improving practices? Urgent Care TAPs pooled budgets Smoothing effect? High Cost Patients. Top slice Penalties reinvested in PC
slow IT systems NECS aware of the problem
Problem is so much is now done through the cloud Computers are old Band width inadequate Solutions New equipment for the slowest now COIN procurement will increase bandwidth considerably Considering closing down public access temporarily.
Election of Chair and Locality Leads
Dr Jonathan Smith Clinical Chair term ends 31 July 2018 Dr Dilys Waller Locality Lead term ended 30 April 2018 Dr Rushi Mudalagiri Locality Term will end in November 2019 Dr Winny Jose
Election of Chair and Locality Leads
Jonathan Smith would like to run for a second term as Clinical Chair. Dilys Waller, Winny Jose and Rushi Mudalagiri would like to work a second term as Locality Leads. Could anyone who is interested themselves in these positions please express your interest directly to me? Election process. Please do so by Friday 13 July at the latest. If no interest is received then the above candidates will be automatically re-elected.
Annual Report 2017/18
Annual Report Overview:
The annual report is a narrative report providing a summary of the year, including review of performance and achievements along with forward planning. Requirements: All CCGs are required to prepare an annual report and set of annual accounts for the year ended 31 March 2018. Deadlines and timetables are set by NHS England with expected content of the annual report and accounts set out in the ‘CCG Annual Reporting Guidance’. Final audited annual report and accounts were signed off by Audit Committee on 21 May 2018 using delegated authority from Governing Body in accordance with national deadlines. These are required to be presented at an AGM and are published on the CCG website. This annual report provides further details of all items covered today.
Annual Report The ‘CCG Annual Reporting Guidance’ is relatively prescriptive in terms of the required content of the annual report. The Performance Report provides a summary of performance during the year, progress against targets, work to improve health outcomes and a financial review. The Accountability Report provides an overview of the governance of the CCG, it includes the Statement of Accountable Officer’s Responsibilities, which is a standard statement signed by Dr Findlay to confirm that his responsibilities have been properly discharged.
Annual Report Included within the Accountability Statement is the Governance Statement This statement by the Accountable Officer is designed to be a standalone document which tells the governance story for the full year. It includes details of the governance framework of the CCG, including information about the Governing Body and its committees, risks management arrangements, internal controls, information governance etc. It is pleasing to note that there are no significant internal control issues to report within the statement. In addition, the annual report includes details of staffing, remuneration, and the external auditors opinion. The financial statements/annual accounts are appended to the report.
Review of 2017/18
Key Successes Implemented new urgent care model Developed PCH
Developed new TAPs clinical leads Full procurement of adult community services Ongoing implementation of award winning diabetes pathway Enhanced CYP Community Eating Disorder service Dementia diagnosis rates significantly above national levels Continuing GP Career start scheme Support for vulnerable GP practices
Key Areas of Work during 2017/18
Integral role in development of the STP Development of Integrated Community Services via Primary Care Homes (PCHs) Implementing the commissioning plans including working with other CCGs Developing estates strategy working with NHS Property Services Exploring the development of an Accountable Care Partnership for mental health (and LD) New Ways of working with NECS – customer controlled
Key Areas of Public Engagement in-year
Commissioning Priorities event – October 2017 Urgent Care, Cancer, Smoking/Respiratory, Elderly Care Stroke services Care Navigation Mental Health Crisis and Home Treatment Primary Care Services Dementia Services Ophthalmology Community Services
CCG Performance against key NHS Constitutional Targets 2017/18
Outcome Met? Referral to Treatment (18 weeks) Performance for the year was 92.8% (target delivered for 11 out of 12 months) P Diagnostic Test waiting times Achieved the target throughout the year Accident & Emergency (4hr) Main provider performance = 91.4% (against a target of 95%) X Cancer waiting times Performance of 79.7% for 62 day target (against a target of 85%) Healthcare acquired infections Zero cases of MRSA, and Cdiff cases within the target for the year Please note that ambulance response times targets were suspended during the year.
CCG Performance 2017/18 – A&E by provider
Outcome – vs target of 95% of patients seen within 4 hours Target Met? North Tees and Hartlepool NHS Foundation Trust Performance = 97.2% P County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust Performance = 91.4% X City Hospitals Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust Performance of 91.2%
Performance Challenges
A&E target failed for year Ambulance handover delays unacceptable IAPT mental health target missed 62 day Cancer waits missed
Financial Performance Review 2017/18
Statutory financial duties 2017/18
Target Outcome Met? Maintain expenditure within ‘in-year’ funding allocation plus 0.5% uncommitted as required by NHS England Total in-year surplus of £2.827million against a total revenue resource limit of £ million P Maintain running costs within running cost allowance Surplus of £0.621million delivered on running cost budgets Maintain capital spending within capital resource limit Nil capital allocation and no capital spend in year Ensure cash spending is within the cash limit set Cash managed within available resources All statutory financial duties and targets were achieved.
Other financial targets 2017/18
Compliance with better payment practice code Target is to pay at least 95% of valid invoices within 30 days For 2016/17, 99.6% (99.8% by value) of non-NHS invoices and 99.7% (99.9% by value) of NHS invoices were paid within 30 days Quality, Innovation, Productivity and Prevention (QIPP): Planned QIPP efficiencies delivered in full for 2017/18: QIPP Plan 2017/18 Actual QIPP 2017/18 £'000 £’000 CCG (allocative) efficiencies 12,089 12,377
Independent auditors opinion
The annual accounts have been audited by Ernst and Young LLP (External Auditors) Audit Opinion Opinion Issued Truth and fairness of the financial statements Unqualified opinion issued Regularity of the financial statements Proper arrangements for securing economy, efficiency and effectiveness in use of resources
Looking Forward….
Priorities for the coming year
Primary care Primary Care Resilience GP Recruitment Primary Care Homes (PCHs) Integrated Care – primary care led working (PCHs) TAPs Budgets Personal health budgets. VAWAS and work with Federations Estates – efficient and cost effective use of our estate.
Priorities for the coming year
Cancer – Ensuring timely treatment, improving uptake of screening, and supporting people living with and beyond cancer. Commissioning Priorities in a new world pathway reviews, children’s servicesservices, Mental health LD / Autism – increasing health checks, improving community support services. SEND – improve the support offer by working in partnership with DCC, Healthwatch and families. Commissioning Support – working collaboratively with NECS to deliver best possible health outcomes.
Priorities for the coming year
Supporting older people – increase independence and reduce dependence where possible. Working in Partnership ICS ICP 5CCGs The Durham Plan for integration ACP for Mental Health GP streaming/Enhanced access to Primary Care A&E waits Improved ambulance response times Reduced Stranded Patients Trusted Assessor and home to assess
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