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Submission Title: [TG3 BSIG PM Pitch 16Jun00]

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Presentation on theme: "Submission Title: [TG3 BSIG PM Pitch 16Jun00]"— Presentation transcript:

1 Project: IEEE 802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs)
Submission Title: [TG3 BSIG PM Pitch 16Jun00] Date Submitted: [09july00] Source: [John Barr] Company [Motorola] Address [50 E. Commerce Drive, Schuamburg, IL 60173] Voice:[ ], FAX: [ ], Re: [00165R1P802-15_TG3-High-Rate-Agenda-July00.xls] Abstract: [TG3 Chair Report to WG] Purpose: [TG3 chair report to WG to update them from the last session on all work items.] Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by July 2000 doc.: IEEE /174r0 July 2000 John Barr, Motorola John Barr, Motorola

2 IEEE 802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks
July 2000 doc.: IEEE /174r0 July 2000 802.15 IEEE Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks TG3 Status Report July 2000, San Diego, CA USA John Barr, Motorola John Barr, Motorola

3 Agenda Goals of July Meeting IEEE 802.15.3 PAR
Status and plans for TG3 Companies Proposing MAC/PHY BT-2 SIG PM Collaboration Agreement July Document List John Barr, Motorola

4 Goals of the July Meeting
Approve results of conference calls 110r10P802-15_TG3-Criteria-Definition Continuation of CFP Presentations Initiate sub-committee work to analyze and compare PHY/MAC proposals. Update criteria definition if required. Identify SEP00 Objectives & Graphic John Barr, Motorola

5 July 2000 IEEE PAR Wireless Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications for High Rate Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPAN) … wireless connectivity with fixed, portable and moving devices within or entering a Personal Operating Space (POS) (up to 10 meters in all directions enveloping a person) … interoperability or coexistence with other TG … coexistence with other wireless devices in conjunction with Coexistence Task Groups such as … low complexity, low cost, low power … >20Mbps to satisfy a set of consumer multi-media industry needs for WPAN communications. John Barr, Motorola

6 Status and Plans for TG3 Construction of Initial Draft Schedule
July 2000 Status and Plans for TG3 Construction of Initial Draft Goal: everything you need to know to construct the lower layers of high rate WPAN (future Bluetooth?) Schedule Goal: Produce a Standard by the end of 2001 or early 2002 Next Steps Goal: Review of proposals, July, Selection of candidate MAC/PHY, September, Working Group draft, May, Sponsor ballot, November, 2001. John Barr, Motorola

7 Teleconference Calls Held every Tuesday between F2F meetings.
July 2000 Teleconference Calls Held every Tuesday between F2F meetings. Completing criteria and evaluation method in preparation for July meeting. Results of teleconference calls will be presented as revision of doc:00/110 for approval by TG and WG. John Barr, Motorola

8 Companies Proposing MAC/PHY
July 2000 Companies Proposing MAC/PHY Intermec Kodak Motorola (2) Radiata LinCom Broadcom Intersil (March) TI Time Domain Wi-LAN (Subm) Alantro Supergold John Barr, Motorola

9 July 2000 Submissions John Barr, Motorola

10 BT-2 SIG PM Collaboration Proposal
July 2000 BT-2 SIG PM Collaboration Proposal tracks BT-1 (1.1) as baseline standard Study group to determine how to track BT-2 BSIG PM and IEEE determine how to establish guidelines for adoption of externally defined radio standards by BSIG PM BSIG PM and IEEE establish common marketing message FAQ a top priority Articles John Barr, Motorola

11 Market Segmentation 802.15.3 (BT-3?) BT-2 BT-1 Cost 1 >20 8-10
July 2000 Market Segmentation Cost Broadband Multi-media BT-2 Multi-media (BT-3?) Audio BT-1 1 >20 8-10 Performance (Mbps) John Barr, Motorola

12 Major Issues for July Plenary
Does criteria document adequately reflect goals of WG? Potential updates. Assign subcommittees for evaluation of PHY/MAC proposals prior to September meeting. John Barr, Motorola

13 July Supporting Documents
John Barr, Motorola

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