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Developing a Middle School Distance Running Program

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1 Developing a Middle School Distance Running Program
Understanding the Process Issues to Consider 11/8/2018

2 Know your Culture / Resources
Are you A middle school coach only? 1. Facilities 2. Budget 3. Assistants / staff 4. tradition Are you a H.S. coach for boys / girls? 11/8/2018

3 Know your Culture/Resources
Do you coach xc/ track? Continuity in training is important Share responsibility with older runners Familiarity with training is important Communicate with xc coach -get information about individuals 11/8/2018

4 Answer to the previous questions provides your starting point
Organize your program based on your needs Take time to assess current situation prior to track season Communicate in pre-season with prospective athletes 11/8/2018

5 The Big Picture Track / Field is a different sport Not xc,
Opportunity to develop individuals -work on speed -improve form -bridge training into a cycle not a season 11/8/2018

6 Establish a Timeline Modify the m.s. season
Get varsity started first, 1wk or 2wks Allow m.s. to begin on their own Send out information to parents -educate, inform, practice times, and expectations 11/8/2018

7 Scheduling Know the reality of your resources
-make season shorter but worth while -experience must be fun -have a culminating meet to end on. -host banquet to honor participants -keep records, post results 11/8/2018

8 Middle School distance training
Design training by grouping athletes -Beginning runners -experienced runners 11/8/2018

9 Beginning runners Establish workout routine
-warmup/ stretch/ workout/ cool down -begin program conservative, inc. teaching -Share big picture of process but take little steps -allow 2 week adjustment period 11/8/2018

10 Beginning runners Make practice fun
-run relays for evaluating strengths -do 4x200, 4x400,4x800 Teach fundamentals during this time: -handoffs, form on finish, energy output 11/8/2018

11 Cont.: beginning runners
Allow runners to view a meet before participating in one Pass out order of event forms Recommend 4-6 weeks of practice before competing -want experience to be positive, start out 1 event at first 11/8/2018

12 Beginners cont: Allow ms runners to try all events
-provides fun,in practice and meets -provides evaluation opportunity -keeps practice interesting -prevents athletes from becoming bored 11/8/2018

13 More on beginning suggestions
Advocate one race per week, I suggest no more than 2 wks of 2 races. Schedule can / will influence success -over racing beginning ath. will increase: soreness, injuries and discouragement Practice 4 days during week 11/8/2018

14 How much mileage?? Goal is to get beginners up to 2 ½-3 for a run, not including wmup/ cooldwn Encourage a long run but don’t require -individual discretion Point out improvement as miles go up Running should leave athlete wanting more 11/8/2018

15 Distance Training for M.S
Key components of your program: Three phases of training -Base / strength training -Interval training / pacing -Speed work / tapering 11/8/2018

16 Basic training cont: M.S. runners should keep mileage below 30 mi. per/wk Can follow h.s. schedule with modifications. Require a day off during week Individualize for ability and age. 11/8/2018

17 Basic training cont: Mandate warmup as a team with age grouping.
Ensure that M.S. runners run M.S. -use common sense based on ability -don’t allow them to miss this opportunity -save advanced m.s. runners for inv. 11/8/2018

18 Phase 1.: base / strength training. First 1/3 of season
Get into routine, wmup/stretch/cooldwn Use strides as form wk / cond. Jog back Allow 2 weeks of running before incorporating: -hills, fartlek work on track, relays for wkouts, indian runs, ultimate frisbee -continue to build mileage in this phase 11/8/2018

19 Sample week of phase 1. Mon-800 wm up, stretch, 2-3 mi. 800 cool down
Tues-800 wmup, stretch,jog 1 mile, 5x hills, jog 1 mile, 4x110 jog back Wed.-off Thurs-800 wmup, stretch,4x110 jog bk,2-3 miles, 800 coo ldown 11/8/2018

20 Phase 1 sample week: cont.
Friday- 800 wmup, stretch, 2-3 miles, 4x110 jog back, 800 cool down Saturday-off Sunday 800 wmup, stretch, 3-5 easy -long runs are optional and need to be based on individual basis. 11/8/2018

21 Phase 2: Intervals/pacing: middle 1/3 of season
Racing is part of the training plan One workout and one meet a week Set goals for events with all athletes Pace is set by what the athlete can handle that will enable finishing all of the workout. 11/8/2018

22 Phase 3. : tapering / speed
Emphasis is on quality not quantity Workouts are done faster than race pace One meet per week, focus on event Make workouts event specific Long runs are replaced by easy/shorter runs. Strides are faster than earlier in year. 11/8/2018

23 Sample week: Phase 3 Workout for 6:00 miler, all days start with a 800 wmup/ stretching. Mon-3xplyometrics, 1x %, full rec., 100%, full rec,800 wm down, walk, stretch Tues-2-3 miles, 4x110 gradual pickup 11/8/2018

24 Phase 3: sample wk. Cont. Wed- off
Thurs-3x plyometrics, 2min rec, 1:25, 2min rec, sec, 800 cool dwn, Fri-3x stretch Sat- concluding meet of m.s. season 11/8/2018

25 Final thoughts / Suggestions
Most important Aspects of developing M.S. Distance program: -Planning -making experience fun -not throwing them to the wolves. -educating runners / parents -developing / promoting team concept 11/8/2018

26 Important points to remember
Be patient allow development to take place: -hold back sensational athletes. -don’t get greedy/ over race athletes -don’t skip training phases -emphasize wmups/ cool dwn/ stretching for team bonding. Require it! 11/8/2018

27 Remember: No workout program or schedule will work for all of your athletes: -Use common sense ease up for, injuries,illness, fatigue -Utilize bad weather for: educating by use of handouts and viewing tapes, use time to learn how to do plyometrics/ form wk 11/8/2018

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