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Jeopardy Final Jeopardy Biomes $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy Final Jeopardy Biomes $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeopardy Final Jeopardy Biomes $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200
Carbon and Nitrogen Cycle Species Interactions Trophic levels and foodwebs Population Dynamics Biomes $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 Final Jeopardy

2 A-Cellular Respiration
1 - $100 Animals and plants return Carbon Dioxide to the atmosphere through this process Cellular Respiration Photosynthesis Consumption Carbon fixing A-Cellular Respiration

3 1 - $200 D-All of the Above How is carbon returned to the atmosphere?
Organisms release it during respiration. It is released during the burning of fossil fuels. It is released during volcanic activity. All of the above. D-All of the Above

4 1 - $300 B- Nitrogen Fixation
The process in which Nitrogen Gas from the atmosphere is converted by bacteria into a usable form of ammonia is called_______. Nitrification Nitrogen fixation Carbon Cycle Assimilation B- Nitrogen Fixation

5 1 - $400 The burning of fossil fuels has released more carbon dioxide in to the atmosphere than what would naturally exist. This human activity has caused what ecological issue? Global Warming Water Pollution Loss of habitat Soil erosion A-Global Warming

6 1 - $500 What is the only possible order of sequence for the Carbon cycle? Fossil fuels  Burning/Combustion  Atmosphere  Photosynthesis  Death Burning/Combustion  Fossil fuels  Atmosphere  Death  Photosynthesis Atmosphere  Fossil fuels  Burning/Combustion  Death  Photosynthesis Death  Fossil fuels  Atmosphere  Burning/Combustion  Photosynthesis A

7 2 - $100 In the Population graph species A is most likely a ___________. Prey Predator Decomposer Herbivore A-Predator

8 2 - $200 Wolves niche or job in the Yellowstone ecosystem includes which of the following? Hunt Herbivores to limit their populations Feed on dead animals which helps recycle nutrients in an ecosystem Cause the decay of dead organisms, which releases usable energy to herbivores and carnivores Produce energy from the Sun that supplies energy for the entire ecosystem A

9 2 - $300 Flowering plants provides a source of food for the animal in the form of nectar. In return, the animal provides a service by spreading the pollen of the flower from plant to plant, increasing the spread of genetic information and providing for more biological diversity. This symbiotic relationship would best be described as __________. Commensalism Predation Parasitism Mutualism D- Mutualism

10 2 - $400 One interesting symbiotic relationship is the hornworm caterpillar and the braconid wasp. The wasp lays eggs inside the hornworm, which then hatch and kills the host.  What type of relationship is this? Commensalism Predation Parasitism Mutualism C- Parasitism

11 2 - $500 Barnacles are normally sessile, or non-moving sea creatures. Some barnacles have attached themselves to the sides of various sea life, such as whales, in order to have a more advantageous position in life. These barnacles benefit by receiving transportation all over the ocean, which exposes them to more currents and feeding opportunities than they would normally experience. The whale neither benefits nor is harmed by the barnacles. What type of symbiotic relationship is described above? Commensalism Predation Parasitism Mutualism A- Commensalism

12 3 - $100 Plants are called producers because they make their own food (sugars) from carbon dioxide, water and energy from the Sun. This process is called_______. Cellular Respiration Photosynthesis Oxygenation Plants must consumer their food B- Photosynthesis

13 3 - $200 What Population would most likely decrease if the goat population increased? Jackal Lion Snake Green Plant D- Green Plant

14 3 - $300 A- Tertiary Predators
Which trophic level will have the least amount of energy available? Tertiary Predators (Lion and Eagle) Secondary Consumers (Jackal, Wild Cat, Owl and Snake) Primary Consumers (Mouse, Rabbit, Goat) Producers ( Green Plants) A- Tertiary Predators

15 3 - $400 If trophic level 1 had 10,000 KJ of energy available, how much energy would trophic level 2 have? 100 KJ 100,000 KJ 1000 KJ 10,000 KJ C KJ

16 3 - $500 Which trophic level would the herbivores be in? 1 2 3 4 B 2

17 4 - $100 Amount of wind, sunshine, precipitation and type of soil in an ecosystem are factors that can affect the carrying capacity of a population. These limiting factors are called_____. Biotic Factors Weather Abiotic factors None of the above C- Abiotic Factors

18 4 - $200 The amount of herbivores in an ecosystem can affect the carrying capacity of a population of lions. This type of limiting factor is called a(n) _________ Biotic Factor Weather Abiotic factor None of the above A- Biotic Factor

19 4 - $300 B- Carrying Capacity
The area of the graph marked by the X would best be described as. Predator/Prey relationship Carrying Capacity Exponential Growth B- Carrying Capacity

20 4 - $400 This graph would best be described as what type of population growth? Exponential Growth Predator/Prey relationship Logistic Growth No Growth is present C- Logistic Growth

21 4 - $500 A- Exponential Growth
This section of the graph would best be described as what type of population growth? Exponential Growth Predator/Prey relationship Logistic Growth No Growth is present A- Exponential Growth

22 5 - $100 This Biome would best be described as cold, snowy and filled with Coniferous trees. Predators in this Biome would include Wolves and Grizzly Bears. Temperate Forest Taiga Desert Tundra B-Taiga

23 B- Tropical Rainforest
5 - $200 This Biome features a warm humid climate with lots of precipitation. This Biome features the greatest amount of Biodiversity. Temperate Forest Tropical Rainforest Desert Tundra B- Tropical Rainforest

24 5 - $300 This Biome’s has a limited Biodiversity due to warm temperatures and low precipitation. Temperate Forest Tropical Rainforest Desert Tundra C- Desert

25 5 - $400 The surface of the Earth is heated unevenly. What does this cause? Wind currents The seasons The tides Global warming A-Wind Currents

26 5 - $500 The tilt of the Earth as it travels around the sun causes____ Wind currents The seasons The tides Global warming B-The Seasons

27 Final Jeopardy The Greatest Player in NFL History is?

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