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Presentation on theme: "DIOXIN EMISSIONS IN LITHUANIA"— Presentation transcript:

VYTAUTAS KRUSINSKAS Ministry of Environment CARSTEN LASSEN COWI A/S The Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania

2 Inventory Dioxin and Furan Releases in Lithuania
DANCEE - Danish Cooperation for Environment in Eastern Europe Ministry of the Environment of the Republic of Lithuania Prepared by: COWI A/S, Denmark dk-TEKNIK ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT, Denmark COWI Baltic, Lithuania The Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania

Main Category Air Medium Range Water Medium Range Land Medium Product Residues Waste incineration 0.36 0.65 Ferrous (n.f.)metal production 0.09 0.24 Power generation, heat 2.6 0.88 Production mineral prod. 0.38 0.06 Transport 0.07 Uncontrolled combustion 14 13 Production,use chemicals products 0.42 Miscellaneous 0.08 <0.004 0.21 Disposal and waste water 0.02 3.1 TOTAL 0.1 17 0.43 18 The Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania

4 Example: Emission factors for cement production
Classes (UNEP Toolkit) Emission factor µg I-TEQ/t of cement 1. Wet kilns, ESP temperature >300 °C 2. Wet kilns, ESP/FF temperature 200 to 300 °C 0.6 3. Wet kilns, ESP/FF temperature <200 °C and all types of dry kilns _________________________________________________________ Cement production in Lithuania: Wet kiln, ESP temperature 200 °C Emission factor: Medium: µg I-TEQ/t of cement Range: µg I-TEQ/t of cement The Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania

5 Dioxin emission to air - Lithuania 2000
The Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania

6 Dioxin release to water - Lithunia 2000
The Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania

7 Dioxin release to residues - Lithunia 2000
The Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania

8 Other countries Country Emissions to air g I-TEQ/year (medium values)
Total Per million capita Austria (1994) 29 4 Germany (1995) 334 Lithuania (2000) 17 (2.6-38) 5 (0.7-11) Sweden (1993) 55 (22-88) 6 (2-10) U.K. (1997) 441 ( ) 7 (4-11) Slovak Rep. (1993) 43 8 France (1998) 983 17 Denmark (1998/99) 95 (19-170) 18 (4-32) Switzerland (1995) 180 25 Finland (1995) 150 (99-198) 29 (19-39 The Netherlands (1991) 486 31 Belgium (1995) 662 65 Luxembourg (1995) 30 75 The Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania

9 Power generation and heating
Source Ctaegory Activity TJ/year Annual Annual Emission g I – TEQ/year Medium Range Range Power plant and boiler houses Fossil fuel/waste co-fired power boilers 0.0 - Coal fired power boilers 304 0.003 Heavy fuel fired power boilers 20,615 0.05 Light fuel oil/natural gas fired power boilers 47,423 0.02 Wood fired power boilers 273 0.01 Landfill gas and biogas combustion Domestic heating and cooking Contaminated wood/biomass fired stoves 220 0.34 Virgin wood/biomass fired stoves 20,725 2.1 Coal fired stoves 570 0.04 Oil fired stoves 51 0.0005 Natural gas fired stoves 7,532 Total 29,101 2.5 1.1-5 The Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania

10 Uncontrolled burning processes
Activity t Emission factor µg I-TEQ/t Emission g I-TEQ/year Range Medium Fires/burnings - biomass Forest, grassland and moor fires 5,000-8,000 5 1-10 0.03 0,005-0,08 Agricultural residue burning (in field) 5,000-50,000 30 2-50 0.8 Landfill fires - 1000 5.5 0.6-10 Uncontrolled waste burning Open burning of wood (construction/demolition) 860-6,200 60 20-200 0.2 Uncontrolled domestic waste burning 10,000-31,000 300 50-500 6.1 0.5-16 Accidental fires in vehicles and houses Accidental fires in vehicles (per event) 228 94 30-200 0.02 Accidental fires in houses, factories 1, 400 1 Total 22,000-99,000 14 1.2-32 The Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania

11 Uncontrolled burning of waste
 35,000 inhabitants 2, ,000 inhabitants  2,000 inhabitants Part of total population 46.1% 22.1% 31.8 % Percentage of households not connected 20% 80% Generation af waste, kg/person/year 240 180 60 Generation af combustible waste, kg/person/year 81 55 20 Total amount of combustible waste of households not connected, t 25,600 8,300 18,500 The Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania

12 Improvement of the inventory
Investigation of the extent of uncontrolled burning of waste products Obtain more exact information on flue gas treatment used for production of cement and waste incineration (emission factors evt. confirmed by measurements) Improvement quality of stastitical data for all activities Strengthening the information management capacities The Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania

13 The Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania
Measures Reduction of uncontrolled burning of waste products Collection of waste Information campaigns Improved landfill practice Reduced use of chlorinated plastics and other chlorinated products Increased air pollution control for power generation, cement production and waste incineration (if a need is confirmed by further investigation) The Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania


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